Does Luna ever join Kazuma's party?

Does Luna ever join Kazuma's party?

I want to have a fiendly, nice chat with her.


She probably features in many adventurer dreams paid to succubi.

>everybody paying for succubus dreams
>they don't know that she's worried she won't be able to get married and have a man in her life and would be an easy target if they wanted

That's probably the case for real women too. That's why you stick with 2D, your gapping is justified, since you can't get the actual girl.


It's not like nobody ever hits on her.
The problem is anyone who approached her clearly just wanted to get into her shirt.

The two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

Dating will likely lead to sex eventually, but that's different from dating just for sex specifically.

I stick to 2D because 3D is shit, friendo

obviously not or you'd know

This is an Aqua-sama thread now.

Axis cult pls leave.

go away reddit

Quick! Everyone post smart things! Smart things are their weakness!










Sup Forums pls go and stay go


Oh, a Sup Forums friend, glad to see ya here mate.

>he's just dumping his folder without any attempts at discussion
Literally retarded.

There are literally no more any Megumeme fags, and the Lalatinafags are sleeping right now.



So how does the coat stay up?

Same as megumin maybe? luna does have a collar too

dumb Aqua poster stop ruininng Aqua with this nonsensical hijacking

Last one, I'm going to college.


>hijacking a dead thread
Sasuga Aquafags

not any worse than megufags hijacking s4s for half a year

s4s isn't a real board, who cares?

>Give side character the sexiest design

Luna, Yunyun, and Wiz should have been the main 3

Make that Chris and we're good.

What the fuck did you say you faggot? I'll eat your ass
I mean beat your ass

I mean, did you guys read the sidestories? Vanir already revealed that she's pretty desperate. And that desperation is actually what puts off people (like Kazuma) from approaching her. I think Kazuma says so himself; she's nice eye candy, but not a suitable marriage candidate.

No, Luna is for Vanir


I'm only a secondary but Luna has always seemed like best girl.

She's barely even a character so if you're thinking of watching the show just for her then it's not really worth the effort.

>Axis shitposter too dumb to use proper grammar
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Why would I trust Kazuma on marraige matters

Kazuma kills himself after Wiz waste his 2000000000 eris and no one can ressurect him. Teh End