What's your latest purchase?
Buyfag thread
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This is the pinnacle of art
this, if you mean preorders
Most buyfags will never upgrade from this
I really hope this turns out okay.
Don't get your hopes up. It's Pulchra, and even the prototype marketing pictures look bad.
Dude that's disgusting
Is he standing on Mitty?
I know this is getting meme'd but how bad is Pulchra actually, was it just that one really bad fig? Do they often have a big difference in the promo and end result? I want this hella bad, but if it's gonna be ass I just want off this wild ride.
No, but if they made one where she was standing on placemat-kun I'd buy it for sure.
These just came in
Those welds between hand and chest really ruin it for me. It is either a sign for lack of care or a very inexperienced manufacturer. And I want a fluffy bunny as much as the next guy.
I guess I'll wait and see how the final product turns out, look at some pictures and if it's good pick one up on the aftermarket.
Just go look up there stuff on MFC and see for yourself. This board is autistic as fuck and will use GSC or Alter as their base line.
So, I'll be in Akihabara soon, and I want to get the Tawawa books just for the sake of having them. As those are Comiket releases, I guess I'll have a greater chance to get them from Toranoana or Mandarake (and maybe K-Books? Feel free to suggest any store)
The thing is, I know jack shit about moonrunes and how the nips actually arrange books on their floors. I fear it'll be like looking for a needle in a hay stack.
We order them by "A", then "B", then well, you get it. Does it kinda work the same way over there, despite the kanji system? Should I look for a particular one? Title is 月曜日のたわわ
It's not ideal, but we're probably not going to get much else.
fuck off tripfag
also, you cant have a 'weld' between two furry appendages, because the fur will simply intermingle. it would be wrong for the two to be distinct and touching
Just look at the official pictures for this one, and you have enough information without having to even consider their past figures. I already posted this on a previous thread, but the sculpt looks bad and lacks a lot of detail which you can notice by the overall soft look, the colors look way over pastel, and almost sunbleached, the pose makes it look like she's shitting herself, and the paint on areas like her shoulder details are awful.
Got the preorder from a guy on MFC.
Hopefully everything turns out okay.
Should have taken a Japanese course before you were deployed you nigger
Good purchase.
oh thank you i pre-ordered it 6 months before release
looks like shes trying to force out a fart
My dick did it for me.
These from the last thread.
As in stuff that has arrived? This serial killer.
All of this is true and yet I still ordered it because I'm afraid it'll remain the only maidragon figure released. I hate myself.
Falling for the bait.
Woah finally a Kanna figurine? Is it official or Chinese trash?
Then the paint job over the weld is poorly done. It also doesn't look like the hand or the chest is modeled in a fashion that's too complex to separate.
You're just stupid then. That's my favorite series of the year, and even while starved for merch of it I'm still not touching this shit.
Mind posting a pic of Raven? Wondering how bad the joints are
He literally posted a couple of posts after that.
Holy shit that's disgustingly bad. And yet ironic weebs will buy it like hot bread. Fucking normalfags.
This is also my latest purchase!
A bit of both, it's official trash.
I'm still not clear on why piss is coming out of her vagina.
The joints aren't too bad, better than Kat 2.0, and pretty unnoticeable since the clothes cover them a bit. My only problem is that the sleeves make it hard to pose her in some ways, I wish they were poseable like Kats scarf
It came!
But what about you
Post more pics user!
I was really considering getting her, she's beautiful.
What do you think of her?
>go to local anime store
>small shelf of BDs
>small shelf of Nendoroids
>small shelf of Gunpla
How do I run them out of business? FUNKO, the store, whatever.
She looks terrified being displayed.
An then i came.
This cute FInn. I fucking sweared I resized it. Guess I was wrong.
Uhh, don't do business with them? Tell your friends about superior bandai and sega prize figures?
I think you can't do much more than just not buying from them.
Do Display cases completely negate all dust? I've been thinking about getting one, especially now that my collection is getting large.
Eat shit and kill yourselves.
Who hurt you?
You'll get a thorough inspection and be put on a watch list.
Maybe they'll even arrest you since the title clearly states that those ladies are children.
A fucking leaf asking if "Children" and R18 doujinshi will be a problem. Literally if they say something all you have to do is say "Sorry" and you're fine.
We want lewd pictures user.
Turn on the lights too.
I forgot, but this one is the most recent addition to my collection of sluts
I should have bought this. Looks so much better here than the preview images
spoiler that shit user
I wish I could swap heads between my figs too.
What a pure girl.
>That disgusting wedged cleave that the tie goes through.
Disgusting. Looks like dodged a bullet if you ask me.
Anyone have doors on their bookcase?
Isn't one of the key points to having a bookcase to display and even show off your collection of said books?
There is such thing as glass doors , you know
This for a rather cheap price. Still waiting for my Yuzuki Kanna from my local shop.
Good improvement.
Should I cop these?
None of you collect mechs?
Leave air holes so she can breathe.
ok, attention whore.
Nice setup.
Where did you preorder this godsent product?
last one, its my first buyfaggotry.
>big ass Native Logo in the background
Can you tell me about what type of filename this is?
Post more of her, dude.
There are almost no pictures of this figure anywhere else.
MFC only has a few.
If you loved her so much you wouldn't keep your room so filthy.
damn, what is that light display box? It's really classy.
Not complete, but any decent display cabinet will have rubber gaskets/seals on all the sides other than the door to reduce the amount of air that can get in. Dust can still enter through the gaps between the door and cabinet, but it'll be drastically less than if you had it out in the open
Enjoy your dick being chafed raw.
Did not preorder. One of my local shop has her discounted so I snagged her immediatelty. I think someone dropped her which is maybe why that shop has her as their last stock.
nigga you don't even know
AWW SHIT NIGGA! I got the same cpu radiator
I think I can understand why you like Rem so much from this picture.
>shell out $1000 on detolfs
>"upgrade" to shop display which provides twice the internal space for 5 times the price
>resell detolfs for $10 a piece
>good investment
user, clean your room!
nice room user.
Imagine browsing sad panda without tags or a search engine. That is what it is like looking through Manda without reading moon.
W..what how does this even work?
clean your room or you're banned from buying your dolls for a MONTH !
Has anyone returned anything from amazon jp before?