Anyone watch donghwa here?

Anyone watch donghwa here?

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Anything with "dong" in the title has the potential to be entertaining.

This is a board for the discussion of Japanese animation, not Chinese ripoffs. Fuck China, go somewhere else.

Large parts of china were japanese controlled at one point though so you could say it fits.

Large parts of America we're British colonies at one point but that doesn't make Trump British now does it?

Chinese ripoffs will never be legite anime. Fuck China.

you was already told to go here dumbskull

DONGhwa hahahahaha


He owns property in britain so yeah.

i liked it

except the studio who made this is comprised of nips?

I'm a random user and I believe everything under the theoretical greater east-asia co-prosperity sphere belongs here unless it fulfills mysterious requirements, in which case it goes on jp.


I enjoyed the show. but i kinda have problems with the chinese mentality in some situations. Sometimes its just weird how they react and justify their decisions. Dunno if thats just communism mentality or the writer is a weirdo.


fuck off chang

We caught you the last time, falseflagger.
No one educated in pinyin would ever use 'donghwa'
So which country are you actually from?


Anyone else feel really weird hearing chinese voice acting after watching so much japanimation? It's odd hearing relatively normal voices instead of BAKA DESU SENPAI~~~~!!

It's cartoon mentality of the shut-in chuuni writer.

Yeah but it cant become successfull if no one likes it right? I mean chinese government wouldt even bother making companies animate that stuff then. So to some point it hast to reflect a part of the chinese mentality.

I know what you mean! I feel the same way about Korean media, too. My only exposure to China and Korea is their media/entertainment, so it might be that I have the wrong idea of what they're like, but holy shit I find their actions incomprehensible most of the time. Characters are so inhumanly cruel to each other, and randomly chimp out with acts of extreme violence that is often played for laughs.

Makes me wonder how anyone can seriously say that American entertainment is over the top with the violence. Hollywood is tame in comparison.

As accurately as harem rom-com anime reflects the Japanese mentality.

S2 when ?

>randomly chimp out with acts of extreme violence that is often played for laughs
Yep. Just like anime.

I had to quit Toradora.

Ever seen any of the game shows where they play "child fucking mom" or any of the other sick shit. Yes its not the whole society but you have to admit in some points that the japanese society seems to have quite the incest fetish. But i actually consider that to be normal. Imagine living most of your life in the same house as your parents. Theres bound to be sexual intercourse.

Tsundere is the shittiest dere. Only himedere comes close to how bad it is.

Am I the only one not watching any chinese or korean shit because I simply think it both sounds and looks retarded?
I do the exact same when reading manga. Any chink tags or "manwha" and I'm out.

This. I loved this show. It's the only show that represents gaming "culture" appropriately. I linked this to a bunch of "lol I'm a gamer" BigBangTheory faggot, and they all hated it. Which I loved.

To the very right a picture of asuka
The caption reading: Insane Ultra Bitch of the highest order. Avoid at all costs.

Otaku and their fetishes are not a representative demographic of the Japanese society.

Well, she clearly had mental issues. At least the show did not pretend otherwise.


Well i did say that its not the whole society. But i could imagine having a abnormally high proportion of people with that fetish. But without proper statistics its just some guessing game.

But consider the following:
Not only otakus can have that fetish. And theres bound to be alot of people who dont even dare admitting having sexual feelings toword a member of the family.

Isn't korean and japanese animes made by more or less the same people? I sure as shit can't tell them apart just by looking.

Korea hardly produces any anime of their own.
Japanese studios often subcontract Korean studios for post-production. Read credits.

Suck my dong

Not OP but mods already said that this show is Sup Forums related.