Other urls found in this thread:
What is the plane scene of anime?
was your show being fucking boring part of your plan?
Post the "superior" dub
Does he seem to understand?
so, Lain was supposed to be the reincarnation of an ancient goddess, a goddess created by science, a normal girl who become a goddess or what?
She is a program made to fuse the physical world with the wired and she was created by a fake god
Masami Eiri?
She is a literal Christ allegory. God's offspring sent to the mortal realm who then ascends back to godhood at the end after her task is done.
>She is a literal Christ allegory.
Yeah, the gnostic heresy kind.
>shooting a man AFTER throwing him out of a plane
The absolute madwoman
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand SEL.
I marathoned Lain while having a very high fever, really amplifying all the weird shit going on. I wont rewatch it ever, because it’ll never come close to the first time I watched it.
You've got a lot of loyalty for a hired shitposter
She's a great shot, wew
Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would sage a thread before letting it fall off page 10