MC on the LN cover page is sexy and seductive

>MC on the LN cover page is sexy and seductive
>MC in the manga is plain and generic

How did the artist manage to fuck this up?

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Your not talking about that cover right? Because that isn't the MC.

huh i thought they changed the character design for the manga.

Classic bait and switch.

I just cant fap to the MC, for a vampire loli she doesn't ooze sex appeal.

Because she's not a loli. Look at those disgusting cowtits.

The MC's charater is as boring as the manga design so it literally does not make any sense to do suggestive poses thinking that the actual character is full of character.

shes flat in the manga

She's older lesbian vampire

>this is my fetish

I'm about to drop this as the translations are shit missing any semblance of flow because words are missing,, so, got sauce to good translations of this?

That's the lesbian vampire that wants to rape the MC.

>this is my fetish

I noticed that the translations were bad, doesn't help that there is some excessive swearing for no reason aswell.

It was OK till chapter 5 where they obviously left out some words and some sentences mae no sense whatsoever.

Like, the local lord says that he wants to cop a feel, but the MC's reaction to such a suggestive statement is " he was putting on an act for the people in public?", meaning that it was obviously a translation error.

Manga is superior then.

Does it get better, I'm at ch18 and its still bad

No, it even gets worse.

Isn't there anywhere that hosts but allows user edits, anyone with a decent grasp of english could fix these

So this shit is getting popular? I read the untranslated WN like 1-2 years ago and remember how absolutely godawful it was.

Don't worry, it's still shit.

That's not the MC though.

This link has better translations

She pretty much does rape the MC too.

Provide details please.

She chains MC down onto a bed, strips her and runs her mouth and fingers all over her and when she drinks MC's blood she sends pleasure into her.


Manga adaptations of LNs often have subpar art. They just exist as a glorified advertisement, after all.