I really recommend this comfy and delightful 1999 show!
Fushigi Mahou Fun Fun Pharmacy
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The animation reminds me a lot of the original Precure. Either Precure was extra old-timey for 2004 or this was ahead of its time for 1999.
Or they just share a lot of the same staff.
watching Fun Fun I don't care much about the animation.
I think it's ahead of its time when it comes to treating magic in a very pantheistic way, as an imminent element of everyday life. There are no villains, just adventures
I like her shoes
my niece has her 11th birthday in few days
I'd like to purchase such shoes
Is it possible to purchase them somewhere?
I’m glad you made another thread so I can post, now that I’ve watched a bit. Watched episodes 1-3.
This is too cute. But every episode I’m also just slightly terrified for her safety. Maybe I’m just looking too closely into it.
I'm very happy you care about her!
Popuri is for ____
I mean, going down an alleyway, finding something strange that keeps making noises, then befriending a suspicious lady who lures her into a strange new world, it’s hard not to be concerned.
It's not a SoL, but you have a good heart and I like you
I won't spoil next episodes for you nonetheless
Do they?
another great doujinshi, saved
it will serve future threads by our Fun Fun fanclub
I may or may not have been lured by this image into watching, but I don’t know if I can lewd her now. Or rather I know I can, but I really don’t want to.
The knowledge of the existence of doujins both frightens and arouses me.
There are multiple hentais of Fun fun pharmacy as it turns out.
Well, we will just have to remain good people.
Manga, of course.
I was just thinking of this show. Glad to hear that people on Sup Forums like it. It helps that it is actually subbed entirely unlike Futagohime.
I'm still searching for the manga avaible somewhere online.
one autistic guy is making threads over and over
So she summoned the sun and killed the snowman right?
That's some nice mahou going there.
Is it permitted to lewd Miss Fukiko?
>calling other people autistic
Ahh the child's innocence. First lie, first remorse, first mindfuck and feel of guilt. This is why I love this show. It's all shown in a very creative way.
She didn't summon Rick. He appeared randomly while she was trying to summon Pinchi
Is this a Cowboy Bebop reference?
Are the doujins in character?
I don't know. Does she die seconds later?
Are they any good?