Fushigi Mahou Fun Fun Pharmacy


I mean, going down an alleyway, finding something strange that keeps making noises, then befriending a suspicious lady who lures her into a strange new world, it’s hard not to be concerned.

It's not a SoL, but you have a good heart and I like you

I won't spoil next episodes for you nonetheless


Do they?


another great doujinshi, saved
it will serve future threads by our Fun Fun fanclub


I may or may not have been lured by this image into watching, but I don’t know if I can lewd her now. Or rather I know I can, but I really don’t want to.
The knowledge of the existence of doujins both frightens and arouses me.

There are multiple hentais of Fun fun pharmacy as it turns out.
Well, we will just have to remain good people.