One Punch Man

So why did Phoenixman didn't just call Elder Centipede and swoop in to take Garou while Elder distracts the trio?

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>OPM has bad writing
In other news, water is wet.

because he thought Elder would kill Gaoru by mistake, being a 10,000 metre long rampaging asshole tends to make you bad at precision work.

Which is why Phoenix called him out only after he got Gaoru, and specified it was safe for Elder to rampage now that they had their target secure.

Elder Centipede would have killed him rampaging out the ground in the state he was in. they need him alive or maybe not but he was just being cautious in the grand scheme of it.

Elder isn't a dumb shitter who attacks just anyone you retards. phoenixman could just take Garou away the moment Elder comes out of the ground anyway. Garou swinging a tree was enough distraction for him to take Garou away. Elder coming out of that shed is a better distraction.

>all by myself
>apparently could just have called elder centipede
muh sides

you're right. but like i said. it makes sense to me that phoenix was being very precautious especially with the little monologue when phoenix considers leading a new life if he fucks it up. and elder isn't a dumb shitter you're right, but hes gonna have trouble trying to tippy toe around garou so he doesn't hurt him by mistake given his size as well probably played a factor in phoenix deciding to wait for an opening instead first as he did. thats how im interpreting the scene.

This is my biggest concern with the idea of making a second season of One Punch Man. Given the nature of the first series, creating a second would accomplish one of either two things: it would be exactly the same as season one, which would be redundant, or it would be entirely different, which would be completely contradictory to the original story and characters. The reason why is because the first season is a comedy that features stagnant characters and no arcs. Neither Saitama or Genos have any growth or development, they remain the same until the end (as do the stakes - the show begins and ends with Saitama being a literal god and feeling bored by that fact). There's nothing wrong with this, I absolutely loved the first season. But think about it - do we need another 12 episodes showcasing Saitama's abilities and his boredom regarding them? I don't think so, and I don't think the creators will take this route (hopefully). But the other option is just as bad, because the only other thing they can do is subvert everything that made the first season what it was. It would have to be a different show completely, introducing new motivations for our main heroes, and new rules to the already established world so that the stakes could be raised. I don't know. Maybe that isn't as bad as I think, I guess I just hope they do a good job because I enjoyed the first season so much. Anyways. What does everyone else think?

are you an animeonly? the rest of the manga saitama strength isn't really the main focus as much as he was to begin with. albeit hes still relevant. its gonna explore the potential of the other characters like most of the S class you dont know about in season 1.

Why do speedreaders always asume they are in the right?

This, he ain't dumb enough to unleash a garantuan dragon level on a rescue mission before the package is secured. Give the hyper chicken some credit, he's like the one monster who isn't full of hot air and knows not to punch above his weight.

>Therefore in conclusion, science points that out of all monsters, the bird is the most intelligent

>thinks MA is just stepping stone for him
>fights a rank 5 S class hero

This including the fact their target was injured and surrounded one foul up from elder would have mean losing a major pawn in their forces.

It's clearly getting rewritten, since they made him way too logical and down to earth in the manga version to suddenly shout that retardation in front of Child Emperor. Either the fight is gonna go a bit different or just plain replace him with another fodder monster like they did with Senior Centipede who originally fought Garou.


Could boros arc genos defeat Super alloy darkshine?

Saitama vs Boros Dorado who wins?

I guess the cannon's heat could make him uncomfortable before he crushed Genos like a tin can.

Probably still Saitama. A more interesting matchup would be el Grande Garou vs Charanko Ultra Instinct.

Let's stop

He know Ranks mean little though.
I mean realistically if the S Class was ranked purely on PL it would go Blast>Tats>LF>Bang>Samurai

niggerstream at it again

Yeah genos by default can defeat all physical only type characters.

>amai mask
>puri puri prisoner

This is due to him having the beams also the ones he used on the moon

Senior was replaced with Elder, who was a huge upgrade. The monsters Garou's gonna kill are yet to be shown.

Phoenix Man can just have his monologue changed a bit or not, and his arrogant nature is actually the joke right there.

Yeah but that's the thing, he's not arrogant at all in the redraw. He knows he'd get wrecked by the heroes if he tried to get Garou without a distraction, he knows he'd get eaten alive by Orochi if he came back empty handed and he knows Elder Centiped is fucking insane and can easily take care of the heroes he didn't dare face himself.

It just seems like his gag will be changed, or they'll put another monster to use the same gag, not like it makes a difference since that was Phoenix Man's original introduction anyway.

Oh and he also knows that even with a team backing him up, fighting Metal Knight would wear them down.

All in all, he still COULD underestimated Child Emperor for being a kid, but that would be gross negligence in studying his enemies when otherwise he seemed to be well informed of Bang and Geno's skills, plus the other S-class info he got from Psykos. It worked in the webcomic because he was just a hotheaded grunt, but now he actually has a brain.

There was that moment where he believed that Garou took their bait when he was just introduced.

He does come off as arrogant in the manga still, the only difference being he's overconfident in MA's success rather than his own. Honestly, his monologue could be adjusted a bit or he could reveal his true motivation and backstory in his first ever fight. Either works.

And thats why it would make sense if Phoenix Man gets straight up outsmarted by Child Emperor in a JJBA fashion.

That's different. He wasn't misjudging Garou's fighting capabilities (in fact because of those skills they wanted to recruit him), he just misjudged Garou's interest in teaming up with other monsters. And to be fair Garou had been screaming about being "the man who loves monsters" before.

Anyone hyped for Jump Festa? Doubt we get a Season 2 PV but at least I hope they announce who will join the OPM cast for Season 2.

The moment they confirm Okamoto will voice Garou Season 2 will gain momentum again.

I'm just afraid of Saitama's punches going all CLANG

Not sure if serious ir dumb

What if Elder Centipede's weakness is actually his carapace? Metal Knight's attack on the carapace hurt Elder Centipede a lot. Bang and Bomb's strong attack on the face didn't do shit but their normal punches on the carapace broke it.

>Calling elder centipede for a sneak attack.

>elder comes out
>bang bomb genos shooked
>phoenixboy takes goro away

>you can't see phoenix man's face in the murata manga

Well, it just became 9.5/10

Phoenixman firmly believed that Elder Centipede would have killed everyone in the ground, and the plan was to retrieve Garou alive. I didn't thought it would come the day we would have speedreaders for One Punch Man.

>3 S heroes on the spot
The fact that nobody died is proof that calling EC wasn't any exaggeration.

They will sound like this.

It's like they forget the fact that EC caused the world to split around them and would've killed all the KOed heroes
Would you?

Why can't they use the old sfx?
I really like the bullet crack sound


Metal Bat vs Elder will be full of CLANGs.

>implying you'd have a choice

anything but Gemba, Berserk fans didn't deserve that shitshow.

Elder Centipede was a false flag/mental projection of Garou's ultimate limit breaking ability that could only be unleashed from Garou's fury at being unable to continue fighting.

It's why Saitama was able to kill it with one punch.

Best thing out of JCStaff is that Fubuki wont look like in the anime unlike 5th OVA.

Plus the CGI to animate Elder

It's gonna be fucking Berserker 2018, that episode.

What if Saitama has a Ki limiter

He doesn't, that's retarded. TacCHAD on the other hand broke his at the are of 3

This fight gonna be hard to animate. How is the studio doing S2?

"Indiscriminate destruction", user. Phoenix Man said it himself, that's Elder's specialty.

On hindsight, asking this guy to try capturing the rich kid was pretty dumb.

>protected Phoenixman and garou

He was pretty much sent in because Metal Bat had just killed two Demon levels all on his own. Plus, Phoenix Man's trio was there as well.

Yeah? What of it, user? Care to elaborate or are we to assume you have no point you want to make.

blast is saitama
you heard it here first

>So why did [...] didn't

god dammit this fucking site gets dumber by the fucking minute

I'm starting to feel that Bug God won't be appearing in the manga.

I mean, how can you call yourself the Bug God when you're a mere Demon level and your co-worker is abiblical calamity dragon level super centipede?

>what is arrogance

>What is getting your shit slapped by Elder Centipede when you go and call yourself "his god"

I doubt they'd have the time to fuck around. We don't know what the monsters do in their base.

We never did see much of their HQ with the webcomic art.

They did have a nice room with a bed for Garou, so I imagine it's comfortable enough in there. More stable monsters like Phoenix hang around at the cafeteria making conversation, battle junkie monsters like Rhino are practically at the gym 24/7, and the real nutcases like Ripper are probably locked in their rooms losing their goddamn minds because between staying there or going out and risk angering Orochi.

Isn't it just a chemical processing factory?

>elder comes out...
And Garou dies crushed by debris or manged because EC's football field sized mug emerged directly underneath him.

Can't you see just how many things could have gone wrong, when you use a colony drop to do a scalpel's job?

That's stupid m8, because Elder somehow emerged with perfect precision to block the missile without killing anyone on the scene instantly. Garou can actually move fine, the same can't be said for 8 more people scattered around. But MA don't give a shit about them.

It's not the first time logic is sacrificed for the cool factor in OPM and ONE is known for not killing characters in the most ridiculous scenarios just because. I personally wouldn't scream water is wet over this shit but defending it like the epitome of realistic writing or something is silly.

Is S2 even going to use everything they have till now or are they only going up to some point?

Ending it around the Saitama kicking Garou through a wall should do it.

It ends with Saitama vs monster celled Garou fight

>That's stupid m8, because Elder somehow emerged with perfect precision to block the missile without killing anyone on the scene instantly
Actually, his emerging in that way to just intercept an energy blast was what made it safe to do. Otherwise extracting the rest of his body caused widespread damage and the story establishes that Elder Centipede is only a good transport under specific conditions. He's too big to just gulp up Garou and leave if Bang and Bomb are right next to him. And he's too big and his attacks are too unwieldy to rely on him not killing the package when he tries to take down the other heroes. Even when he was attacking that previous city the other monsters gave him a wide bearth and only rallied to him when it was time to leave.

The story didn't sacrifice anything really, you people are just being obstinate that Elder Centipede can do things the story has re-stated and reinforced multiple times as being not possible. Could he have been called in earlier to fight? Yes, but you see his attacks are all charges which requires his body to be above ground to perform. So even the act of pulling himself above ground causes enough damage to risk both your own troops (which were disposable to a degree) as well as the reason you were sent out there in the first place.

everyone minus saitama had super long and sharp chins for whatever reason

I'm afraid you missed the point. Writing wise, Garou is not in any danger because he's able to move. But snatching him before he can have his pivotal comeback moment would be dumb from an author's standpoint. The fact that Elder pops out right after Garou's already began showing off, to block the fire in a spot with no unconscious heroes nearby, makes it an obvious case of writing that follows the rule of cool rather than pure hard logic. I assure you Phoenix Man did not plan to spare the heroes and he's not gravely concerned with Garou's health either. As you can see he's already stabbing him too.

It's simple, ONE and Murata just need to give Garou a moment to shine and introduce the centipede to the scene without killing anyone at all. The multiple bodies lying around are actually the biggest concern writing wise.

There's gotta be a poker night though, right?

did or didn't?

Are centipede really bugs? Asking this as an esl.

Shiny would trash genos.

he gey?

Anyone noticed that Garou used pocket sand?

>Writing wise, Garou is not in any danger because he's able to move. But snatching him before he can have his pivotal comeback moment would be dumb from an author's standpoint.
You do realize that pushing him any further would trigger the transformation that will happen during the raid right? And there is no guarentee that him getting stronger now wouldn't force Bang to just escalate and kill him accidentaly as was his chief concern?

>I assure you Phoenix Man did not plan to spare the heroes and he's not gravely concerned with Garou's health either.
I can see you missed the page where Phoenix man talked about how if he could not secure Garou he was concerning leaving town otherwise he risked death at the hands of Orochi? A little shoulder wound isn't the same as letting him possibly die by continued fighting when he was already losing handily to his opponents.

>ONE and Murata just need to give Garou a moment to shine and introduce the centipede to the scene without killing anyone at all.
See this is what you missed. This is a re-write but the story still has a script laid out by the webcomic and it doesn't call for Garou to win this encounter at all. His sole moment to "shine" this fight was his staying on his feet post tacchan flashback and the story in both cases makes the intervention of the monsters the sudden end to the fight.

Now that Blast is confirmed a jobber who can't even finish a monster Tatsumaki could finish in her sleep what do we have to look forward to in the manga?

Do-s escaped from Tatsumaki, that's even more pathetic.

>no King

I don't see what's wrong about this. He didn't go in to save garou because there were 3 S class level people surrounding him. 1 v 1 he would probably think he has a chance

How is S2 going to even work?

I doubt animeonly fans (or fans in general) would be hype for the final episode between Saitama and Gouketsu. I don't think Gouketsu would be off-screened, but that's not really a hype episode to end on when S1 was Boros.

Garou wouldn't die from anything.

>survive 6 S-class heroes
>blind in one eye
>shot through the leg
>hands shaking
>no sleep
>can't control his legs or arms

If all that stuff and more can't kill Garou, why would EC landing on him kill him?

Dude was half "dead" when he tanked Bang & Bomb's combo attack and he shook it off like nothing.

>hasn't been a webcomic update for almost a year
Will there be anymore?

once they finish expanding stuff for current manga this much

>6 S-class heroes

>this level of retardation.
>speedreading this hard
>being a garou fag
lol. the part about bang & bomb using their strongest combo attack on EC and him just shedding it off was probably missed by you huh. the fact that all 3 of them there still couldn't damage EC was also missed by you. the fact that bang and bomb weren't even trying to kill garou went over your head.

garoufags are fucking retarded. more news at 12



Take that back, you fucking faggot. Garou is a fucking meme. He should've died ages ago. There's no rhyme or reason as to why or how he should've survived all of those.

According to the website, it's on Hiatus.
For how long, only ONE could tell you.

>thinking king was even trying
Take a look at this fag

What the fuck are you even responding to? You asked that user which 6 S-class heroes were fighting Garou and you got answered for your speedreading retardation.

ONE is concentrating on expanding the adaptation and finishing Mob Psycho. After Mob Psycho ends, which shouldn't take long, he will certainly start on the webcomic again

New chapter when? Almost a week since the chapter's been released. MP100 doesn't have a chapter for 2 weeks, so storyboards should've been sent to Murata already.

I'm not that user you fucking faggot I couldn't care less about your autistic powerlevels argument

What the fuck are you even responding to?

What powerlevels? Who the hell is even ranking powerlevels?

>LF above Bang


>King isn't above Blast
>LF is above Bang and Samurai
>no Pig God
objectively false and shit taste

no they are arachnid