One Punch Man

According to the website, it's on Hiatus.
For how long, only ONE could tell you.

>thinking king was even trying
Take a look at this fag

What the fuck are you even responding to? You asked that user which 6 S-class heroes were fighting Garou and you got answered for your speedreading retardation.

ONE is concentrating on expanding the adaptation and finishing Mob Psycho. After Mob Psycho ends, which shouldn't take long, he will certainly start on the webcomic again

New chapter when? Almost a week since the chapter's been released. MP100 doesn't have a chapter for 2 weeks, so storyboards should've been sent to Murata already.

I'm not that user you fucking faggot I couldn't care less about your autistic powerlevels argument

What the fuck are you even responding to?

What powerlevels? Who the hell is even ranking powerlevels?

>LF above Bang


>King isn't above Blast
>LF is above Bang and Samurai
>no Pig God
objectively false and shit taste

no they are arachnid