>boys will be boys!
Sup Forums tricks you into reading something utterly soul-destroying
>those guys are already of out jail
I hope society treats them like shit
Do you happen to have the name or a one page of such delight?
Considering that guy who murdered and ate a woman got out of jail and became a celebrity chef and did interviews, they'll probably be fine. Justice doesn't always win in the real world.
>Sup Forums
Yeah, right.
Ah fuck, does anyone remember the one about the big fat retard on the train? It was obviously exaggerated in classic Bakaudon fashion to make a point but it still made my blood boil and deepened my hatred of sub-humans.
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He apparently has struggled to find employment ever since at least. Shame the folks of that girl didn't have him killed or do it themselves, bet their own government would have got them off.
Bakaudon works are shit and she is a crazy bitch
This. I tried watching Honey and Clover but after getting spoiled on the endgame ships, I just stopped watching ~13 episodes in. What's wrong with me
>No one posting sauce