I am, I'll stream it too.
Girls und Panzer
Erika's sexy pose here makes her look like she's a softcore JAV actress!
What went so horribly, horribly wrong?
I didn't get my hands on them
Rimjob for a chance for the school.
Tradition needing to be upheld turning Shiho into a massive cunt.
>Senshado is supposed to make you a better wife and mother
>Shiho left her husband, disowned one of her daughters and shaped the other one to be the heir she wanted, wether she liked it or not
>Chiyo is also a single mother, uses her daughter to fight her own personal crusade, and is suspected to have expelled another daughter, condemning her to a life of hoboism.
>Amy, despite being supposedly good enough at senshado to be an instructor, is still a christmas cake
Senshado is a scam
>Shiho left her husband
Really? I thought he was just on a very long, very convient buisness trip or something.
>Amy, despite being supposedly good enough at senshado to be an instructor, is still a christmas cake
That has more to make with having to make some hard life choices to be and remain a captain in the JDF.
>implying mixed units don't fug like bunnies as soon as the brass look the other way
user, I know that's what your mother said, but it's been a 15 years business trip, we need to talk ....