Fuck off you autistic pedophile.
Your daughter makes the nico nico ni for other men
But you think a slut will be happy?
How can you not want to protect you little angles preciouse part? Did you raise her so she could be used as a onahole? Did you gave her your love so she could satisfy other man?
I really wouldn't mind that as long as my kids are happy
Low bait closet weeb
Try again
I suck the men off so they won't touch my disgusting slut daughter obviously
Your kids would be happy hopped on on Meth and heroin too
Youd be satisfied with your Daughter not only whoring herself to tons of guys, but to be mimicking the greatest idol in the universe while doing so? I think not
Low tier virgin loser
Try again in your next life
You made this thread on Sup Forums and it got deleted.
Perhaps it's the other way around? In reality it might be her using them as fleshy dildos for her own amusement.
You really need to protect your husbands and little boys if my imaginary daughter are around.
Hey, now. Drugs are bad and I would never endorse it!
anyone else got traumatized by this?
how can we even have a daughter now after seing this shit?