An actually decent isekai series

>An actually decent isekai series
>Will never get adapted because of ugly MC

>ugly MC
So like a 5/10 at worst

>Will never get adapted because of ugly MC
That didnt stop the reeeeeeeeeeee:zero adaptation

Obligatory Fuuka.

And non virgin girls


fuck off cuck

Me in the last panel.

>miserable loser self inserting as gary stu MC who gets bitches despite being a beta
>miserable loser self inserting as miserable loser who gets cucked


Me in the top left

I'm no cuck if those girls weren't mine to begin with.

So is the guy in the last panel getting cucked?

Considering he just met them and they're were already in a relationship I'd say no.MC cucks the guy doing the fucking tho.

novel name?

Sophie is best maid and only for platonic bullying

Ester is a slut and should be disregarded at all times

Tanaka the wizard

Is the maid also used good or pure virgin?

is it decent because it makes your wee wee go up?

>actually decent isekai series
Pic unrelated?

Pure bar girl at first, then practally sold to tanaka's friend and bro who makes her Tanaka's maid. Pure as they come. Although she is a bit klutz in the fact that her luck is almost 10x that of the MC.

Also she has picked up the strange fetish of putting her bodily fluids (blood, urine, etc.) In Tanaka's food. Which he would love if he actually found out.

MC is actually based.

Tanaka the thot slayer

The only good thing about this is mda satoru art

This. His doujins are god tier too.


>>An actually decent isekai series
except that all the girls have sex with guys other than the mc, name a single thing this does that isn't completely standard isekai shit.

The constant amount of "By the way, x happened because I couldn't be bothered to actually write it" is insane.

>art by M-da S-tarou
You have my dick's attention.

The lolis are pure. That's all that matters.

To be fair you wouldn't want to have sex with a 30 something year old short and fat Japanese salary man would you?

The mc won't fuck anyone, He helps other men to fuck girls that has interest in him and He has male harem

Does the mc ever get a love interest or is he a faggot/asexual.

MC only wants pure, unused pussies. He is literally the average Japanese male otaku.

Protag is omnisexual.

Demon loli?

Is pure.

Why are you shilling this novel so hard?


Tanaka has one of the worst harems.

Maybe the male harem are pure cause this series have many sluts is trap like him too

Only elf loli is the virgin right?

Elf, demon, and Dragon. I think. Sadist oppailoli isn't and twintailloli is actually a trap so I guess s(he) is pure. Lolibitch has gobbled and taken cock anally

name of this? reverse search is being retarded again-

Which loli kisses him?

You can remove dragon since Tanaka trying to give her to this man

>2 isekai threads

I assume you've seen the pictures? Traploli. Funny thing is Tanaka hates traps, black people, thots, ikemen, and insects.

Twintail loli(male)

Oh, I couldn't tell if it was bitchloli or not since the way it was shaded threw me off and then figured it was another loli that I missed.

its that stupid fucking mustache it makes him look like a cunt

stop trying to make me pick this up

The page makes me really sombre but I'm curious as to what the MC accomplishes after this.

Pretty much the MC is old and he's trying to find ingredients for a potion that makes him 20 years younger. Along the way he builds a harem of lolis, becomes a baron, owns a hot spring, and is close to finding the cure to being old and ugly

>An actually decent isekai series

Oh, boy. Here we go again.

And girl in OP pic wants MC's dick now

Being 2D doesn't make thots good.

That's actually fairly impressive, I hope MC gets has a happy ending. Thanks for clarifying the details, the page bothered me for a bit.

fuck off and kill yourselves normalfags.

>I hope MC gets has a happy ending.
Yeah, let's hope the author doesn't troll again

>Sup Forums likes Tanaka
why am I not surprised

>likes 2D women who act like 3D women
Who's the normalfag again?

i don't have an opinion on the girls. i'm telling you to fuck off back to twitter for using the word ``thot'' in any capacity.

>he said while not capitalizing

He'll most likely stay a virgin until the bitter end

Shieeeet I want to read the vol 3 chap 9 already!


who is best girl?

Advice loli

Subaru is a bishounen outside his eyes. It's the reason why he can crossdress.

About time, its good

You aren't a cuck if the girls were not in your party to begin with, you didn't know them and never interacted with them before.

>MC only wants pure, unused pussies.
>went looking for isekai brothel in the first book

First, delicious brown, artist got tired of waiting so he drew doujinshi of her and the MC.
That's how best she is.

The pure one

>tfw she'll never be illustrated

He was desparate after seeing Allen getting laid and he thought he was gonna die fighting the dragon

I keep getting tricked into reading this because it's so mediocre I forget I read it before

> sluts, whores and used good unlimited
Thanks but no thanks.

Read the manga. Does the MC got cuck in anyway? Or is this one of those isekai that MC cuck somebody else instead. I hate sluts and don't want the MC to be friendly to any of those bastards.

is THAT netorare?

I'm quite sure the dragon had children before.


The girls are used goods to begin with even before they met MC, although nu-Sup Forums will still probably call that NTR.

Ugly eyes, bad haircut, high hairline, dresses in a sweatsuit. Where exactly is the bishounen?

They are sluts on top of being less compelling characters, but not NTR

Why are all isekai must have wild sexual fantasies? Japs can't imagine the regular world having sex? It explains their low birthrates.

>Japs can't imagine the regular world having sex
So how exactly regular world are tend to have sex?

>>An actually decent isekai series
>>Will never get adapted because of ugly MC

No they were never his.

>sharing women
Sounds like shit
Is it shit Sup Forums?

Well, not everyone can be as handsome as Ainz-sama.

You know I used to think like you; only liking pure virgin girls.
But then I realized it doesn't matter whether a girl is used goods or not.

There is no cucking

>>Will never get adapted because NTR trolling which will make Sup Forums virgos mad.

The sluttiest non virgin.

Only dragon then

That didnt answer my question user
Is it shit sempai?

it's mediocre, mc is different than the usual but it's still bland as fuck

>because of ugly MC
You mean because of all his loli reverse rape fantasies

I thought that it doesn't matter too. But that inn scene made me mad all of sudden. So I guess I'm still alive deep inside.

It depends on whether you'll like the MC or not.
He's pretty competent, made some huge successes, and is a huge pervert but never actually fucks the girls.