An actually decent isekai series

You know I used to think like you; only liking pure virgin girls.
But then I realized it doesn't matter whether a girl is used goods or not.

There is no cucking

>>Will never get adapted because NTR trolling which will make Sup Forums virgos mad.

The sluttiest non virgin.

Only dragon then

That didnt answer my question user
Is it shit sempai?

it's mediocre, mc is different than the usual but it's still bland as fuck

>because of ugly MC
You mean because of all his loli reverse rape fantasies

I thought that it doesn't matter too. But that inn scene made me mad all of sudden. So I guess I'm still alive deep inside.

It depends on whether you'll like the MC or not.
He's pretty competent, made some huge successes, and is a huge pervert but never actually fucks the girls.