It's like how women actors make the best 3D pretty boys. All girl musical Tuxedo Mask is the hottest Tuxedo Mask.
There's still time[/spoiler ] to spend Valentine's with you husbando
>liked girls instead of pleasing old men for money
Not fair
His brother was more my type.
The true meaning of okama is too vast for my mortal understanding.
Is it idol valentine time?
Only nudes allowed
There's nothing deep about it, they're just trannies. However the okama in anime are annoying because they at best wear some makeup but still look manly whilst claiming they're delicate girls and use "atashi." The one in Ramens doesn't even do anything to make himself look feminine at all. It's the equivalent to lazy fakebois. Has any essayist or someone studied why manga and anime creators do this? I'm curious.
But idols are pure
Oh okay.
I just thought Avenger Guy was really camp.