Bakubowl confirmed for next chapter, everyone place your bets!
Bakugo no boku hero academ thread
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From the TOC thread:
Oricon Ranking Mar 5 - Mar 11
250682 *728167 Hunter X Hunter
211493 *478477 Haikyuu!!
174546 *376234 Bnha
110428 *242636 Shokugeki no Soma
*68477 *138565 World's End Harem
*42540 **94466 Darling in the Franxx
*30230 **72145 We Never Learn
*29595 **66013 Dr. Stone
*12905 **26003 Karada Sagashi
*12557 **30332 Astra Lost in Space
*12280 *347520 Promised Neverland 7
Why are you linking to reddit, just copypaste the spoilers here for fuck's sake
you do it
How do they keep getting away with it? It's not FAIR!!!!
From Yonkou.
>Gentle makes a video analysing the heroes and villains of the past. Crimson Riot, All Might, All for One, "Leader of the superhuman army" Destro, Extraordinary thief Ouji Harima...
>Gentle's name --at least the way he introduces himself is "Gentle Criminal"
>La Brava is uploading the video of him talking about the heroes and villains of the past to the internet as his "debut".
>He's uploading himself doing crimes, --even robbing that convenience store was premeditated in the sense that he chose the biggest chain in the country. He's aiming to be a "gentleman thief" of the modern ages.
>Unfortunately no one really watched the video of his crime according to La Brava. He's been doing this for 6 years though. So he feels the pain of having someone else do your content and get more views. La Brava is upset that Stain got so much more cred for a video he didn't even upload himself.
>Gentle admits that people have always been more into violence and shock value so he's not surprised Stain got more views and gained clout. But he's planning another big job that'll raise his own clout and get him views.
>Meanwhile the class is working on their band gig for the show. Jirou needs members for the band --she can handle guitars but she'll need bass, drums, etc. Denki remembers that Bakugou used to take a music class. Everyone's really surprised by this. At first he's like "Hell no" but Sero is like "Oh well it's cool, I know drums are hard and stuff, so..." Bakugou nails it.
>He doesn't want to, and Jirou begs him to, but Bakugou isn't about making friends and stuff, he just wants to crush people who annoy him. In short, he sorta agrees but only if he can kill everyone at U.A with his sound.
>Meanwhile Gentle reveals that he wants to infiltrate the school festival, cause the security will be tight and everyone will be watching which is to say it'll be a big deal if he pulls it off.
BnHA has never beaten Haikyuu in sales since forever. I don't understand what you're shitposting about
Why doesn't Gentle just fake his crimes for more views?
Probably just gloating about HxH's sales
Dr.Stone is pretty gud. Should be higher
Not beating HxH and Haikyuu is fine. Even though we shitpost about HxH a lot, it's the older series, so it'll naturally be more popular.
That’s what they are doing, shitposting and nothing else.
Kinda surprised Stone is that low considering it's always high up in the rankings. Nisekoi 2.0 is doing great, anime when?
So I guess that arc won't get too serious since Gentle isn't an asshole like Overhaul
>Meanwhile the class is working on their band gig for the show. Jirou needs members for the band --she can handle guitars but she'll need bass, drums, etc. Denki remembers that Bakugou used to take a music class. Everyone's really surprised by this. At first he's like "Hell no" but Sero is like "Oh well it's cool, I know drums are hard and stuff, so..." Bakugou nails it.
How does Denki know that Bakugo used to take music class? It doesn’t sound like something that Bakugo would casually mention or talk about. Not to mention he doesn’t seem like a person who would be interested in music.
Well he probably did. Despite being a massive asshole Bakugou is capable of making friends (he had two friends who he hung out with in middle school). Plus he trusted Kaminari to save them from meat processing dude from Shuketsu, casual talk is probably not above him
Maybe wanted to get closer to Bakugou as a friend so he hit up Bakugou's old middle school friends for advice/stories.
>07 Hero Academia ch.164
So much for Bakugou and Todoroki carrying this manga. This did worse than Eri's quirk reveal, Villian assault and Nighteye's death
how is HxH doing these days? is the art still shitty?
Why? Did they know that HxH is down by 200k?
>Unfortunately no one really watched the video of his crime according to La Brava. He's been doing this for 6 years though. So he feels the pain of having someone else do your content and get more views.
he hasn't mastered the art of the clickbait
also show la brava in something a little more revealing, that should do it
Oh didn't you know? Bakugou is perfect and amazing at literally everything
>This did worse than Eri's quirk reveal, Villian assault and Nighteye's death
why do you have this info stored in your brain. are you obsessed?
Denki and Bakugou are close as fuck. I mean Denki called him Kacchan and Bakugou didn't bat an eyelash, also I wouldn't put it past Denki to ask Bakugou and Bakugou starting to answer before he catches himself.
>"Bakugou, are you good with instruments?"
>"I took a class once... OH FUCK OFF."
>"You're the best Kacchan!"
It actually 6
>Bakugou and Jirou moment
Damn. It was written on the wall.
Its 7th retard.
B-but they said the reason why the ranking are shit is because of Deku and any chapter including Bakugou and Todoroki is automatically top 3 material
Fujos btfo
It's okay.
TOC means jack shit. Sales matter most, and MHA delivers on that front. It survived the axe forever, so the magazine places it at a comfortable middle, just like Haikyuu.
Nah of course not, you expect that from someone who needs a wall of text to understand anything?
>Ochako made a cake
>probably all for herself
someone's gotta curb her eating habits
And does mean anything?
Why does Deku have two and why does Bakugo have any at all?
I don't care for bakugou but it makes sense for kaminari to try and be better friends with him.
Wow. Not only does he beat the shit out of Kaminari on a daily basis, he steals his future wife too.
that might as well be hori at this point
I say those are pretty pathetic sale for a top ranker series
No it doesn’t. Don’t take ToC autism here. Sales are still growing, even, without the series placing in top places. Which is most likely why it was put in the middle anyway
Kek Bakugou. People just have to reformulate a sentence with die or kill and he will be convinced.
It's called obligation chcoolate. It's literally the Valentine's Day consolation prize.
>make a cake
>It's her next 10 days meal
She's on the path to obesity
Ochako, Tsuyu
>"chad" Bakugou got one chocolate
>While Deku got two
>"Leader of the superhuman army" Destro
Manga will end and Midoriya and Jirou will have NEVER EVER interacted in ALL story
I'm so mad
He has more on his bag.
>Implying Ochako's fatassery isn't her sexiest physical characteristic
>Bakugou interacts with rest of class
>Todoroki interacts with rest of class
>Meanwhile, Midoriya the autistic never interacts with rest of class
Damn you Deku
she is the least important class a student
who cares?
Jirou is very cute in an apron.
It's almost feel like Hori is trying to kill any type of character development to have.
Considering Deku and Aoyama interracted, anything is possible. Also, what would they talk about?
>Two characters don’t interact
>>I-It's almost feel like Hori is trying to kill any type of character development to have.
Trying too hard/10
>tfw no cute chubby gf
fuck deku and fuck afo
>Bakugou is making friends and interacting more with others
>Deku has been keeping to himself since the Yakuza raid
What did Hori mean by this?
>"Leader of the superhuman army" Destro
la creatura...
Bakugo has 3
Is this the new epic meme?
Kirishima, Kaminari and All Might sure like him a lot
Can't wait to see Bakugou and Jirou singing!
>were soaring
>there's no star in heaven that we can't reach
>implying one wasn't snuck in his bag by his mom
Anyone else more interested in the kirishima and bakugou drama? Maybe Kiri finally realized what a piece of shit bakushit is. It would be nice to see classmates who are not buddy buddies for once.
Jirou is falling for his musical talent just like the way her parents met
All for One's rise to power while quirk users were a marginalised group is something a gotta see
>At first he's like "Hell no" but Sero is like "Oh well it's cool, I know drums are hard and stuff, so..." Bakugou nails it.
Jesus, is there nothing Bakugou can't be manipulated into doing if someone implies it's too hard for him?
Is it canon that Bakugou would suck a hundred fat old man dicks if you told him he's too much of a bitch to do it?
>He doesn't want to, and Jirou begs him to, but Bakugou isn't about making friends and stuff, he just wants to crush people who annoy him. In short, he sorta agrees but only if he can kill everyone at U.A with his sound.
Holy shit, did Bakugou come straight out of the tsundere factory? "I-It's not like I'll play with you guys because I like you, baka!"
>those Bakufags thinking Bakugou's a chad
There is no drama idiot.
> "Leader of the superhuman army" Destro
God I hope we hear from him again. I'm kinda surprised Crimson Riot was mentioned alongside All Might and AfO. The dude must have been pretty powerful
So, that’s one member down, who else will she recruit? I’m assuming someone will have to sing too.
>implying it's not just fake fujobait "drama"
Those were fake spoilers.
Denki for bass. That would mean Hori switched up the sketch of the band where Bakugou played the bass and Denki the drums.
Denki for bass would also mean he and Jirou would get to play together.
Momo probably knows how to play an instrument, it's part of being a rich girl right? Maybe she can piano
They're confirmed
Mineta will be the singer like in Hori's sketch
Traitors can't have waifus.
>Bakugou is the drummer
>Not Shouji
>Denki for bass.
So solidifying his getting cucked?
>Baku staying virgin forever because he never loses is going to be memed into reality
>> La Brava is upset that Stain got so much more cred for a video he didn't even upload himself.
>>Gentle admits that people have always been more into violence and shock value so he's not surprised Stain got more views
Subtle meta Hori
Could Hori have already planned this band since the beginning?
Who? Is it your OC or what?
>Fatty takes the cake
Maybe, but I think the band will have more members than that
Not the Kirishima/Bakugou drama. The Yonkou ones are.
>will let anyone fills his holes if they frame it as a challenge
More like Bakuslut taking all comers is being memed into reality
In both cases though, it's not like Gentle is doing anything of good taste either. He's just being unironically stupid. Were this guy to be a hero instead he'd be a top 10 favorite by now.
>Is it canon that Bakugou would suck a hundred fat old man dicks if you told him he's too much of a bitch to do it?
literally the plot of every other bakufujo doujin