Bakugo no boku hero academ thread

Probably just gloating about HxH's sales

Dr.Stone is pretty gud. Should be higher

Not beating HxH and Haikyuu is fine. Even though we shitpost about HxH a lot, it's the older series, so it'll naturally be more popular.

That’s what they are doing, shitposting and nothing else.

Kinda surprised Stone is that low considering it's always high up in the rankings. Nisekoi 2.0 is doing great, anime when?

So I guess that arc won't get too serious since Gentle isn't an asshole like Overhaul

>Meanwhile the class is working on their band gig for the show. Jirou needs members for the band --she can handle guitars but she'll need bass, drums, etc. Denki remembers that Bakugou used to take a music class. Everyone's really surprised by this. At first he's like "Hell no" but Sero is like "Oh well it's cool, I know drums are hard and stuff, so..." Bakugou nails it.
How does Denki know that Bakugo used to take music class? It doesn’t sound like something that Bakugo would casually mention or talk about. Not to mention he doesn’t seem like a person who would be interested in music.

Well he probably did. Despite being a massive asshole Bakugou is capable of making friends (he had two friends who he hung out with in middle school). Plus he trusted Kaminari to save them from meat processing dude from Shuketsu, casual talk is probably not above him

Maybe wanted to get closer to Bakugou as a friend so he hit up Bakugou's old middle school friends for advice/stories.
