>tfw no more tsukihime remake
>just summon currybutt and funny vamp as servants
>type moon gets even more money thanks to whales
John Ward
Ryan Brown
I'd be desperate too if the people in charge of saving humanity's ass was fucking around with their wacky races and christmas parties instead.
Isaac Mitchell
Many of them aren't "true" servants. They're basically glitches in the Counter Force caused by the Singularities.
Ian Martinez
nostalgiafags seething
Anthony Murphy
Class containers can be filled by things that aren't actually heroic spirits. See False Assassin.
Jace Edwards
Lincoln Lewis
It’s not my fault Doctor Roman waits months before pointing me towards the next singularity.
Andrew Hernandez
The race and christmas parties are for saving the world as well you fucking worthless Counter Force
Leo Lopez
Michael Powell
Am I the only one who think she looks pregnant in that art?