Read TRPG wizard

>read TRPG wizard
>author adds a list of all of MCs spells for the purpose of preventing any asspull
>MC just asspulls using magic items instead
Isekai thread

Other urls found in this thread:

>Elemental magic is a thing
>Somehow doesn't negate the need for resources
>Any expert in a specific type of that element is obnoxiously dressed to represent that element
>The element also corresponds with their entire personality


Ayy did anyone else read the latest translated chapter of Death Mage that came out?

>the latest chapter of the ability to make a town has fish shitters ruining everything.
Please spoil me, does mc fuck up everyone involved in current mess?

Badass post-apocalyptic isekai when?


>thread died not long ago
>new thread pops up immediately
We are reaching general cancer tier

i told u every day till u like it user

Nevermind holy shit whats with the sudden update speed?

>mfw I realized earlier today this was an isekai ln

we're watching you user

The worst thing is that for every isekai thread my backlog gets larger.
What series?

>>Somehow doesn't negate the need for resources
That's like asking why we make horses pull carts when humans could do the job perfectly well.

Mages have better things to do with their magic than provide basic manual labor and resources for humanity.
It just started updating again after being dead for like a month

While I'm still adamant on my distaste for elemental magic handling, I see your point. I will admit it's also a matter of how the specific writer handles it, so it would vary from setting to setting.

>MC just asspulls using magic items instead
He does? I don't recall there being any too significance magic items, and despite being able to craft them he never really does.
Like there's his magic staff that can instant cast thunder bolt (which he never uses and even gave to someone else for self defense).
Boots of Swiftness which pretty much makes him run faster without getting tired.
I'm sure his robe has good defense or something but I don't think it ever gets brought up.

The only thing he does is craft golems.

>not every time you go to the latest update on NU, your backlog gets larger

Is this isekai? It even has skills and game UI

>Isekai protagonist nowadays have no balls. They are conformists and always submit to the primitive barbaric laws of the other world
Imagine if they get transported into the NTHT world. A few days later they will just take it easy by becoming grunt soldiers of King Hamdo and raid nearby villages, making up excuses for their own puny survival.

Depends on if you're going inside the game, or if the game is coming out into your world.

It is, same with the D&D cartoon.

Jumanji is another world so yes it's isekai.

It depends on what you're reading. Some MCs like in Summoned Slaughterer, Wortenia and Tsuki ga don't exactly kowtow to authority.

croc best girl

Wish Nonbiri Nouka would update. Pretty comfy minecraft isekai.

>MC all but explicitly stated to be autistic with severe issues talking to other people
>immediately gets girls falling over his cock within the first 2 days
Holy hell that demon king isekai was particularly terrible about this, made me drop it entirely.

>MC can talk to girls and is also liked by them
>user instantly drops the series because he can't self-insert
really makes you think

>MCs bro is just as if not more more kind hearted than the MC
>He gets no girls in the end or is the butt of the joke because of him just being a bit more extroverted than the introvert MC


Wasn't "Now and Then, Here and There" basically that?

And its really good too.

>it's another "magic is used exclusively for combat despite clearly having infinitely more non-violent applications" setting
Bonus points if the MC is the first one to use magic for for mundane, nonviolent purposes and is immediately hailed as an innovative genius for doing so.
>"using wind magic as a form of transportation... impossible, how have I not thought of it before? Just who is this man?!"

oh fuck I checked earlier today and it wasnt out, time to read about comfy food and comfy big titty undead girls

>comfy food and comfy big titty undead girls
i remember when it was about the suffering...

it used to be about that, then the author got hungry and horny

>**1,835位/**1,549位 (***,596 pt) 2018/03/30 【限定】デスマーチからはじまる異世界狂想曲 1 [Blu-ray]
>**2,714位/**2,254位 (***,236 pt) 2018/03/30 デスマーチからはじまる異世界狂想曲 1 [Blu-ray]

Is isekaishit finally dead so we can get some decent anime now? Thank god.

Don't forget the comfy kingdom building and undead technology advancement.

You mean most fantasy settings don't have an underground city powered by a perpetually raging lightning storm?

I'm so sorry user hang in there for another...let's see maybe 3-4 years at the very very least?

Death abound

>Previously thought as useless skills/summons were turned into a new kind of tactics by the MC
Hey, it's fun.

wait a minute

>The Eighth Guidance’s base… or to be more precise, the battlefield that Pluto and the others had prepared for the decisive battle, was a ruin in Northern Europe.

I thought Origin was completely different from Earth, why the fuck are they in Northern Europe? Did the author just slip on this one or has Origin always been an alternate Earth?

Origin is described as an exact replica of Earth, but with magic. Geography, nations, culture, and even mythology are all the same.
It's just a parallel world. There's some slight differences, like apparently people tend to like non-magical superheroes more than magical ones. But that's about it.

>that feel when you're harvesting the corpse of your friend for materials and feeding her meat to people.

So adorable.


So, batman gets more wanked than usual?

>can cast explosions
>explosions is a large quantity of heat in a short period of time
>bread is dough + heat + time
>therefore you can cook dough to make bread by casting an explosion at it

>skills for breaking down materials also can tell you how to make choice cuts

sad there's no side stories about them in their baking work while Diablo become God at that other kingdom.

Since when was Elizabeth Bathory in this?

I think RtW does a fine job dealing with that considering magic was considered evil.

How do you guys feel about manhua (chinese manga)? I found that they are rarely original and follow the same formula. Probably some of the worst piece of literature i have ever read but i'm a sucker for status screens, OP mc and clear level progression (even if they abuse plot armor).

You know, I kinda think tensei isekai is better than just plain isekai one, as a prologue storyline.

>TRPG wizard didn't take Color Spray and Prismatic Spray

here's at least one
>dude gets poisoned
>wizard has no spells to counteract this
>reading patiently to see how he's going to deal with this situation
>"in my bag of magical asspulls I have an item that lets me cure any and all forms of poisons"
maybe some other anons can find more

What's the difference?

someone spoil me about swordpapa
is there any reason at all as to why he had to be a japanese dude
would anything even change if they made him just a plain old sentient magic sword

>would anything even change if they made him just a plain old sentient magic sword
yeah, readership of people who look for isekai in the title of novels they read.

But user he technically is a plain old sentient magic sword.

I'm asking about what the story will lose if you cut out the isekai part

So you're salty about the one magic item that a max-level D&D player could very well have on him?
Have you never abused any random staffs or wands of healing before? Gotta conserve those heavy duty healer casts.

/tg/fag here, you are telling me a bezoar (or a unicorn horn if you are a fancy ass) isn't one of the things you never leave without?

Damn, never come to one of our sessions, you'd blow a gasket at how many contingency plans and hedge-case stuff we prepare before cleaning the rats out of a peasant's house.

Probably not much but author will have to change a few things about sentient magic swords for it to act like a dad. Otherwise, we are getting Fran and not Raising Heart's adventures.

No knowledge about the world so basically the MC learns what the reader learns, being a former human is somewhat important in the grand scheme of things regardless of the isekai aspect but other than that there's the mandatory amazing japanese cooking.

Isn't the most mentioned cuisine in the story Indian one? Everyone including Fran masturbate to it virtually every chapter.

Curry is pretty big in Japan and they have their own spin on it I think.

Truck-kun isekai w h e n

Busy being Rufas's mount.

Why does he have kneecappers

I want dina to manage my documents!

>max level character
>not having random shit for every problem
It's a fucking detoxify ring, that's really not worth whining about.

>Any expert in a specific type of that element is obnoxiously dressed to represent that element
Index literally reasons that out tho.
Hell, isekai mostly reason that out, it's special equipment with buffs to spells.

Idol theory is a really neat system.

nah prep time is magic

its like you never played a d&d session with high level people my man.
i had to use tucker's kobolds twice when i GM'ed for those fucks, it was that bad.

what other food LN/WN are there other than tondemo, otherworld dining, nobu restaurant and wild life?

It wouldn't fit to make a plain old sentient sword slightly perverted but still completely down for caring for a 12 year old girl in a non sexual way. Also in the beast kingdom arc there's an implication of a sort that it might be relevant, but it's not quite clear.

yeah, jap curry is sweet as shit, while indian is spicy

It wasn't badass, it was suffering.


For monsters


What is this garbage evolution?

Read his bloody item list before getting upset that a high level not!D&D character has access to what are basically trinkets at his level of power.

It's a transformer.

Can a story be an isekai story if the main character doesn't know that he has reincarnated but the reader of the story knows?

isekai where people battle with imagination.
>mc gets pulled inside a world where knowledge is power
>the strongest are the nobles with library's full of story's they memorize to obtain power
>mc comes in and curbstomps with his sci-fi knowledge
>has a battle vs a guy that knows the storys of 4 elder dragons he can thus summon
>mc drops a full legion of space marines with dreadnought and all on his ass.
>or a zerg swarm

give the mc his harem or whatever
just make sure all other guys get girlfriends as well.
in fact make it so they have way more progress with a relationship then mc, because he needs to have harem shenanigans.

i only read manga isekais and only read ln's i really get into.
for instance i am 17 chapters into skeleton night and i am about to drop it unless something decent happens.

When will isekai end?

We'll die out first before isekai ends

Die and get isekai-ed, rinse and repeat.
No part about past memory or cheat though.

disgusting ugly goblin loli


its like you don't know the being ported to another world trope is older than you my man.

>Get Isekai'd to marry the queen
>You are nothing but your son with the queen has crazy powers

At that point just make the isekai about the son

His mana is pretty high. High enough to be able to using summoning.

He is taking literal years of training to make a bubble appear

>Janitor is pretty good. Less quality in writing by a noticeable amount, but it does what Shield Hero did without devolving into power fantasy.
>translations stopped, probably because of how atrocious the source text seemed.

Master of the Brave is pretty good, too.
