We'll die out first before isekai ends
Read TRPG wizard
Die and get isekai-ed, rinse and repeat.
No part about past memory or cheat though.
disgusting ugly goblin loli
its like you don't know the being ported to another world trope is older than you my man.
>Get Isekai'd to marry the queen
>You are nothing but your son with the queen has crazy powers
At that point just make the isekai about the son
His mana is pretty high. High enough to be able to using summoning.
He is taking literal years of training to make a bubble appear
>Janitor is pretty good. Less quality in writing by a noticeable amount, but it does what Shield Hero did without devolving into power fantasy.
>translations stopped, probably because of how atrocious the source text seemed.
Master of the Brave is pretty good, too.