The absolute worst endings in anime

Does manga count as well?

Because NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will ever top this

people are fucking pussies, not everything should have a happy ending. were you expected a girl from the boonies to not freak out when taken to a big city to show her off as an idol?

I think the main reason why Kumamiko watchers didn't like the ending is because (1) it doesn't fix the lack of humor in the actions of Yoshio and Hibiki and (2) it tried to give a decisive ending to an ongoing series.

If anything, the things in the middle helped ruin sentiment for the entire show. Honestly, I didn't like how they shoehorned Sendai tourism into this.

This shit


The last episode needed to have ryona

i still feel sick even thinking about, i dont know, the last half of this stupid anime. At least the last half maybe more

Never seen this show but I always loved the design of the MC. Guess I'm in for some disappointment.

Gatchaman Crowds' first season ending was so bad the director made a video of himself apologizing, bowing on all fours. Eventually they released a director's cut of episode 13 that fixed some of the problems, but it still wasn't very good.

>The absolute worst endings
What is any anime for 500?