>DBZ is known for its incredible villians and fights
>It's final boss is the most boring villian in the franchise
DBZ is known for its incredible villians and fights
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buu saga sucks so much, it was so pathetic. Only Yakon was cool. Pui Pui was nice too
>incredible villians
None of the villains are incredible.
Litterally no villain in DBZ is "incredible" or even "good". "Correct" at best.
Uhhh I don't think you're supposed to agree with what the villains are doing, that wasn't the author's intent.
Of course not. None of those words even begin to describe perfection.
>being this wrong
Buu is a Cell rehash.
But that’s cooler
The Buu Arc was a breath of fresh air after the disappointing bishie Cell. It almost felt like a pisstake on Dragon Ball after the timeskip leading up to said arc.
Dabura is the best villain from Buu arc desu
Only Frieza was a good villain. His goal was simple but he was entertaining through the entire arc
Cell was just boring and he had no creative powers, he just used everyone else's attacks
Buu had no goal either but he had creative powers that made the final fight fun (in the manga, at least, since the anime made it much longer than it needed to be)
I just got done watching the Kai Cell arc and it reminded me why I loved Cell most of all. His appeal wasn't new attacks; it was force of personality. He's magnetic.
I liked Kid Bu, at least the idea of it. A fucking psycho whose first action is just to blow up the planet and then just jumps from planet to planet destroying shit. It was kinda like the dbz version of a deranged serial killer.
Let's be honest small Buu was just an excuse for the writer to max out the super saiyan transformations and have some ridiculous power levels before ending the series.
Buu sucks because he is just a dumb powerful monster, it's a letdown after Vegeta, Freeza and Cell who were cunning and villanous in different ways. To top it off his main gimmick is also absorbing and copying other fighters to evolve just like the previous arc antagonist.
Should have been a movie villain.
Pui Pui only exists to prove how much of a BITCH Shin is.
>Is probably not even Suppressed Final Form Freiza level
>Vegeta 0 Diffs Him in BASE
This is correct
>To top it off his main gimmick is also absorbing and copying other fighters to evolve just like the previous arc antagonist.
Buu actually did interesting stuff with this though. Same with his regeneration, which took the form of shapeshifting.
Cell becomes little more than a Freeza knock-off once he drops his insectoid form. He's carried by his voice acting and character design.
>ultimate evil being the final boss of a series is bad
>he didn't enjoy Gotenks slapstick
>t's final boss is the most boring villian in the franchise
That's Cell though. Boo was the incarnation of evil. He destroyed planet earth and kill more than half the cast. He did what not one villain could
What? Frieza and Cell had completely different motivations and goals. Cell had no interest in immortality, the Dragon Balls, or ruling the universe. He was the nightside of Goku: a being interested only in the pursuit of his own self-actualization and perfection. Cell was supremely confident where Freeza was supremely insecure and paranoid about a coming threat.
Why do so many retards not understand simple children's show characters?
>DBZ is known for its incredible villians and fights
No it isn't
This. Its known for its jumping jacks and tiddlywinks
I'm talking more about how the characters are presented.
Cell goes from being a hideous monster to a more compact, attractive, even kind of feminine body. A majority of his panel time is standing around laughing at the inferiority of the protagonists attempting to stop him. He's well composed, mocking, sadistic, and cunning, it's like he's this impassable wall that's both smarter and physically stronger than our heroes. He pulls out new transformations that skyrocket him to even stronger evolutions when they're least expected. When the going gets tough they both panic and attempt to blow up the world to get a last laugh.
They hit a lot of the same beats. Cell is the same breed of villain as Freeza, and coming right off the Namek saga it felt like he was chasing Freeza's shadow. Buu actually managed to carve his own identity, with each of his three forms being distinct from both other Dragon Ball villains as well as each other.
I agree, Buu was pretty boring.
Buu is an Eldritch Abomination, a pink gooey monster that goes beyond sapient comprehention. The only way it's able to interact with life is by absorbing or destroying it. And it does both for shits and giggles. I really like the idea of how Buu got weaker or rather easier to deal with because of absorbing some of the strongest warriors made him interested in fighting, and humans, saiyans, and other aliens can fight and through fighting resolve their conflicts and sate their desires.
If you weren't a retard you would know DBZ became shit during the cell saga. Go back to hispachan you filthy spic.
Super Buu and the absorbed forms is.
Kid Buu is at least somewhat unique but he's a pretty shit character.
And then they copy the whole Buu thing again in GT for some reason
It's stupid but I still love the peaceful Dabura in heaven.
Honestly, the thing that pisses me off the most about Buu is that's he's literally AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS which, of course, has been on earth the entire time.
They could have at least made it a little bit better by just having him be on any other fucking planet and only bringing some of Babidi's soldiers over to earth to kidnap Gohan.
Primordial enemies will be always stronger than some I want to be eternal shit guy
Is there anyone that can possibly even touch el hermano?!
>hurr i'm a prince of all 3 saiyans
I actually kinda liked Babidi. You know, before Buu got awakened and all he did was "AHAHAHAHAHA MAJIN BUU IS INVINCIBLE" every five seconds.
Cell had no new attacks, but I do like the idea of him basically being all of the main characters' powers being turned against them.
>Should have been a movie villain.
Pretty sure there are a few movie villains (especially Janemba) who hit the same beats as Buu.
Feminine is not a word I'd used to describe Perfect Cell. Frieza's final form, maybe, but not Cell's.
>tfw they blew their load with Broly early when we could've had him be the final bad guy of the show
talk about wasted opportunity
The Buu arc is pretty self-aware in general and it's fun for that reason. I like it more than Cell overall.
Its biggest issue is inconsistent tone.
>even kind of feminine body
Cell's final form is Adonis tier.
Cell was cool before he absorbed 17. He was like an eerie horror movie villain transplanted into Dragon Ball. Buu was similarly fun for being so distinct, until he absorbed everybody and got boring and smug.
Buu killed literally everyone except Goku, Satan and Dende though, he was an inch away from victory
Base Super Buu>Fat Buu>Kid Buu>Absorbed Super Buu
Absorbed Super Buu is a bit boring since he really does feel like a Cell rip off, but all the Buus are still great. I probably would have actually watched Super if they didn't write this perfection out of the tournament.
And yet he was defeated by some orange balls and a dumb monkey.
Yeah, but that's mainly because Toriyama wouldn't let the heroes win. Buu is blown up, like, six times by multiple characters and then regenerates anyway until Goku blows him up.
>"No, I can't believe Buu killed my brother! He'll pay for this!"
>fucks around
>"No, I can't believe Buu killed everyone on Earth! He'll pay for this!"
>fucks around
>"No, I can't believe Buu killed my mom! He'll pay for this!"
>"lol, but what if we fucked around and pretended like we weren't strong enough to beat him"
>"No, I can't believe Buu killed all of our friends! He'll pay for this!"
>fucks around until fusion runs out
FUCK Gotenks.
>incredible villians
>green alien
>green alien jr
>monkey alien with 2 forms
>purple alien with 4 forms
>bug alien with 3 forms
>bubblegum alien with 4 forms
Gotenks was a great throwback to early Dragon Ball.
Fucking plebian.
Technically Piccolo isn't an alien since he was born on Earth.
Anything past lizard was garbage and anything past Cell should have never existed.
This, also your poster was best villain imo.
Too bad he is too underrated among faggots of this fandom since they rike "stronk" and "popuuular" things only. Hence why Broly has such popularity/Jiren too despite being bland as cabbage and best villain list always come down to "1. Freeza 2.Cell 3.Buu" aka "popular ones".
> incredible villians and fights
Tell me that you are joking, please.
Not that guy, but he said "green alien jr". That doesn't state that Piccolo is an alien, but that Piccolo is the Jr. of Green Alien.
How can you not like Buu?
This. Frieza really seemed a sort of faggy Daimyo that was handling a army and its factions. Nice and fitting concept and more or less fine execution for someone as bad as Toriyama. The rest was trash.
What I liked about Buu was after going into kid form, he gets substantially weaker, but more dangerous in so far as he doesn't care about fighting, so he just uses his power in the most efficient way possible. Teleport to a planet, erase it, teleport to another, erase it. Eventually there's no life left, so teleport to the afterlife where everybody has gone, and erase that.
I liked how it deviated from the usual 'transform, get more powerful and cockier' that defined most of the series.
>Cell was cool before he absorbed 17. He was like an eerie horror movie villain transplanted into Dragon Ball.
This. And also after that point all the potentially cool plot points stopped mattering and it went 100% fighting shit, but with the usual overused choreographies and 0 creativity.
"Green alien" which I assume is King Piccolo, is DB's villain not DBZ's you faggot!
You are right, I didn't notice OP said DBZ. But I mostly wanted to point out how repetitive the villains got after Piccolo showed up.
There is quite amount of people literally think that DBZ stands for all of Dragon Ball in past up to this date. While those type of brainlets are rare on Sup Forums, go somewhere else and you can seriously find people calling DBS's content as DBZ.
>"I watched DBZ as kid but don't do now." -about DBS
>"Is that from new DBZ" -about something from DBS
Meh, my own response lashed out too quick due this sort of crap being common (too common sadly), which can get beyond annoying. Pardon me as well.
>But I mostly wanted to point out how repetitive the villains got after Piccolo showed up.
That is most right. Frieza was entertaining cliche (space Hitler pretty much) but everything after him was just rehash of him over and over again. Androids were biggest mistake. Absolute cancer of this series up to this date. Cell was actually something I looked forward to when he was in his first form but my interest vanished moment he gained meme-mouth and Kirby should have stayed in Nintendo.
I won't even try to comment on DBS(pics). That made me actually miss Buu's saga.
Gotenks was a SHIT.
>Jiren too despite being bland as cabbage
That's an insult to cabbage. And Cabba.
Unironically only character that was well written in Super.
I kinda like Hit and Zamasu, even though they're both rather straightforward characters without a lot of depth.
>Gohan getting rekt midway through the clip
This actually looks more interesting than the actual ToP.
Am I contrarian if I hate ningen?
Toriyama ran out of imagination after Cell. He was also grumpy for having to come back to Goku after trying to switch protagonism to Gohan.
His power is truly infinife
King Piccolo started the trend of Dragonball Villains being strong. He was just pretty brutal and made sure to kill or outright beat the heroes to instill fear in them. Like King Piccolo didn't want to destroy the world, he to destroy the natural order of society and create chaos.
The second part of the cell arc had no imagination as well, if anything it was even worse than a lot of later parts.
Which is even shittier because the ToP came off of the NINGEN arc and Zamasu was a great villain.
Don't worry, you still win prettiest 'no homo would smash' villain poll.
>Zarbon doesn't count as his beauty is fake
>not wanting to fuck Zarbon
>not wanting to be fucked by monster Zarbon
I thought Zamasu wanted to rebel against the gods. Honestly, Goku Black hopping from universe to universe fighting gods and inhabitants of other worlds seems good enough to be it's own epic.
Zamasu starts out thinking mortals were a mistake, but a combination of Gowasu being a poor mentor and Goku being... Goku lead to him doubling down on that and becoming much worse until he's convinced only his POV is correct.
To be fair, King Piccolo at the time truly felt like endgame.
IDK, It's less Goku being Goku, and more him not using Keigo that sets Zamasu off. Japan gets really pissy if you don't use Keigo in the language. Goku speaks with an Osaka accent.
He was end game. King Piccolo would unironically teach Raditz fear if he showed up with his uppity scouter and power level.
Majority never watched original Dragon Ball series or just doesn't remember it. When one mentions King Piccolo, they think it is this Piccolo. Then you have never ending debates between King Piccolo being demon vs namekian and many not having a clue what is up with this debate and where did "demon" thing even came from. Shortly put, reason why King Piccolo is underrated as he is instead of being on top as he should is because Z was Dragonball most know of. Hence why on polls and rankings list always tends to go same way:
>Whatever else is "stronk" / example: Broly
>Whatever else is "popular" to name
Then there is this charming thing too.
>messed up
Meant to quote this not the other one.
>When one mentions King Piccolo, they think it is this Piccolo.
Piccolo Jr. is kinda weird, though, because he's his offspring but also treated like his reincarnation. I don't think Kami would have been able to fuse with Drum or Tamborine to become the Nameless Namekian again.
He's straight up his reincarnation. I don't think it's ever stated in the show that King Piccolo is his father or something like that.
I could be wrong though, it's literally been years since I watched DB and DBZ.
I always found it funny how Goku was only one to recognize him when Piccolo Jr. got first introduced. You would think others would at least remark how this green man wearing turban looks as certain other green man that fucked them up back then. Especially funny in Krillin's case "Who dat is Goku?". /facepalm/
It is like everyone forgot about King Piccolo in general in the story as nobody does ever even remarks anything about it upon meeting Piccolo or hearing said name "Piccolo". Weird.
>tfw Piccolo is such an endgame villain that the villain after Piccolo is just Piccolo again
I liked Kid Buu's powerset, it was really fun to see him movie and fight. Besides that, every Buu form had an interesting and fun personality, except for the smart Super Buu who believed himself to be the strongest and instantly became a pussy as soon as he started to get punched.
Still he had best scene.
Sorry Zamasu.
Oh, but that was dumb Super Buu. I like dumb Super Buu, he's alright.
Cell was fun in his Imperfect and Perfect forms. He was only boring as Semi-Perfect.
All of Boo's forms are boring except Boo after absorbing literally every character other than Goku and Vegeta
To be fair, you've got wolfmen, dinosaur hybrids and fuck knows what else moving about. Green man isn't that weird. He wasn't wearing his kanji on the suit (which was a big deal, it was his mark. It's like the Turtle school students not wearing Roshi's symbol), and the most identifying features, the antennae, were covered.
Kid buus personality is so boring. Just grunts and snickering. I actually liked Super Buus personality because it was seeing it change based on who was absorbed at the time.
>Believed himself to be the strongest and instantly became a pussy as soon as he started to get punched
Thanks Gotenks for you.
It was cool seeing it change*
>the smart Super Buu who believed himself to be the strongest and instantly became a pussy as soon as he started to get punched
Isn't that most of the Z villains?
Haha my bad on that one. My brain isn't functioning all too well right now so "smart" specific part didn't came trough. Self-pun intended suppose.