>tfw Piccolo is such an endgame villain that the villain after Piccolo is just Piccolo again
DBZ is known for its incredible villians and fights
I liked Kid Buu's powerset, it was really fun to see him movie and fight. Besides that, every Buu form had an interesting and fun personality, except for the smart Super Buu who believed himself to be the strongest and instantly became a pussy as soon as he started to get punched.
Still he had best scene.
Sorry Zamasu.
Oh, but that was dumb Super Buu. I like dumb Super Buu, he's alright.
Cell was fun in his Imperfect and Perfect forms. He was only boring as Semi-Perfect.
All of Boo's forms are boring except Boo after absorbing literally every character other than Goku and Vegeta
To be fair, you've got wolfmen, dinosaur hybrids and fuck knows what else moving about. Green man isn't that weird. He wasn't wearing his kanji on the suit (which was a big deal, it was his mark. It's like the Turtle school students not wearing Roshi's symbol), and the most identifying features, the antennae, were covered.
Kid buus personality is so boring. Just grunts and snickering. I actually liked Super Buus personality because it was seeing it change based on who was absorbed at the time.
>Believed himself to be the strongest and instantly became a pussy as soon as he started to get punched
Thanks Gotenks for you.
It was cool seeing it change*
>the smart Super Buu who believed himself to be the strongest and instantly became a pussy as soon as he started to get punched
Isn't that most of the Z villains?
Haha my bad on that one. My brain isn't functioning all too well right now so "smart" specific part didn't came trough. Self-pun intended suppose.