How does this guide anyone?
Episode 42: スターダストロードの導き – Sutādasuto Rōdo no Michibiki
During the duel Revolver will say something about seeing its glow and Yusaku will make the connection that he must be the guy who lives on the hill overseeing the river.
That sounds really stupid but plausible for the show none the less.
What's there to say about kogami other than he's a dumbass?
Why does it look like two guys fucking?
bad art choices?
Vrains is going to have to Data Storm my interest back, because even all things considered, this is woefully underwhelming.
Not sure. I've been saying "Link Up" because it kinda works. Now that I think about it, not having an actual term for the action of Link Summoning is minorly annoying.
>Yusaku knows who Revolver is
Huh so the show's finally delivered unmasked revolver then? Time to dive back INTO THE VRAINS I guess.
Does this guy have any other purpose than typing on his keyboard for the entire series and narrating the previews ?
Giving out his hotdogs.