What happened to DFC love interests in shounen manga?

Why are shounen battle manga (original creations, not adaptations) with DFC love interests not popular to begin? By that I mean series that have main love interests with actual A or AA-cup chests. Sure series like Shaman King, Buso Renkin, Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan and Twin Star Exorcists have them to give examples, but usually they aren't very popular and some even ended up being absolute flops, even the ones that had love interests with big racks are getting more popular in comparison. So I'm wondering why shounen battle manga with DFC main love interests doesn't get much public attention to begin with.

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Because Disgusting Flat Chests are almost like male chests, and that is gay. People want at least a B cup chest

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Can you name a good recent shounen manga with flat chested love interest that you read?

Bumping since I wanted it to be an interesting thread worth talking about.


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DFC is shit but at least you have pedo garbage like Prism Illya

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And all was well in the world as flatfags were slowly driven into oblivion.

Megumin is great dipshit.