Boku no Hero Academia

>It’s written by Hori
Well now I’m much more interested

Is it "the 2 heroes" or "hero of 2 people"?

Samefagging this hard

>Then you have someone like Kishi who wrote a bunch of unique scenarios and exciting fight twist with fucking sand for a power,
I don't remember fucking shit about Gaara's powers since he did the same fucking shit in every fight.

The first one makes more sense

>asshole really thinks Hori won't come up with frost armor at some point to make an "unexpected" plot twist
Not even worth a (You).

Only one of those was me faggot.

Attached: Screenshot_20180322-235811.png (1080x1920, 195K)

>sand armor that never gets used again
>everything else till the end of the series is just throwing more sand

Attached: 1505934842722.png (720x853, 876K)

But that's the worst fight of the series by far. It doesn't have coreography or anything. Just PUNCH HARDER. And to make things worse it was triggered by the walking plot device called Kouta that existed just so Deku could have his "hero" moment.

There was 2 times Shouto and Inasa used their quirk together, and when Iida and Ochako's quirks combo'd but I agree more combo moves and more interesting use of quirks would be nice