Sword Art Online

>Playing Fatal Bullet
>everyone gets forcefully logged out
>actually kicks the player back to the title screen
Okay I gotta admit that was pretty cool desu

Well she uses a shotgun, so we can at least expect her to try and take down facsimiles up close and personal, the "honorable" way. She'll fail miserably of course.

What wasn't cool was Itsuki pretending like nothing ever happened and you have no choice but to play the retard and go along with him.

Not today

Attached: Alive.png (1600x900, 1.62M)

2 hours to Hollow Fragment lads
Crack when?

I want to give Yuuki a ride on my motorcycle

Maybe by the end of the weekend if we're lucky.

That does not make sense. Go back to bed, Yuuki. You're drunk.

I think it will depend if it has >denuvo or not
If it doesn’t we might get it today

I imagine Premiere and Tia watch porn together