I have seen and read NTR. This is NTR without a doubt. The bitch was 100% in the wrong...

Official Sup Forums sister board is /fit/, newag. Do you even lift?

>Sup Forums
No. You are an /r9k/ fucker who's falsefagging in order to push this. Legitimately, only /r9k/ would rage this bad.

Only after you stop prepping your bull, cuckboi.


Attached: good work boyo.jpg (450x270, 51K)

oh, so that fat...
i'm so sorry

What about it ?

Attached: 1521406691687.png (1550x1409, 721K)

>only /r9k/ would rage this bad
More like only newfags trying to make this some sort of epic happening would pretend to rage this bad.
I'm a virgin as they come and I don't really care about this, its not like the first time an anime hits too close to home.

>le Sup Forums loves NTR
You're only outing yourself tourist bro.

Attached: you on the right.webm (600x450, 2.94M)

pairs were decided on some baseline compatibility traits
fatty wanted a girl to protect
kokoro was just agreeable
Mitsuru and Ikuno appeared to be a match since they were both loners, but they didn't click for obvious reasons
Fatty got his girl to protect and thought that since they matched together they must be soulmates (and if they weren't it didn't matter because they were stuck together anyway).
She didn't have another option and he kept moving along like they were dating
She couldn't just say no and fuck up the whole partner dynamic when they had a mission to do. The shuffle was finally a way out for her.
She wouldn't have chosen fatty, just like ichigo wouldn't have chosen goro.

That wouldn't be falseflagging. If he's from /r9k/ then he's just speaking what he truly believes.