The look on his face. I can't stop laughing


Why are the white fans so terrible? Constantly going about their theories and actually taking it seriously.


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don't go there

When you think about it, two of some of the most dangerous people that have ever tried to kill Goku have turned out to be better father figures to his children than he ever did. How is it that the literal reincarnation of the alien tyrant he killed and the royal heir to a species of blood thirsty warriors turned out to be better people than the guy who was actually raised to be a good person?

On an unrelated note, anyone have an idea of how much salt is being poured out over the fact that Goku wasnt considered the winner of the ToP? What happened to all the faggots screaming about how it's his show?

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>cute thread

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>tfw even Frieza can cooperate better than you

reminder Vegeta never gave a fuck about saiyans and his comrades

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He could legit restore planet Vegeta, his father and race with the Dragonballs. Somehow he doesn't do it, while Goku restored earth like 3 times already.

Because fuck logic.

Nigga's going to be the Piccolo to his Bra