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One Piece is the worst of the Big 3

It is. You can get the picture in one arc. No point in watching other Saint Seiya arcs if you've seen the 12 Zodiac Temples. Not point in watching DBZ past Frieza. Dark Tournament is all you need from YYH, etc.

>b-but One Piece gets good if you read 800+ chapters!

Should’ve watched Arlong Park, faggot.

Your spouting nonsense absolutely none should take your advice,

>Comparing battle shonen to an adventure manga
ask me how I know you're an underage faggot

t. Tite Kubo

One Piece is a battle shonen. There is no "adventure", all conflicts are solved by fighting.

shaboady gets my vote, worst was either fishman isle or thillerbark except for kuma. Honestly my favorite parts of OP are when the crew is traveling between places, like when luffy tries to cook.

Ennies lobby is just the culmination of everything in Water 7.

Best arc is the war (Dubal - Shabaody - Amazon Lily - Impel Down - Marineford)

Bleach is garbage though
really says a lot about your overall taste which makes any opinion coming out of you worth nothing than the dog shit on my shoe, kid

>Bleach is garbage though
True, but One Piece manages to be worse.