Uh, is she blind?
Uh, is she blind?
She doesn't react if you kite the skeleton horde over to her, so I'm gonna assume yes.
I would imagine the catacombs are pretty dark.
I don't understand the point you're making. They became separated in the Catacombs and Horrice ran off to Smouldering Lake because he went full hollow and would have probably tried to kill Anri.
What I want to know is how he got down there without cutting the bridge
I just married Anri. What have I done?
I think OP is trying to say you can see him down in the lake from where anri is
How the fuck? the view is obscured by the cave he is in
Really? I didn't realise that. I know you climb down the ladder bridge but Horrice isn't in that area. He's in some canyon a bit further on.
There's a side path you can take before crossing the bridge
Nah the bridge looks over the Canyon that Horace is in. Going through the ruins it loops you back around. Once you climb down the ladder you run in a big downhill loop to get to Horace.
This just in, user is a faggot.
That bitch probably fucking pushed him.
The cave doesnt have a ceiling m80
Look down under the bridge the next time you get to this point in the quest. You can see him down there chilling waiting to murder you. Alternatively, look up from where you kill him. You'll notice the bridge and can even see the skeleton on the edge.
The bridge literally goes over the cavern he's in down there. You can see the white glow from the items in that area and a black speck if you look around when you first get there.
Still doesn't explain it. Only way down is that little cavern that you can only get to by climbing down the cut bridge. Unless he fell and somehow survived.
He fell down you autistic fucks, same as tarkus, platforming is his demise
Do you not know that his gender changes based on yours? If your a dude, she's a girl, if your a girl, he's a dude.
>playing as a girl in souls
bet you enjoy taking cocks up the ass
He would have fallen like twice as far as Tarkus, how he alive m8?
>Went hollow
Gee I wonder.
I never noticed him, maybe Anri didn't either? If you had a brain you would have put two and two together by now...
Something I'm too lazy to test out.
If you start as a male and then genderbend into a female through Rosaria or vice-versa, does Anri's gender change too? Or do they stay the same from when you first meet them?
Do you really WANT level enemies to be able to kill NPC's ?
This, so simple
Changed too.
Yes, I thought this series was supposed to be challenging
There is a difference between challenging and frustrating.
Having NPC's die to level enemies before I even get to them wouldn't be challenging. It would make NPC quests futile
But whatever man
anri wasn't there for me what did i do wrong bros
Reusing more ideas?
you forgot arbitrary step #2736 in the exsct correct order the devs wanted you to go through the game.
seriously I love this game, but it has some of the most obtuse npc quests and fucking frustrating lockouts of items and gear hidden behind the dumbest missable shit.
gestures tied to npc phantom summons, requiring seigward and greirat to be sycned for the latter to live...
most frustrating npc quests in the serious. I do like the npcs themselves though.
>maiden in black
>old hero
>both blind
Oh god. It all started in the same game.
Stabbed her in the face.
>Rehasing previous games
Yes because DeS invented blindness
do you not want to defend your waifu from a horde of skeletons?
You stabbed your sword in her humanity hole.
I wasn't the one who made the thread. No need to insult me when I was just telling you that he is in fact visible from the ledge.
>implying I want to marry beef jerky
Battle Buddies is good enough for me
>just reached Anal Rodeo
>can see Anri's Prism Stone but can't see a summon sign anywhere
So uh, what now? Am I supposed to kill Aldrich myself first or what?
Anri is a dude?
I wanted to marry Sirris. I love Sirris!
She is Horace's waifu, not mine
Always the opposite of your gender
No. This was easily one of the most annoying bullshit things about Demon's Souls and Ostrava of Boletaria.
Every time you died after saving him in world 1, you had to escort his ass through his entire patrol path, to make sure he doesn't get killed. It wouldn't happen a lot, but the risk was there, and it wasn't hard or fun. Just really tedious.
do you ever see her again after you marry her? i expected to see my cute undead waif at the end of the game.
Enemies can kill NPCs, least in I.
that the girl version
if you see theres a skeleton with a big sword right next to a cliff, horace would have been pushed off by that one, he goes hollow because of the fucking huge ballista he cant get past and is stuck in the pit until the player comes along