Nah the bridge looks over the Canyon that Horace is in. Going through the ruins it loops you back around. Once you climb down the ladder you run in a big downhill loop to get to Horace.
Uh, is she blind?
This just in, user is a faggot.
That bitch probably fucking pushed him.
The cave doesnt have a ceiling m80
Look down under the bridge the next time you get to this point in the quest. You can see him down there chilling waiting to murder you. Alternatively, look up from where you kill him. You'll notice the bridge and can even see the skeleton on the edge.
The bridge literally goes over the cavern he's in down there. You can see the white glow from the items in that area and a black speck if you look around when you first get there.
Still doesn't explain it. Only way down is that little cavern that you can only get to by climbing down the cut bridge. Unless he fell and somehow survived.
He fell down you autistic fucks, same as tarkus, platforming is his demise
Do you not know that his gender changes based on yours? If your a dude, she's a girl, if your a girl, he's a dude.
>playing as a girl in souls
bet you enjoy taking cocks up the ass
He would have fallen like twice as far as Tarkus, how he alive m8?