He doesn't main D.Va

>He doesn't main D.Va

>He "mains"

Nah I like being a credit to the team and actually winning.

Those whiskers really kill the design for me. She'd be more tolerable without them.

>he plays overshit

>maining a character in Overwatch


>He plays shitty shallow blizzard games that die within months
>Let alone he pays full price when this game will be bargain binned in a week or two

>Hes the mediocre faggot that switches hero every time they die in hopes of cheesing something somehow

>not playing Lucio on every offense run, and laughing your ass off at the faces of the 3 enemy Hanzos when a Roadhog and a Reinheart runs in their face with 1000miles/hour

>he plays shit games

I want to """MAIN""" DVa if you catch my fucking drift

best hero
best waifu
what's not to love?


>ALLUAKBAR point as the other team tries to take it
>hop in my new shiny mech after a quad kill
>blast into the air and ram a wounded widowmaker trying to sling away

Fuck the haters.

She's fun despite her weakspot being exactly where people are shooting.

I would but she's honestly pretty shit.

>tfw love the character designs but won't play it because I hate multiplayer
Why couldn't it be a single player game?

>He doesn't switch heroes to complement the map/enemy comp/team comp/objective/phase of the match
That being said I've found great success with D.Va on basically every map that isn't tight spaces. You can get in and out of their spawn and wreak havoc from the back. Her weak point is way too big but since you can fly to health packs I don't have issues with her

I really want to main her but I feel too slow while shooting, wish there was some sort of grenade launcher on right click or something

>boost and activate mech self destruct towards point
>mech doesn't hit a wall or object or just pushes past it, continues to boost just far enough away for enemy team to barely have to move at all
>nuke point
>kill 4 enemies
>mercy just revives

>Why couldn't it be a single player game?

It is. Its called offline with bots

>b-b-b-but muh single player

Nah go fuck yourself.

>Full price game
>No single player mode
Face it, this is a F2P game they're cash grabbing for all they can.

Good, This game is fun. I'm already throwing money at them by pre ordering for that sick bastion skin.


That's not Mei

How can anyone stand her voice? Holy shit her voice is fucking awful in all forms.

D.Va is best girl but she's far from strongest character. Main problems would be low damage output, low range and the ultimate being too easy to avoid now that people know how it works.

You know there's a problem when your damage output is higher OUTSIDE the mech.

Ah well. At least she's still a qt. They'll probably buff her in future.


If you manage to get kills with D.va its because the people you are playing are fucking terrible not because shes a good hero or that you are somehow a great D.va player.

Her entire gameplay revolves around hunting for heathkits constantly, she does more damage and is harder to hit out of the mech than in it, the other tanks all do her role more reliably than she does. Rein is a better blocker, Winston is a better harasser thanks to the tiny leap cooldown and his bubble cover much more area than the projectile blocker, Roadhog and Zarya both do way more damage.

Its hilarious getting attacked by a D.va as any of the DPS classes because you can swiftly remove her from the mech or make her fly away again.

I will say this shes a really really good shitter containment hero though. I'm glad shes really popular because it means less tryhard Genjis and Right clicking McCrees to deal with.

Or fucking Cancer the Robot and dwarf I'll set up miles from any of the action and never get on the point or block anything.

A company is trying to make money? Please tell me more about your revelations.
>full price

Her mech is hideous. I wouldn't be caught dead piloting that thing.

not her alt skins though

scavenger looks neats


>will be bargain binned in a week or two
Are you positive you're gonna go with that prediction?
Are you reeeealy positive?

Wait a minute...

>He doesn't main Reinhardt

How the fuck do you even see that?
Holy shit stop trying to find SJW's in everything.

>I hate multiplayer

so in other words, you are an anti-social asshole

If they would just fucking make it so her entire God damn stupid ass robot wasn't a critzone then maybe she'd be better, but no, instead she's a tank who gets fucking two shotted by anyone with a shotgun

>he plays Overwatch

I dunno how to play her
She feels like a shitty version of Reaper

The fact that she's actually one of the worst hero's. She does shit all damage and has a hit box the size of the moon. The only thing she's got is she's a cute as fuck Korean girl

Its dumb stupid cunt face hanging out the front of the mech. Its not any more easy to hit it than it is to hit any of the other tanks in the head. Shes just a shitty tank with tonnes of awful "US GAMERS HUH" weeb lines to spam.

I find it hilarious that people cry about Bastion

>what is Roadhog
>what is Pharah
>what is Genji
>what is Hanzo

>bottomless ammo
>large aoe ult which can be propelled and push enemies back
>good shift escape option
>good bullet shield
>good range and damage outside of the mech
>re-summoning the mech does a small aoe
She's good, the only problem is that she's fragile and not really a tank despite being in the tank category.

>He's the shit ass noob who doesnt switch based on the scenario

What is retarded team ?

also, learn to greenarrow newfag

Mainly played by utter shitters and good job reducing a team game with multiple players down to individual counters.

You have an enemy Bastion problem so you change class to Genji to take care of it. The Bastion is not retarded and lets his team kill you as you hold E in front of him. You then change to Pharah and get sniped out the air before Ulting. You then go for Roadhog but now the Bastion has a Mercy healing him and a Rein standing in front.

The Bastion is riding on the Payload.

The Bastion is now a tank.

The Basion is now Play of the Game.

They should make it so that you can activate the self- destruct on one button, and bail out of the mech with another.
That's pretty much the only thing she needs.

Bastion isn't even close to being broken in payload maps.
5x Reinhardt, 1x Lucio is broken in payload.

At least thats amusing and only going to happen once in a blue moon, the awful pace sapping no fun allowed on my watch Bastions and the fucking enraging Mercy players who heal them and then Res them are constant. When you are a bad Bastion you can get loads of kills because you don't move, no footsteps means if you position well its going to surprise new players. A good Bastion will destroy pubs, completely fucking rape them. Add in hanger ons and enablers like Mercy and Rein and it just gets tiring to deal with.

I mainly play Mei on offense now for no other reason than to put Walls in front of Bastions.

>he doesn't know how getting close works
I often do highest damage on my team as D.Va



Again that has nothing to do with how good you are or how great you think D.va is, its you playing bad players and teaming with terrible players if you are getting the highest damage in matches.

Getting close as D.Va sucks though since almost every other character with a short range does more dps than her.

>bottomless peanut shooters
>slows to a halt while shooting even in the air
>can't attack while escaping
>Bullet shield on long cooldown
>piss poor health and no abilities outside mech
>three inch walls stop her explosions

Yeah man totally

>triple kill off reinhart's Rush skill
truly the only character worth having
Mercy is best Waifu

Reinhardt / Bastion / Reinhardt

Where is your god now ?

I prefer dvda

I do though

add Lucio for mobility/ heal; soldier 67 for finishing what bastion left and Symetra for covering behind shortcuts + teleporter if someone dies.

Now you have your deathBall

>People have D.va their waifu
>They don't know she is canonically trans

This is the worst
attempt I have ever seen. Lurk more, newfag.

Does that mean she has a dick? That's even better.


The better team comp will always have the better chance of winning the game

>what is proof ?

Why would I? She's underpowered compared to her counterparts.
Also, >maining

Shes a progamer

I fucking wish I could main the bitch. She's cute as hell and I love flying around.

Her fucking weapon is terrible though and everyone knows how to avoid her ult now.

Is it actually possible to have fun in this game if you play alone?
Do people actually stop playing snipers/edgy offense players when they get a ton of messages on the side saying your team comp is shit?

Depends on your teammates. Some games are a bliss some are frustrating.
With a proper ranked system it should be better hopefully.
But at the end of the day, playing with friends is more fun obviously.

>Hate battle.net and modern blizzard
>love TF2
>love waifus but I dont consider anyone in the roster cute enough
I am so on the fence with this

Is this game painfully slow or did I play it wrongly? Ir felt even slower than CS. Just messed a bit in the practice range though. I know there are characters that have movement skills and such, but even if I picked one of those other people would still be slow, doesn't really make it better.

Dva's ult is the best

this desu.

I have about 2 heroes from every role (and lucio from sups) and just swap them accordingly.
Anyone who don't do this is a faggot.

Pick lucio and let them pick up da beat

I can't aim and I have lag, what should I play?

It's not as fast as arena shooters like Quake (except certain heroes/abilities) but it's not slow like Counter Strike.

Mercy, Lucio, Junkrat, Winston, Reinhardt etc.

>The only thing she's got is she's a cute as fuck Korean girl

D. Va is the most pure waifu because she's Asian, unlike Tracer, Mercy etc. who are probably black cock sluts.

every white/asian woman naturally prefers bbc

But she is one of my mains. She one of the most fun characters. Junkrat, D.VA and McCree are all my mains

She's also much more likely to be inbred.

I love Reinhardt. But i always feel like a jackass playing him. I never know when its time to put the shield away and no longer protect others and start swinging.

what's up with americans and their nigger worship


How do I play Lucio?
Just spam E with the healing aura?

>implying that doesn't make her even better

We are the master race senpai, 95% whitey worships us everywhere

>That fucking bod
I want to lock her in my basement and feed her everyday with semen desu.

Use your speed boost at the start and everytime you spawn, using his skill booster at soon as you spawn.

He's really only useful in offensive payload. Just keep a healing aura on and stay around the cart then boost it when shit gets real.

In your spare time run around on walls like Shadow the Hedgehog

Speed boost out of spawn or to get back to the objectives in general.
Spam healing E when there are people around you getting hurt, otherwise save the E.
Play defensively, try not to get picked off by Widowmakers and such.
Spam left click into places people might come out of and right click when they get close to you or when you get grabbed by a Roadhog for instance.
Use your ult when there's a big push (your team or theirs) and you have your teammates around you.

You don't need good aim with him, just play smart by spamming into the right places and use your E and ult at the right times.

>it's a junkrat presses Q and gets PotG episode

He's useful in all modes both in attack and defense. He was always picked in tournaments, he's almost a guaranteed pick if you're playing with high skilled players.

This pretty much

Anyone have any tips for Lucio and Zarya?

Lucio is pretty straightforward in terms of support. I use his primary fire to pick away at enemies but have a tough time killing people in motion unless they're up close. I use his alt fire for pushing close range enemies away from teammates or for pushing people off the objective.

For Zarya I just shield like crazy, run out for a bit when my personal shield is up, and spam alt fire. It's good for taking out any stationary player like bad snipers and bastions.

>it's a Bastion sits in the corner and kills 5 people episode

Did not see the Lucio post a few posts above. Ignore that part then.

Still looking for Zarya tips.

I posted this literally 3 posts above As for Zarya, you're an off-tank. You want people to shoot at your shields for dat damage boost, so put the shields when the enemies are about to attack you or a teammate.
You can shields yourself to fight off some people then back off and shield someone else to take your place.
Use left click if you're fighting 1 person in close range as it has more damage. Right click for ranged lobs and killing clumped up people (especially after your ultimate use).
Use your ultimate when people are clumped together and then right click into them. Try not to use it on Reinhardt when he has shield unless someone else has him flanked.

You also didn't read when he said ignore it.
