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Video Games #3368
Video Games
Hoiw do you think he's going to react to seeing Gwyndolin's lifeless body being puppetted around by Aldritch?
Daily reminder to boycott this shit if you are Australian
Post your top 5 vidya and guess each other's personality
Just got fired
Persona Q or SMT IV?
You can play Crash Bandicoot in a cute scene with Drake and Elana in Uncharted 4
Healers are important!
Why was this in the game?
Rondo Duo is now aviable in English
Is there a game that Sup Forums unanimously likes?
Name a better looking fighting game
Remember when games had actual cheat codes that did fun stuff in games?
Are any of you retards actually paying $60 for a multiplayer game with 2 modes?
Dark Souls 3 off hand
Who are dome Vida characters you know of that have a nice ass?
Hearthstone "skill"
Samus Thread
Why does this game trigger PC players so much?
I just started this and completed a few of the tutorial battles, and it's not off to a great start...
Was he right?
Hey, buddy, what about the tip?
What game lets me play as a little girl?
ITT: God-tier opening cinematics
What went right?
Why do Star Wars games suck so much?
He was born in the 2000's
Get 4 kills with headshots in a row as widowmaker and the last one was me getting a headshot on a tracer while using...
Will his new IP be good? It's not gonna be Souls btw
It's Mothers' day
It says here you haven't 100% completed Sonic All stars Racing Transformed
Hey guys
Who would win in a fight? Chosen Undead or a Monster Hunter?
Ah, user, don't come in without knocking!
You have been invaded by a dark spirit
See this series constantly being shilled on Sup Forums
Do you play your vita in public?
This game is insane. Every ability in the game is made up of basic attributes and pieces...
Is anyone else having fun?
Itt: we post games that held up well
Is this the best boss in the game? I don't mean the hardest, but the best style and music. Just listen to that score:
Change (or remove) the first letter in a game's title and give a small description of the new game you've created
Are you enjoying the Ace Attorney anime Sup Forums?
Doom 4 is an "arena shooter" while having movement speed and aerial control on par with halo
What other non Nintendo characters would you like to see in the next Smash?
I honestly feel bad for Zarya. Ever since she got announced, the beehi/v/e shat on her for being tumblr and sjw...
"You there. You one of those 'Skyrim for the Nords' types?"
Tfw ready to buy a GTX 1080 on launch
Let's see you get past this!
Have you ever fallen in love with a videogame character?
Can we have a thread dedicated to games that either failed kickstarter or screwed over backers?
Will you buy Revolution 60 pc?
Battlefield1 opinions
Battlestation thread
The People Who Make Brutal Video Game Porn
Gamerfuel thread
What's the best Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, and Metroid game from each franchise?
Stellaris thread
I don't know if you guys heard about this...
Stupid Name of Dev
Which one will you pick, Sup Forums?
Time to upgrade fellow PCucks?
Sonic name... thing
Left or right?
EA office building went down in flames, more news at 9
I still can't understand how Sup Forums claims this game is good
Tfw learning japanese to play japanese games and hate every second
What are some games where i can be a slav?
Looking for emulator to play some paper mario
Zelda games have HORRIBLE controls
ITT: Favorite vidya ads
Are you fucking trash at video games?
Battlefield won
Tem back from cool leg!
Anyone else looking forward to the announcement of the game of the movie being announced this E3?
So has ATLUS just given up on their dignity?
Why is this allowed?
Sup Forums hates e-celebs
ITT: The first PC game you ever played
Is this the only example of Japanese lolicon jokes that slip through the localization censorship's tight crack?
Every other meme is in the game
Console: $60
ITT: games you love nobody ever talks about
What was so bad about this game?
Tommy Vercetti is the best GTA protagonists
Super bouncy jello girls
Are they the saviors of JRPGS?
What are your thoughts on the Zone of the Enders games?
Any good turn based grindy RPGs for PC?
He did nothing wrong
American level
Is it even trying to be a "good" game?
Why do you get bullied for liking Japanese games on Sup Forums
Happy mothers day, Sup Forums
Will you name your kids after vydia characters?
It's a "Platinum Games should do _____!" thread
Serious talk about what 2016 gave us the best
Video games thread
Since it leaked today, has anyone played it? Is it good?
What went wrong?
So will people actually play Overwatch on consoles or will it be like CSGO on consoles and be dead as shit?
So, who here replaying DOOM 3?
Has anybody ever been BTFO this hard in the gaming industry before?
The upgraded Xbox One model is indeed a reality and will be more powerful than the PS4
Daily reminder that you fans of the series are the reason for this abomination
Oh it's the dodge it's attacks for 30 minutes and get 1 hit in every 2 minutes boss :)
Tfw I was born from the shadows
>yfw not Anthony Burch
Thoughts on DSPGaming?
You almost never get summoned and the drop chance is close to zero but you'll need 30 to get this
Who is the best video game youtuber and why is it Chuggaaconroy?
R8 and H8
What are some games that makes you think
How many times have you heard:
Look what i found in the basement
Are you going to be calling your mom today Sup Forums?
Which company do you consider the worst in vidyabusiness? Which one has ruined more series you liked?
User, what are you staring at? Come on already, let's go inside and play games
So who won, Sup Forums?
Instead of making depressive 2D retard games
Your Swords of Revealing Light are going to end this turn Sup Forums...
Name one bad thing about this game
Can she be stopped? Will people finally be smart enough to counter her by the time the beta ends?
Why was it better than GTA 5?
Just ordered a N3DS on Amazon. What are some must-have 3DS games?
Game gives certain characters British accents to make them seem more "sophisticated"
If I was born in 95, am I 90s kid or 00s kid?
She will never be real
Where the fuck is the P5 thread ?
What would you do to fix Overwatch?
I'm still trying to understand why Sakurai left the four Twilight Princess Zelda characters looking exactly like they...
Everyone seems to tacitly agree that vidya's best days are behind it. Do you agree?
Are you ready to hear the most recent trailer, dubbed horribly in English, at E3?
Ask a mexican gamer whatever you want
The main character is also best girl
Battleborn ~50% off
Savescumming Save-state Load Video Games Sony Emulation
Overwatch Fullgame VS. Beta
Shantae Thread
"We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke"
What's the deal with ffix? Is it good or bad...
It's not that fucking hard to make a decent Sonic game. It's not that fucking hard at all
Tfw no Civil War game
Has there ever been a game where the Bard class isn't complete fucking shit?
Windows 10 is spyware!!
Who even is this chick? No one gives a toss about her
What is the best video game to brush up on my math?
Why don't you own a gaming PC?
Do the use of memes in vidya completely ruin your experience?
Your child will never be a prodigy that codes their own minecraft mods
Bayonetta is too tumblr of a game
What's your excuse for not having a modded GBA?
Not even one month old
ITT: Bosses you feel pity for
What does Sup Forums think of Alisa Reinford?
Why don't you play WoW?
Filename thread
Slowed Down OST's Requests
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing SFV right now?
I see absolutely nothing wrong with there being 2 big arena shooters competing with one another
Where the hell is the game adaptation? And I'm not just talking about mobile shit, but actual console game. Like, shit...
Was this the exact game when this IP went to shit?
Super Mario 64
What game lets me be a bad parent?
Thoughts on Overwatch, Sup Forums?
This is your date tonight
Fuck, marry, kill
Soup Sup Forums
Have you ever dropped a game because it was too hard, boring, easy, or just plain fed up with it?
Post the best vidya music that's sad, melancholy, or somber
Film Potential of Nintendo IPs
There are people on this board that think the video games industry would be better off without Nintendo
Kill the protagonist of the first game in the sequel
What's with videogames and pushing this "killing is bad" agenda? Isn't self defence a fucking thing any more?
Entire party is killed
Holy Zen!!!
Shit cosplay
Post characters you want to see in Kingdom Hearts 3
How did Notch capture lightning in a bottle with Minecraft?? How can a game reach Minecraft's success?
Post your super animation Sup Forums
Pay 60 dollars
I dare you make a better 2016 so far list
E3 2016
Who is the greatest vidya composer?
Vice City > San Andreas > GTA V > GTA 3 > GTA 2 > GTA 4 > GTA 1
P5 has HD demons
What does a "comfy" game mean to you?
Is it finally fucking dead?
Is there any reason why the PC fanbase is so cancerous? Is it because all this "PC master race" meme came from Reddit?
Tfw still no soulcalibur VI
We're in agreement right?
So why didn't you make it big as a vidya youtuber forming your own community and raking in all that internet dosh Sup...
Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama
What video games let me be the coolest guy in the world?
How did they get away with this? He's literally doing the "suck it" movement and then pelvic thrusting
What would a AAA Vaporwave game be like?
Poise in Dark Souls 3
G O T Y 2016
Fuck this blue haired piece of shit
He still cant wash the taste of viscants dick out of his mouth
Why is it I dont ever feel emotionally invested in video games...
Look at dis doll
Dawn of war 3 Warhammer
Hyped for game
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Mario Kart Sup Forumseekend REAL NIGGA HOURS
Western RPGs kind of suck nowadays. How can they be fixed?
Buyfag Thread
Ashen One is the
What video game series' plot and lore has always been celebrated for their excellence?
What went wrong?
ITT: Characters who did everything wrong
7th Dragon III. How are you finding the game, cfw users, any fun?
Melee @ Dreamhack Top 32
This is the best Sonic design
There are people literally posting pictures and videos of themselves masturbating to other poster's characters in...
Is it true that there were aliens in Ecco the Dolphin? I never made it past the first part
Mario Sports Games in Decline
This turns my stomach. Just flat out the most offensive game I've ever seen
Post multiplayer or single player maps that give you great nostalgia
REMINDER that chris bores literally did nothing wrong
It wasn't that bad
Antagonist is literally jesus
Are arcades still a thing in your country?
I played each souls game on release...
Super Smash 4 Bros Sup Forumseekend
What video games let me explore the deep?
Post your Battlefield 1 loadout
SMT fags got BTFO by Persona
How do you think their working relationship was like?
What do you think of this game based on these four screenshots?
Is it any good?
Hi, my name is Josh, and I'm an Amiibosexual
We need an multiplayer rpg
Tfw as a child, you dreamed about the day when video games would look just like real life
So what happen to all the guys who where SEGA fanboys like me?
Biggest blunder of 2016
LGBT-friendly games
So my autistic friend says Skyrim is better than Dark Souls
Characters that got away scott-free
What kind of sick fucks would dramatize and glorify the biggest blight in the history of humanity?
ITT: We judge people by their mains
Are people looking forward to the Rance series finale later this this year?
Fuck this little chinese cunt
You should be able to solve this
This game is amazing, how different is the rest of the series?
What do you want to see from the next Kirby game?
What are you playing today Sup Forums?
So is it worth it for 6$?
This character and Bastion both suffer from the same problem...
Over 25s thread
These are the 25 best video games of all time according to a Famitsu Magazine survey
What gender do you usually play in games, Sup Forums?
Nostalrius gone
"How do we make this game harder?"
Let me smith y' weapons
Say something nice about Peacock
It's Time
Hello gentalme-(pfft)
What's that one game that's criminally underrated?
What video games did you play today Sup Forums?
FF8 is the best final fantasy
Tfw no good videogame
Why didn't he talk?
Are Xbox, PS2, GameCube considered retro yet?
Fallout 4 should have been an open world Deadspace
Sup Forums's game
I Never played Shadow of the Colossus. is it too late to play it...
Do you think you could stop playing videogames?
Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about this game?
Battlefield game set in WW1
Hitman Tee-Em
How is it that I've logged so many hours in the beta, yet I've never seen anyone play as Zarya?
Did Persona copy the concept of Stands from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?
Amy Hennig Worked On Uncharted 4 For Two Years: "There's A Lot of Me Still In There"
Why is it that every single decent game thread is either full of shitposters or just dies with <10 posts?
Well damn
What went wrong?
Are you my Master?
The YouTube stream on 5/5 had 5 million concurrent veiwers
ITT: Games where you were the villain the entire time
So, who else got tricked into pre-ordering for skins after playing the open beta?
What the hell was the purpose of this?
Fuck you mods
Sony turns 70 today, what are you playing to celebrate?
What does Sup Forums think of Loli Jew Simulator?
Is PC Gaming dead?
Uncharted 4 looks amazing!
The Beta is slowly ending
Closing and eye
Are you ready to make space great again?
What are some good mobile games?
Do you actually take Sup Forums's opinions on video games seriously?
The last boss you fought in a game is now your boss IRL
Fashion souls thread
Who is the most retarded AI companion in vidya?
As long as its well made I dont see the issue. 100$ for clothing isnt that much if you care what you look like
Not giving your healer votes at the end
It's actually pretty good
So I plan to hack my 3ds xl as you guys said but I don't know how
What the fuck were they thinking with this boring, linear borderline racist pile of rubbish?...
Mirror thread
Oh dude
How much do you bet, Sup Forums?
Hey Sup Forums which jrpg should I play?
The World War I setting is confirmed...
Tfw Sony just can't stop winning
I'm really conflicted about this
Thoughts on this, lads?
What's his name again?
You can choose only 1, choose wisely
Explain this
Did the patches help at all?
Only post adorable videogame characters
Zero Escape
Does anyone know when this fucker will be hacked? I have heard that PSP ISO's can be played on the PS Vita...
So which one of the DR1 survivors is gonna die in Dangan Ronpa 3?
ITT good games ruined by Tumblr
Behold the technology of the future, where shadows have long been rendered obsolete
Gear thread
Please consider the following:
Best and cutest character coming through
150+ hours put into Dark Souls
So which Touhou spell card is the most frustrating for you?
The PS4 controller doesn't work very well for Mega Man games...
I will post this everyday until E3. I will cling to the possibility that iDOLM@STER will be localized
I need some weeb shit recommendations
What are the best Secret/Hidden bosses in games? Pic very related
Warhammer 40,000 Series
It's like poetry. It rhymes
CoD trailer comes out
Are there any Visual Novels that aren't cliche weeb shit?
Aside from MUH CUTSCENES what's Sup Forums's problem with uncharted?
Name a character from ANY video game that could possibly take down Dark Excellent Ronald McDonald
Youre at the class trial and this guy slaps your gf's ass
I cant stop thinking in the day that ill be playing ff7 remake, finally me real dream that come true
Psssh...nothin personnel...kid
THAT's Gabe Newell?
Ask me anything about the next Sonic game
ITT: the perfect horror game
What is it about this character that is so appealing to scrubs?
What does Sup Forums think of Peace Walker?
Hey guys, I'm not good at math so:
Apparently angry endorses pronhub
TES and Fallout are skippable trash games laughably labelled RPG's with the most uninspired writing ever gracing an...
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Runs Doom With Vulkan API – Achieves Up To 200 FPS With Ultra Settings at 1080P
Have at it. Which game is more Dark Souls?
have a game with a shitty server tickrate of 20
Why are there some gamers out there that are against this option?
This was pretty cool last time
Have you preordered Tokyo Mirage Sessions yet and why not?
Sup Forums shitposting aside, this game has potential to be GOTY
Yukiko appreciation station
Why is Blizzard censoring Mercy?
What do you think of mega Pokemon?
You can stack speed buffs
ITT: Games that made you cry like the little sissies you are
I feel like playing some Spiderman Sup Forums
2.5 DAYS
Is Dark Souls worth 5 bucks if you never played one of those games before?
Mfw most kids who grew up playing FF7 and OoT are all grown up and have a family and house to take care of
How the fuck nobody thought of WW1 setting before ?
Overwatch "pro" player for TeamEnVyUs banned on Twitch for hacking
ITT: Most powerful female video game characters
Do you play as a girl or a boy in rpgs?
ITT: Post your favourite video games and others judge your taste
Never, ever get PotG or votes despite 7k+ healing
Sequels better than the original
What's harder, Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne?
"An international celebrity who fights for social change through his music and actions"
Why is she dressed like a hooker
Hypest moments in vidya thread
The future of Video Games
Dislikes: Oversized things
So, who you you main in Overwatch Sup Forums?
What is your honest opinion on Undertale? I bought the game about a week after it came out on Steam...
Hey, Sup Forums, it's me! Your favorite video game character! I bet you can't wait to see what other games I show up in...
Ugliest armor/weapon has the best stats
Why does xbox need three hard drives?
This is from the official Senran Kagura art book
What's the scariest game you've ever played Sup Forums?
Nintendo Showing One Game at E3 is Embarrassing
Who is the biggest traitor in vidya?
Saturday Afternoon 3x3s
Game severely penalizes you for leaving mid-match
Literally impossible
Can't remember password
Are there any games for PC or PS3 that allow me to make my force of μ(kinetic) overcome my force of μ(static)
DCSS thread. some topics:
ITT: you hear you lose
Is graphic adventure a videogames?
Is this all because they used a David Bowie song?
Just got these 2 bad boys
Vidya Cringe
Battlefield 1
In terms of skills against other people, are you a Goku or a Frieza...
Hyped for new Battlefield
Be bastion main
Cyberpunk 2077
Doom 3 Vs. Half Life 2
Risk Of Rain
ITT Franchises that don't deserve their fanbases
Games where you can go to the moon?
Find a flaw
You now remember we caused tortanic
Scoreboard doesn't show my awesome K:D ratio as Widowmaker
Disconnected from server three times in Paris
Yearly installments
ITT: newfags cant pongtext
Should Nintendo go back to its roots with the Metroid series and make a 2D Metroid themselves and drop the Prime...
Name a better looking game. I DARE you
What does Sup Forums think of enter the gungeon?
Open world Game of Thrones game, when?
Eroge thread?
Despite its many flaws and the pseudo artsy graphics, BioShock infinite was a good game
How do you feel the real these four nationalities won't be in Battlefield 1?
Level up
Oh sheeeeeeeit
Sup Forums hates CoD
Let's talk Nintendo
Does Sup Forums pirate games?
Game has a cool looking spell
What does Sup Forums think of JonTron Lite™?
What are some games you've been having fun with lately?
Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama
What are some good RPG games with beast races?
Why there so many different SABERS?
You grabbing it?
So what is everyone playing now after the 5.5.1 exploit a couple of days ago?
Name one game that Sup Forums won't shit on
Why is Woolie so fucking awful at video games?
Gaming Mice
It's time
Dreamcast or Wii U?
Does Sup Forums like Doom 3?
Smash Sup Forumseekend
Calls himself a PC gamer
What are some games that feature frogs?
Big Vidya Titties Thread #3
Crash is B A C K
So what's Sup Forums's opinion on this guy?
What does Sup Forums think of Classic Game Room channel?
I've never played God Eater before but I just noticed it's getting a Western PS4 release. Looking on YouTube...
What's the Sup Forumserdict on this shit? Are we going to go fast once again?
When given the choice to create a character, do you;
This is a middle-aged woman
Dark Souls 3 was just released a few weeks ago and Stellaris is already outselling it
Hah hah hah hah hah
What do you do in dark souls 3 now that it's been out for almost a month?
Why can't Nintendo make a system like this anymore?
Look at me guys i am such a perfectionist hehe i spent all this time perfectin my work ;) I totally didn't just set on...
Are you looking forward to it?
Hey Sup Forums, I recently broke my arm. Any fun vidya which only require one arm?
His mouse doesn't have a booster propeller for those times you need to make super fast twitch motions
I still like Bf3 more
Really loved DA:I
It's fanservice having returning characters in a sequel
Bought the humble bundle for the 3DS game
What you want, senpai?
Stellaris thread. Are you ready for hype?
Are people who hate E3 the videogame equivalent of the Grinch?
You all faggots say that the combat in this game is fair but seriously this was neither fair nor fun
Whose idea was it to give this bitch an attack that involves her slamming her opponent with her ass?
Console and overwatch fags will defend this
Battleborn vs. Overwatch For Dummies
What do they mean by this?
ITT: Games you only play for dat ass
Can you play gears of war 3 on the xbox one???
So when is the 4.5 coming out? Playstation 4.5 that is not FF4.5 that's still garbage
Without posting NSFW images, because that is against the rules and wouldn't want to get banned, lets discuss smut games
Dark Souls Lore
Lara Croft triangle tiddy
Post games that desperately need to be on PC
Let's just take a minute to realize, Persona 5 and Final Fantasy XV are releasing in the same month...
How do we fix winston?
On your way to GameStop to preorder Overwatch: Origins Edition
What else to get?
Why are conservashits so triggered about Battlefield 1?
What is the most comfy thing in gaming and why is it chapter 4 of TW1?
Literally Demoman without stickies and far better pills
Do you like Samus?
No shantae thread
Offer as much as a f2p title
FFVIII gives child cancer
Battlefield 1 dev speaks out
Kirby thread
Do you guise even care about E3 anymore?
Offline vidya reccomendations for flight
Grand Strategy Games
Okay. Give me your honest opinion on this game. Is it worth to buy it?
The wind blows in my favor, little man. You will not be walking awat from this one
Literally won't need another videogame for months when this drops
ITT: Worst Castlemania
Now that FE is Nintendo newest cash cow: What are the chances of pic related getting the "Earthbound Origins treatment"?
ITT: The best couples in vidya
Just bought this
So ... are they finally going to give us legacy realms? How did the meeting with Blizzard go?
In all honesty what is the appeal of PC gaming?
Persona 5 Thread
Do you like watermelons, Sup Forums?
Your Favorite Artist Just Released A Game, How Is It?
Think of subtitle that would have been a better choice than "For 3DS/For Wii U"
Why the flying fuck would they make this so terrible?
Playing video game you can't pause
So this is the power of ps4... wow
Official Rankings
Dead on release
Battlefield factions confirmed:
PC98 > PC
ITT: post your favorite OW hiro to play
So can someone recommend any nip games for this...
Bringing Souls to PC was a mistake
*flanks bastion shitters*
Are there actually any good prebuilt gaming PCs or are they all shit?
What happened
That's it?
Melee @ Dreamhack
Why was a black burger chosen to represent Battlefield 1 when burgers made up less than 5% of soldiers...
Filename thread
Can anyone here actually tell me why they don't like overwatch?
3D adventure game like zelda or souls
What weapons and vehicles do you hope to see in Battlefield 1?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Yooooo who here repping that new NeoGAF avatar though??
Is this shit any good?
Who actually buys these games on the pc? I can understand weeb machine 4 but the pc?
God, this game is so fucking boring
He doesn't main D.Va
People who did nothing wrong
Filename thread
About to start Ar Tonelico 3
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...