ITT: Favorite vidya ads

I have a few to share with you, Sup Forums.


















this ad is kinda hot







And that's all I got.

Hope someone enjoyed this short image dump.

fucking feminists and sjws ruined everything

It's really strange for me to see them actually doing shit.

I've been playing games for a little more than thirty years now and while there's always been opinionated cunts who ranted about the "evils" of video games, I don't really understand why they're being given attention and money for it now when they didn't get nothing but a "Fuck off" before.

Good on you user. It's a nice nostalgia dump when games were still about having fun.

I miss the 80s style glitzy airbrushed artwork of old video games as well as the 90s style of advertisements where they actively insult the customers of their rivals (as well as the rivals).

damn some of these are lude as fuck

good 8gag post my redditumblr brother

Sony has some weird as shit ads.

Man, there's no way you'd get away with something like that these days

I have more in the book but I can't take pics because work




wow thats really problematic

Why are you shitposting, user? What went wrong with your life?

Why are getting mad at dumb jokes?

I'm not mad at all. Just disappointed that rather than enjoy a neat thread you'd instead prefer to shitpost.


Help me identify them pls
I only recognize hitler, stalin, mussolini, saddam and I think napoleon's the one between stalin and mussolini and castro's the one under stalin.


>im still mad
>i dont know the difference between a joke and bait

Take a break, you've earned it.



First one is Ratko Mladić, and the last one is Radovan Karadžić.

>being this upset that people don't approve of your shitposting

Show us on the doll where your father touched you, user.

I remember some of those.

It is excruciatingly painful, that most of those ads would not fly today. It is so fucked up we have moved to much less liberty in name of not hurting any slack-jawed faggot's feelings in so little time.

Oh I get it, Mother's Day is making you think of the bad times.

>still posting in a thread that you didn't even like to begin with

Who hurt you like this, user?

Walter White?


Who said I didn't like it? I'm having fun and making jokes.

Fug. At this point, I feel like we're gonna get to a point where ads/games are required to fill a quota for sjw. No woman being strong? Sexual reference/innuendo of any kind? Can't air it.

Lol I thought that was Nas at first

But why ?

>that's the joke.jpg

There was even a media shitstorm about that back then.

but why

>Sony's ads

Who thinks up these things?

>I don't really understand why they're being given attention and money for it now when they didn't get nothing but a "Fuck off" before.
Academia. Feminists and critical race theorists have been stirring shit up for 30 years and the academics have become increasingly insulated from reality with each generation of students. These departments have no practical application and they only create more professors, which creates a feedback loop of madness.

>the dog can also connect with the girl


Why is David Lynch on this picture?

A serial killer hopped up on speed. He screams ad ideas while marketers write them down and use them

>Play some PS1 demo
>The animated screen is sperm with face buttons on them

Sounds plausible.

Feminists and SJWs had nothing to do with this though

The general trends in advertising after c. 2006 started to turn into other stuff. Go read game mags and see. Its like blaming SJWs for Smash Mouths loss of popularity.

>Master the arts of Aim, Power and English


Fuck, I was joking but now I think I might've been right. Seriously, fuck.


I fucking love this one.


That's clever.



I'm one second away from fleeing

pol pot, amin, mao, gaddafi

You're asking the wrong person.

I'm pretty amazed Sony can sell shit with these kinds of ads.


Nothing and these ads were very popular in the eurozone.

These don't even have any general brand recognition other than the ps2 logo in a corner. Are these supposed to be slightly subliminal so that whenever you are in a fucked up situation or some shit you think of Sony's products?

To be a fucking fly on the wall during these meetings, holy shit.

Somebody hired David Lynch.

I don't know why anybody thought it would be a good idea to give it to him, but they did.


Somebody post overly aggressive 90s advertisements already.

Why haven't they made ads like these for the PS4/Vita?

these are classic

I can understand that there's someone out there who can think this shit up, but who in their sane mind would approve this?


I don't get it

bottom right corner

Too busy playing gameboy to put hand to the glass, puts foot there instead.

I bet there's an asylum out there that gets tons of mail from Sony.

Too busy playing the gba to place his hand on the glass


You know these Sony ads only happened cause the PS2 sold so well and they were testing to see how much it would take to turn people away

>Naked man

Huh? Why would they have an advertisement like that in Playboy and not Playgirl?


He's up for any game, boy

They made you look, ponder what the fuck is this shit and made you 'search' for who's funding this shit just to realise it's Sony playstation. From an advertiser's point of view, they win as they had your attention for more than a few seconds and it sticks to your mind. Just come back to this kind of thread a few years later (if Sup Forums is still here in the first place and you'll still see Sony PS ads posted around).
