Best and cutest character coming through

best and cutest character coming through

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just when you thought we did my have enough of the Exact same thread.
And tracer wins btw

>closes the wrong eye


Posting best beauty

Pick 1





Knows her place

She does too much damage. Come at me bruh.


>Too much damage
>Have to fire at someone point blank for thirty seconds to kill them while in mech outfit


dead game

>Little Asian femboy who spews LEET GAMUR talk

Kek. Hog is here. Surrender your holes.

Can't take her seriously because she is suppose to be Korean and if anything, she looks like she is post op.


Holy shit, just noticed that. What shit

Playing on PS4 because my PC is too shit for modern games. Playing vs AI because I'm too shit for modern gamers. Are my vs AI team mates real people? The names seem way too "real" to also be AI, and they do some things that seem way too human. If they ARE real people, does that mean Overwatch letting me play online without PSN? That would be awesome, because fuck paid online.

My nigga, Indian women are fucking great

mercy best waifu

>Poo in loo trash

Why do the "asian" girls in this game look white? And the brown girl looks like a man.

because that's how realism works user

we're a progressive society now so we have to represent everyone like they really are

You posted the wrong picture, user.
Let me fix that for you.

I said her, not her mech. :^)

How do you use her Ult?
I always end up blowing myself up because the damage range is fuckhuge and I can't get out in time.



you do your flying thing towards enemies and as you're flying you do your ult. You'll jump out but the suit will keep flying towards enemies

what if she's cross-eye dominant tho

>tfw you want to play your waifu but you're only good on pharah

Damn, pretty sure I tried that, but it didn't work.

is this a /k/ tumblr meme?

Maybe she's just squinting, you fucking racist pig.

yeah, it works

And completely, utterly, amazingly useless.

Her Architect skin is pretty fucking nice though.

>closing your eyes at all
Enjoy losing 1/3rd of your vision and an additional distraction for your brain.

Literally no reason to close your eye. We naturally keep both of our eyes open for a reason, just takes some practice.

She sounds like Tommy from the rugrats and talks in references.

How can you have such shit taste?

what is this poo in the loo meme


Blizzard are really doing their best avoiding any boob/ass jiggle

>Somebody else gets MVP
>They get commendations minimum
>I get MVP
>Get 1 commendation

>poo in loo
Superior brown coming through

She's not African you fucking retard.

Isn't she a quadriplegic?

>right handed
>left-eye dominant
>no one at the range ever let me fire using my right eye
>try to give pointers that dodge around the fact that I'm being forced to use my left eye

fucking suffering

I'll make you a quadriplegic

>it's someone presses Q then and kills an entire retarded team on the capture point despite ultimates having 20 years of telegraphing is the PotG episode

>build teleporter to the closest designated shitting street
>take a peaceful dump while your turrets kill the enemy

Does she have Tenma's dub voice?

I want to marry D.Va.

You monster!


bashing literal retards is the best feel

My negro, I'm plating the Jap version and her voice is really cute

Ive been really holding on not buying the jap version

Why is this game so fucking SJW infested and wannabe diverse?

>that alternatie costume for the fat pink haired gamer gate whore

I'm fine with everything but that god damn laser lesbian and her dumbshit smug face

So what would be your opinion of this game without the waifus?

The minimalist art style is unnappealing

Wouldn't even bother trying the Demo.

The gameplay is genuinely fun. It's easy to learn and hard to master. Great party game, fun to play with people. I like the art and music. If I had to give it a rating, it's a solid 3/5. Overall I find myself enjoying Battleborn a lot more, I feel that OW could have more content or more complex game modes, but some of the characters are really satisfying to play.

>literally Eldar/ Evangelion the character
Blizzard gonna Blizz.

Surely you aren't talking about patrician tier ushanka zarya

>Nice body
>Shit face

Good job Blizz

Only according to Vaati

i never played the game but my friend told me is a mix between fps and moba is there minions and turrets and objetives on the game? or how do you win the match? by killing all the enemies or how?

Information that can be found literally anywhere else.

No minions.
No turrets.
No it's not a fucking moba.

It's a shooter through and through.

>have dirty injun character
>she isn't even barefoot