>Oriental fantasy game fit with Ninjutsu and mythical demons

Its blatant west pandering

>Inb4 someone links a wiki article to William as if thats a valid argument

Like, who cares? Nips just made they got BLEACHED xD

Even Asians don't want to be asian.


You realize he's based on a real person who sailed to Japan during the edo period right?

We don't complain about Japanese games in European settings, why should people complain about this?

Who cares, its a decent game but it doesnt feel unique at all

Literally just a mash of onimusha and souls

OP is making fun of all of the bullshit racist Battlefield 1 threads.

white/black men > beta cuckold loser asian men

Heidy-ho fellows, did I ever tell you pals that we were samurai and whatnot?

>Character is historically correct
What's the problem? He was a real person.
You are a faggot but that goes without saying.

>Neo Sup Forums actually discusses Battlefield


This, Asian men can't compete.

Asian women flock to men of other races, especially superior spic dick.

Its funny that Sup Forums complains about a black guy fighting in WW1 (which happened) but didn't complain about an English guy in Japan (which also happened)

>Japs pander to demographic
>it's ok
>Yurop panders to a demographic
>it's not ok

Jesus Christ, it's ok to be racist but be honest with yourselves at least. Don't make excuses like """""""""""historical accuracy""""""""""""" in a video game, own up to it.


They have been doing this for years. And it's great.

Because pandering to niggers is pathetic and only a Swede company would fall that low.

they model everything on whites, even their cartoons

because asians are gross and ugly

It's an outrage!

Pandering to the west is just as pathetic

back to Sup Forums with you

>asians make a videogame featuring a white dude
>white people are offended

it's like pottery

>implying playing as a brit would be better
I would rather play as an american nigger than a british white.

It's like making a medieval setting where you play as an African Knight

more like
>people make game
>people that don't play games get offended

Fuck you Battlefield 1946 was great.

I want to be Kenshiro or Goku

But William did go to Japan.
The Japanese love to do this kind of shit.

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

Dam you euro fags are really butt hurt about this huh?

Reminder that DSP beat Nue on his first try.

If you didn't beat Nue on your first try, or the boat oni on your 3rd try, then you're officially worse at videogames than DSP.

found the colored-hair cracker

>(which also happened)
It happened, but he sure didn't look white...

when they getting sued for blatantly ripping off geralts likeness? it's him without the scars.

This would be a valid argument if this was a period piece simulating the period. There are demons and I can make fire come out of my hands. It's just a poor design choice to make the player a white guy and does not at all jive with the setting

But he's based on a real person though

Oh wait I forgot, Sup Forums never finished kindergarten

His white anime hair is historically accurate

This series is just shittier Onimusha?

Get your eyes checked, its blonde

You fucking racist

What game is this?

That nigga is clearly an alien or an elf.

The joke is no one on Sup Forums said shit when whitey was a samurai, but as soon as BF WW1 was announced, there was a shit storm.

>i wasn't here for Ni Oh threads

Yes, racism is real. Were you born yesterday?

>fantasy setting with a fantasy character
>no one complains

>historical setting with a fantasy character
>people complain

Gee I wonder.

A few people carried on here, but a relatively niche ARPG (Which is a PS4 exclusive, to boot) isn't going to stir up as much noise as a big AAA multiplat series.

white people are cool though

>OHMEGERD it's another Snake / Geralt looking protagonist

>OMG on the cover it looked exactly like Jamie fucking Lannister



delete this

Now post the one about women

Don't worry tho
Based DICE will make sure that out of every 4 soldiers, 1 will be a white woman, 1 will be a black woman, 1 will be a black male

it's really stupid tho

the geralt clone just makes it even dumber

Yes, the fantastical make-believe world of Japan.

Most samurais were of aryan descent you fucking dumbass. Just look at what Hitler said.

>an ugly white man can get a 10/10 nip girl without even trying
>a 10/10 nip guy (still ugly) would be lucky to get a 2/10 white girl an she's still going to cuckold him

William Adams was apparently a 'ard enough Samurai to have a town named after him in Area 11.


I already miss the demo

>British sailor beat up nips and their folklore despite being forced to use their shitty weapons that break every few hits
looks anti-weeb to me

>ITT: asblasted scrubs that got conquered, instead of being conquerers.

who the fuck care about some sonygger game that isnt bloodborn?


i thought naruto already ended.

Sup Forums came rushing to defend this since a white guy actually went to Japan and became a samurai.

Meanwhile black guys fought in WW1 and Sup Forums is ready to start WW3 because having that in a game is apparently SJW nonsense.

In other words it's ok when white guys do it.

Is that the guy from Fullmetal Alchemist

its done to reach a wider auidence
Westerners for some reason hate playing as Asians, its the reason why it's been so hard to get the Yakzu games into America
but Team Ninja has been playing for this game to be a world release from the beginning

DICE made the protag black in a WW1 setting specifically because they want diversity

White men rule the world and we appreciate this being reflected in the media we consume.

But black people in WW1 aren't a fantasy and neither were mixed-race samurai.


The real issue is all the dumbfucks who mention Geralt when they see William.

>White men rule the world
you don't even rule your own countries
inb4 Europe/Australia/Canada thinks that they're relevant

They had Tom Cruise play the last Samurai.. why wouldn't they have another white dude play some powerful char?

Except diversityfield boasts itself on using a real setting. They could've put a fucking tree on that cover and it would make about the same amount of sense.

black people were apart of that war senpai

>Americucks thinking they're relevant.
90% of your country is niggers.


how is Europe any different?

>idiots talking about events they have no knowledge of

Because our rulers arent niggers, and refugees arent citizens, they will get forcibly removed once the war is over.

Is William his actual name? I just figured it was poor localization.

Yeah, sure... While every country passes laws letting them stay.

>once the war is over.
you know where they're from right?

>American education system.

Bro, chill.

Yes, in abyssmal amounts. The aforementioned trees were more engaged in actual combat.

>>an ugly white man can get a 10/10 nip girl without even trying
weebcucks actually believe this

a very, very, very small percent, and DICE specifically said they choose a black because they wanted "diversity"
and care so much about this black protagonist they made a statue for him
a statue for the MC of a game with a 6 hour story, like they want people to be compelled to care about this character so much that they want a statue

>weebs actually believe this
it's more like a a rich guy can marry a gold digging, hire a whore, or buy a child who know no better

Close, he's asian.

So what?

I really don't see what the problem is.

DICE is doing it because MUH DIVERSITY
Koei Tecmo is doing what they're doing to better sell to a Western Audience

Why does any of that even matter? It's irrelevant. The character can be martian for all that I care.

Aren't they doing the same thing dumbass? They're both trying to appeal to certain markets. The only difference is BF isn't trying to appeal to you, and thats why you don't like it.

The thing about Nioh versus the Battlefield shenanigans, is that the reason why we have a white protagonist is clearly stated. We have a rough but tangible idea what the inspiration for the story is. Now if EA just came out and said that they were basing the black character on the promotional materials on a Harlem Helldiver, it would completely establish credibility. At the moment, it doesn't.

DICE literally said they're doing because diversity
most of the world that plays video games isn't black so there's no marketing sense in it