The PS4 controller doesn't work very well for Mega Man games. NES controller responded perfectly to everything and with the Legacy Collection I had trouble in parts of the levels that I never had any problem in before. Fuck this.
The PS4 controller doesn't work very well for Mega Man games...
It's gonna be okay user. Go play bloodborne instead
Don't know about megaman but the D-Pad on the PS4 controller is fucking garbage. Should've taken the vita one.
Remind me again why anyone tolerated this Legacy Collection crap when a compilation with twice as much content came out two gens ago.
It's fucking shit when you try to do platforming. I usually clear this on NES with the first try, but with PS4 it took me like 8-9 tries because I kept missing the platforms. I had a similar problem when I tried to play Mega Man on a Famiclone. The controller is garbage.
Because AC was fucking horrible too.
Besides not feeling like plugging in an old system there isn't one.
With that said they should make the x collection available digitally. The original was hard as fuck to find
Badly coded emulator. What did you expect?
They actually rebuild the games for PS4 and didn't emulate them. It's just the controller that sucks.
>the controller that sucks
Do you live in Europe?
MMXC is just as common and cheap as MMAC.
It's weird that they were able to make D-pads and buttons that respond better 40 years ago than they do now. What the fuck happened?
It at least ported the complete works versions from the PS1.
You can't switch weapons with the triggers in Legacy. That is so laughable.
Modern D pad are perfect. It's just a poorly port of megaman or a poorly coded emulator.
Legacy Collection has input delay. Combined with your TV you probably bought on sale during Black Friday, that makes this game a pain in the ass to play.
No one should tolerate Anniversary Collection either
They did not. It's an emulator. This has already been proven. The game is also multiplatform. They didn't "rebuild" it specifically for the PS4.
>It at least ported the complete works versions from the PS1.
Poorly and stripped it of all its fun bonus features.
>Instead of using typical emulation, DE is "rebuilding" these six games in the Eclipse Engine using original source assets.
It's probably the input lag of the port or the display lag of the TV you're on. Blame those before you blame the controller.
I remember comparing the NES versions to the PS2 anniversary collection and the lag was disgusting
Legacy is trash. 3DS version is the worst, so at least you didn't goy jewed that much.
is it the controller or is it the display lag we got nowadays?
It's not the controllers or the systems.
Only two things cause lag in modern games.
1. Having a piece of shit TV
2. The game itself being shit
Display lag is the most likely culprit.
You have Digital Eclipse' shit emulator adding lag
Then you have the input lag you get from a wireless controller
Followed by shit TVs most people buy nowadays along with idiots not knowing how to configure their TVs to minimize it as much as possible
And you get a god awful game
But it is not lag. It responds to button that you press correctly on time, it's just the buttons are so cheaply made that it's not accurate.
>buttons are so cheaply made
Lying propaganda.
That is a lie
>it responds to buttons pressed correctly and on time
>buttons not "accurate"
Responding correctly and on time is literally all they need to do.