This was pretty cool last time.
Areas in real life that look like they're from vidya.
This was pretty cool last time.
Areas in real life that look like they're from vidya.
ure moms pussy
Probably their demon queen.
some power plant?
you're so funny
I don't even believe in spooks but I think I'd rather die than enter that building.
Abandoned beer brewery.
Post it
Dont be a pussy
Final Fantasy world map
Any games with nice looking fortified cities?
this is spookily like that priory from oblivion that is full of necros and zombies
Dark Souls tower after the Butterfly boss.
holy shit it's Kalm
Fuck this place
here it is
whats with the window
>someone set up an estate right there
Comfiest man in the world.
hall of champions/10
where is this place?
And here I was, thinking it was a black and white movie from the 1930's or something.
Bjork is not a man, baka.
this is already in a videogame
i like sea forts
Its nice if you look at it from the inside, but once you are inside, welcome to tourist hell
it's indivisible
It's also Lost Izalith
... PSU?
I can't recall
did lost izalith have those indian godess statue things?
Looks like that one DLC map in CoD Ghosts where you could be the Predator
ah, gotcha.
Probably my favorite mission in Ace Combat 6
it's even more impressive when you're standing right in front of it, it looks completely white all throughout the day
More like statues of demons but the resemblance is more in the overgrowth and displaced stones.
was meant for
Best Gradius enemy.
Welp, time to install S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
From the thumbnail I can see like a demonic looking angel figure.
It was inspiration for Dark Souls
No idea.
>Comrade! Let's drill into earth and see how deep we can go!
>Why? Comrade scientist?
>Because we can.
Because the countryside of china is so polluted, the tigers would die.
what caused these shapes?
That place is in Run Escape.
Not a location per se.
I would love take all that and just put it in a frying pan
Volcanic activity. Basalt cracks like that and then the pressure pushes the columns up. Or something like that.
volcanoes man.
>Treasure ahead.
>That scp entry.
>that one shitty tree sapling per cage
fuck that
Thats wrong you chucklefuckingtard.
Its because chinese people are savage retards who think rare animal ingredients can cure any ailment, and snort rhino-horn dust for fixing erectile dysfunction.
That is a tiger FARM.
Nightmare Frontier in Bloodborne.
old gen lara wouldn't look out of place here
Ugh, I've seen this in motion IRL. Really gross.
Better than hunting wild ones I guess.
I see a face.
Good source of protein.
More angkor wat.
>Po homo
You should see Chinese bear farms.
Disgusting people.
That's some Ito shit
Maybe the squinty eyed subhumans shouldn't kill endangered animals en-masse because they believe in pseudoscience bullshit.
If they actually cured cancer I'd be willing to concede the point, but its just bullshit.
Looks like a great place for an Uncharted 2-type stealth level.
Zadar, Croatia
> russian guy walks his dog somewhere in the kola peninsula
> he takes a moment to enjoy the landscape
> [urge to drill deepest hole itensifies]
They're basalt columns, caused by cooling of lava I think.
I've been to the giants causeway before, most impressive thing there was the cliffs, iron deposits.
Chicken coop
scale it up a couple of hundred times, put cute wooden shacks all over it