We're in agreement right?
We're in agreement right?
Gavin Taylor
Parker Parker
I prefer Overwatch personally, so no. We aren't. But you're entitled to your opinion.
Asher Taylor
>No Quantum Break
To the trash this thread goes.
Juan Robinson
None of those are game of the year though.
Joseph Sanders
Just wait til November
David Clark
user, do you know the definition of "Game of the Year?"
"The best game to have come out in a given calendar year."
If only those 5 games were to have come out in this year, one of them would be Game of the Year 2016.
Jordan Martin
>quantum break
For you
Also Battleborn is dead
Jose Diaz
>Not xcom 2
Ian Price
Overwatch > Battleborn
I'm aware they're vastly different games as I've played both but I strongly prefer Overwatch.
Justin Howard
It's going to be Uncharted 4