>Our aim is simple — help Sega get back into console hardware and revive the Dreamcast. Sega was once a brand known for hardware that was ahead of its time and games that were imaginative and fun. When Sega ceased production of the Dreamcast on March 31, 2001, it ended an era of a console that provided endless hours of entertainment for millions of fans. This is where Project Dream comes in.

>With your support, we are gathering ideas and putting together a proposal to help Sega relaunch the once revered console. We are putting together a proposal for Sega’s return to the console business. This proposal will include a go-to-market strategy, hardware prototypes, and full user interface prototypes, all of which will be presented at Sega HQ. We have put together a strong core team that consists of hardware engineers, experience and user interface designers, developers, entrepreneurs, and game industry insiders.

>Project Dream has already gathered over 30K signatures on the Dreamcast Revival Petition on, 5,000 members on our Project Dream Dreamcast Revival Facebook group, and 7200 follower’s on Twitter. We see this as a serious venture and ask the fans for their ideas and support for the project.

>We encourage you to take part in discussions around hardware, software, and overall Sega nostalgia in the Project Dream Dreamcast Revival Facebook Group. Tell us your ideas and help us revive the Sega Dreamcast.

So i read that Sega is actually taking this into consideration. Whats your thoughts?

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Sega needs to make good games again, they can't put out hardware anymore just look at the landscape of competition right now.

When will you realize, Segas days as a first party are over. Petitions don't cover hardware costs. Unless there are some generous donors this will never happen due to the fact that it costs millions in order to get those consoles out with no guarantee of making it back

>“It went from me ringing up to pester them for not replying to our mail and the receptionist asking for a full lowdown on what we wanted to talk to people about,” said Joanne. After multiple pitches, contacts and phone calls, the team says they have made contact with multiple SEGA names, including a senior member of SEGA Sammy.

>“It all kind of happened quite quickly, and by the end of it, he finished chatting with me on the phone and sent one of our team members a message to say ‘send what you got through when you’re ready, and I’ll make sure it gets to the right people.'”

Sounds like empty promises

>just look at the landscape of competition right now.


forgot to include the official site

virtual reality
Apple TV
mobile devices

and all are shit

WTF are you doing here then?

Discussing video games.

bring back console expansions

I love spending money on hardware

You're discussing an ideal fantasy (one I use to share). I've moved on and realized Sega doesn't have the capital or the R&D to support a modern console

>nintendo and sega join sides for the NX
I don't think this would actually mean anything as far as consoles go but I'd mark out a bit if they just decided to merge completely and share IPs and devs or whatever.

Let it die

Make every Atlus game exclusive, all Miku games exclusive, Yakuza, Sonic, it'd be a great console but normies wouldn't be interested so it wouldn't sell enough sadly

Why? Because you grew up not knowing what it's like to have a Sega console? Piss off kid *puts cigarette out on your forehead*

Harder daddy...

and honestly Nintendo would probably be their own competition. I get the idea they would be more likely to follow the nintendo model of affordable hardware that isnt as powerful as PS or Xbox

Nintendo is at their weakest,I say do it

hey, make a good fighting game that holds it's own and I'll bite

don't have to go reviving a console

just make sega games in virtual reality form, jump on the bandwagon while you can imo

Just buy a Dreamcast for cheap and enjoy it.

>Free online multiplayer
>PSO2 launch title

Sega can't do it anymore