
They probably decided they don't want to have it working like in Dark Souls 1 after all, disabled it but forgot to remove it from that stat screen. Oh, and the wolf ring.

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But that doesn't make sense

Multiple things reference poise, and it works fine in DS1

Poise was always a retarded concept anyways.

You have stability to determine whether you get staggered while blocking.

You have "super armor" or whatever, to determine whether you get interrupted while swinging a gigantic ultra weapon.

poise damage has always been a terrible idea, which is defended by faggots who think PvP mechanics should be built around stunlocking light armor players with your zweihander

I like it without poise, because then I can fashion souls.

>Poise was always a retarded concept

Hyper armor doesn't even apply to all heavy hitting attacks. It's retarded that you can stun lock someone regardless of what they're wearing. Either it should've been removed entirely and balanced around that, or actually be implemented.

>It's retarded that you can stun lock someone regardless of what they're wearing.

Maybe poise only works if you have over 70% weight.

Did you even watch the video in the OP?

It's a pretty big deal to entirely remove a stat but leave in an item that revolves only around this stat. It was probably a pretty late decision.

>Fromtards defending this shit in the comments
>le git gud
There's an entire fucking mechanic in the game that doesn't even do anything and yet somehow it's the player's fault for being misled by what the stat screen clearly says? I don't understand the undying loyalty these faggots have to a fucking video game company. I love Dark Souls, but they had three fucking games to get this goddamn mechanic to work properly and the culmination of that is that it just doesn't do anything. It's retarded.

Poise is garbage, Equip load affects roll recovery from hits.

What The Fuck From


so you like getting stunned for 5 seconds after getting hit once?

The game is objectively better without poise.

maybe in pve but in pvp/invading its extremely annoying unless you can manage to not get hit by anything. even a caestus will stun for you 1-2 seconds

not when enemies break the rules and use poise in ways you can't

Go play BB then.

Souls is suppose to be a mixture of medieval and dark fantasy. HEAVY FUCKING KNIGHTS really shoulnt be staggered by a dagger wielding hollow in the beginning of the game.

Enemies still have poise but not for players.

Not when the armor has fucking weight to it. This isn't bloodborne, where everything can be worn without a care, shit matters.


Poise didn't do anything in DS1?

No, he's saying it was working in one and isn't in 3

People always say things like this, and i must admit i didn't go out of my way to play PvP in previous souls games so i don't know how it worked in 1. BUT, wouldn't it be much worse if people with dark swords and estocs and stuff had poise on top of everything?

It's worse that the people they're hitting don;t have poise. Estocs and Meme swords would be fucked cause heavy armor bros wouldn't get trapped in their bullshit spams.

And Yhorn's shield
And the Lothric spear.

It's more likely that they decided the game played better without it late in development, but didn't think about the what that would effect.

The only thing it would do is balance the game out. Right now you can have the heaviest armor on and swing the heaviest sword but you can still easily get stunlocked by a straight sword user. If poise worked then they wouldn't be able to just r1 spam without being fucked by the huge sword. It's like From decided that they hated large weapons and actively went out of their way to fuck them over.