Hey guys

Hey guys,
I found out about this awesome game called Paragon
I am really hyped to play it
I was wondering perhaps someone here has an extra early access code
I really want to play this game

perhaps you can email me the code or something :)

Thanks in advanced

Sent ;)

haha but i didn't put my email

It's fine, I backtraced your IP


they sure spam a lot

I actually saw it on twitch first

Isn't it just 100% open alpha? I just played it a few days ago without doing anything to be able too. Seems pretty awesome but, it's pretty alpha as fuck. Needs content, still looks promising though.

no not exactly, i think only those who signed up for the beta test before May 1st get to test it this weekend
Otherwise you need an early access key

I agree that it's quite promising

Wow how the fuck did I play it then, I just happened to have EpicGamesThingy open and it was just like "Wanna play Paragon FOR FREE" and I was like, shit nigga, sure why not. But I didn't like, do anything, it just let me play the game.

I wish the bots weren't compleately trash, they straight up just run at you and I feel like I have no idea how to actually play the game because of this, so I can't actually play online or anything.


Well it is still in very early alpha, also for an alpha it's quite good. And a really good thing is that the devs listen to the community.

This is some next level shilling. And entire thread of shills talking to each other...


no mate
this is not more than, trying to get a code to play a game i will enjoy

From what I know:
-The game will be free to play when they finished it
-Everyone who bought a preorder can play during the alpha
-Currently there is a closed beta for people who signed up before
-There will be an open beta in the summer

Could be wrong though. The game looks good, and if they'll keep up the good job it could be great. Actually I think this is the first moba I could play. What I hope to see is more maps with diverse layouts. It really annoys me that all the mobas stick to the same boring "3 lanes" layout instead of implementing a lot of different maps needing different tactics for each one. It would actually make the genre interesting instead of being repetetive autism in which every match looks the same.

>repetetive autism in which every match looks the same

You are wrong. Map enables balance of all the different heroes. You can't have myriad of heroes without support from meticulously designed and balanced map.

True dat mate, I believe they did address that they definitely will add different type of game style maps

Holyy shit this thread

Paragon is a good game, fuck off.

It's actually pretty textbook shilling. Nothing really stands out about it other than how obvious it is

I am guessing you are the same person that wrote these
I don't understand why you are so butthurt
go get do something better with your life

Not any of those guys but is a unique IP to the thread, either this guy has multiple computers, or the shilling meme is just that bad.

I'm just sad this is literally the only thread I've ever seen about this game, and no one gives a fuck, It has promise, but it's definitely a long way off though.

I honestly came here just to get a code xD
no intention of shilling what so ever

I don't particularly mind the 3 lane thing, you need to have lanes of some sort or it's not really a Moba, and 3 just happens to be the kinda "sweet spot" number.

There's been some attempts at different numbers of lanes, the only one I can think of is Awesomenauts, which has 2, but then they also lowered their player count to 3v3.

If I had one, I'd give it to you, but I'm not really sure how I got mine in the first place anyways.

It was a stress test this weekend. You could sign up for playing.

there could be arena type maps

or a Coast City type from Infinite Crisis Moba

thanks mate, no worries

I haven't played Infinite Crisis, but when Dota2 had a Arena map it DRASTICALLY changed how the hero's interacted, I guess that might not necessarily be a bad thing but they surely didn't make it a real part of the game.

At least, I think that if you're going to have something like an Arena map, or the other thing you mentioned, Moba's need meta's and shit, and that can't exist/evolve if there are three significantly different game-modes. Don't get me wrong, you CAN and it could be cool, but your game will be DoA and no one will play it. Moba's are autism incarnate.

Wow I somehow deleted an entire sentence
..... you mentioned, that should just be it's default and only game mode. Moba's need meta's.....

actually Infinite Crisis had 3 game modes
Capture Nodes
the third Coast City was a mix of both

So since I'm apparently one of the 10 people who have actually played this game, I'll just say some shit about it to stir interest and discussion.

There is a jungle, but it is currently a place holder, it seems to be rather useless for actual farming.
There's passive farming mining machines you can set up in the jungle, takes a good minute or so to set up, but once they are they start generating "power", eventually they will fill up, and you can go over to them and collect the power, which is then evenly distributed to your team. This allows you to farm for your TEAM and not just yourself, could be interesting.
The power I mentioned earlier is used to buy items, which uses some weird ass card system. I don't think I like what the card system implies, in that there'd be some outside system of collecting cards for your deck, kinda like LoL's rune bullshit or whatever that is because I don't play that crap for that reason. Also could possibly lead to a pay shop. CURRENTLY it's fine since all it really is, is the option to select from two possible pools of items for each character. I just don't like where it may lead.

Concerning standing on the power harvester thing, there is a harvester key you place and it does the job for you.

Don't forget this is alpha and they are reciveing feedback from the community. You should address what you wrote in the forums if you haven't yet.
the jungle does help, plus it says ynder the creeps alpha content.
The card system you get cards everynow and then and when you level up characters and your profile. To encourage players to play more. But i understand what you mean, other players might have stronger cards, which can get annoying

Nice shilling thread. Too bad that Paragon is slow as fuck and boring as hell.
It might be one of the weakes assfaggots game ever.
It sure is pretty though.


Towers are fucking MERCLESS, if you fight under tower, you will fucking die. Which gives you a HUGE safety net as long as you aren't half way inside the enemy base, and kinda staggers early game.
There are no teleports, and the travel system is "running" however you need to charge it up for a short period, like 3 seconds. I THINK if you're hit you stop running, but since the bots are trash I don't really know. You can attack out of running for no penalty or pause, which allows it to be used extremely aggressively to close the distance and immediately unload of the person. Which might kinda be okay considering the whole tower situation, maybe all of this will change anyways.
There are two bosses which gives the person who kills them a temporary buff, the bosses take forever to kill and the buffs aren't that amazing so it doesn't really seem worth it, but that's part of the jungle and will definitely change as with the rest of it.

Yeah the whole card thing is really worrisome, I get the whole, keep playing and growing thing, but that doesn't really work for a Moba.
I actually like most of the jungle content, and I'm aware that's increadibly alpha-tastic content, I'm just going over some shit that stood out to me. I've never seen the harvester mechanic before, I like it.

op is playfully acting like a noob shill but this is the only doto-fps that has any chance to thrive since EPIC don't do shit games.

you guys are never going to get over the shilling thing. Guess I will never convince you that I did come here for other then to play the game

Fuck off nigger, I just wanna talk about this game, I played a little, and liked most of what I played so far, I just wanna get other peoples opinions of it. Literally no one is talking about this game, if you think it's that bad, fucking tell me why, that's why I'm in this thread talking about it. I've just mentioned the item system and why I think it's going in the wrong direction.

Also, keep in mind that it's still a super early alpha, and I certainly hope they change the item system before release, I think that part might be make or break for me.

>playfuly acting
as an "i am a butthurt salty retard that is going to Sup Forums to generate some hate for the game by acting like a retarded shill"

read between the lines

Also not the case, and that's not called reading between the lines

Is it just me, or is Mr.Red the Cyborg dude incredibly overpowered? He seems to consistently do better than any other character.

not really, only if he get's fed then obviously.
Murdock another APC is also good if not better then Twinblast (red cyborg)

TWINBLAST, that's his stupid ass name, right. Okay yeah I also thought Murdock and Bow lady do well but just not as consistently, maybe it's just that Twinblast is a bit simpler and easier to play. His ult is pretty ridiculous and pretty much kills anything that gets hit by it.

If OP did or didn't make this thread to tell people about the game, What's wrong with it? This is /v after all

no mate, really it takes all his 5 (i think) shots to kill. If you stand there like an idiot taking his ults then it will definitely melt you

Theres just some cancerous shill meme flying around this board lately, there was a starbound thread a while back where everyone was yelling about shills despite literally every post shitting on the game for being shit.

Exactly, but the problem is, that I don't see much ability to escape in the game, everyone moves kinda slow. There are some hero's with movement skills and block skills, but there are some that just have nothing but walking away at their slow trotting speed. Cover also seems pretty minimal, there's some of course, but not enough.

more or less
but whatever, it just takes enough threads on their forums to fix and make things better
The devs proved that they listen to their community
They changed something about the movement in the game pre open alpha when pple didn't like it.
It will get better i am sure. It has lot's of potential and has some unique things about it

Who gives a shit!!
are you the shilling police?!
Just mind your own business
are you losing money or something every time someone shills?
Get a life
