So what's Sup Forums's opinion on this guy?
Some friends of mine said his second phase was fucking impossible but it seemed fairly simple to me
>7 hits stagger him
>Reposte him
>Can hit him when he's down
>His thunder attack from above leaves him open for 5 attacks
So what's Sup Forums's opinion on this guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's just like Ludwig phase 1.
Shitters think he's impossible because they get destroyed before they can memorize his patterns.
I'd say that's a fair comparison
Although Ludwig phase 1 became waaaay harder than Nameless King
Most people complaining about difficulty aren't using straight or thrusting swords.
>7 hits stagger him
See, you'll almost never get to stagger him with a slow weapon for example
>iron skin
is that actually useful in DaS3?
No it isn't
I just left it there and forgot to attune a different one every time I wanted to change it
Oh, fuck off with your lame ass excuses. Sup Forums massively over exaggerates the effectiveness of straight swords, I beat nameless king 2 handing murakumo in like 3 attempts.
>This guy is so easy!
>Using a cheap ass sword, barely have enough estus
Wow, aren't you an AMAZING player.
One of my friends used long sword and another one chaos blade
But they still say that the Nameless King kept hitting at all times and they both resorted to kill him with a bow
I used a long sword myself but I had more trouble with 1st phase's awful lock on management
You didn't get 7 hits in a row on him you fucking faggot shitposter
he seems unstoppable and relentless until you circle strafe to his left side and stay close to him.
>Never wrote "in a row" in the post
>Calls OP shitposter
Your still a faggot.
Another I beat nameless king in 5 tries thread. Consider suicide
Beat him first try without knowing his moves at all, 40/40 Refined Long Sword. Easy as fuck.
How is being a salty scrub going for you?
The god-awful first phase ruins the enjoyment of the amazing second phase.
They should have just had the first phase happen once instead of having to be repeated every time you die.
>Unavoidable flame who will randomly hit you twice and kill you
>Lock on not responding and locking on to the head of the dragon
>Lock on disappearing when the King tries to hit you with his spear
>Neck high enough for you to not be able to hit it
I thought From didn't fuck up for many boss fights in this Dark Souls chapter but it turns out they at least had to focus all of the bullshit they didn't show in the game in the first phase of the boss fight
It's possible to avoid the fire but you need to start running the instant you see it starting to take off.
Not salty it's only the 30 thread claiming nameless king was easy. This one of the least substance I've seen yet.
I hit him, he went down, I hit him again
Nameless King so easy who agrees?.?????
>using shit gear on purpose
TOP KEK everytime!
Pretty nice fight, but the first phase is a bit tedious. Mainly because the area makes it hard to check where you and the drake are, so you'll end up missing a few strikes because you swung early. And then there's the camera's problem.
Other than that, his second phase his pretty good, tough but fair and there's no reason you should be dying hours to him. His design and lore is also alright.
I never said the nameless king was easy
I just said it was a normal boss fight, the huge fuss around it being the hardest boss fight ever is a big pile of shit
>optional boss
>I guess we could make this one hard while the required bosses are pushovers
>casuals still complain about this one too
For fucks sake. Can someone shut them up somehow? All their whining about bloodborne already caused from to turn down all the das3 bosses. How much easier do they want this shit to be?
There is an easy mode. Just summon if it is too hard.
It's insane how much people summon for Nameless King. Write your summon sign, wait 5 seconds and boom, you're on your way.
I guess people just get fed up with the first phase and summon to kill the drake as fast as possible. And then they get fucked by the Nameless King's buffed health.
What is the top 3 babby mode classes? Or just 2, besides knight.
And is it true that the giant won't fire on you if you pick white branch as starting gift?
>play on easy mode
come back when you can use other weapons besides your babbysword
>Sword that just happens to have a good damange/stamina usage ratio and connects great with rolls
What is with "hardcore" souls games fans that hey have to point fingers at everything they don't like?
Pyromancer also has only 7 luck so it is probably as good as knight if you want to cast some shit.
Other than that all beginnings are easy.
That is not an heavy weapon
It is not "like", it is just disdain for plebs who can't think for themselves and google "best weapon dark souls 3" because they need every advantage to win.(pve)
Beat him 1st try. This game is a fucking joke, way too casual.
> it is just disdain for plebs who can't think for themselves and google "best weapon dark souls 3"
How can there be a "best weapon"? Everyone decides the best weapon they want to use based on the stats, their build and their playstyle
currently fighting him, i instagib phase 1 since i use dragonslayer spear, had to switch to crescent moon sword for phase 2 cause he is resistant as fuck to lightning damage. I cannot stagger that fuck tho no matter how i try and he rapes me. Should i just switch to my backup +9 quality dark sword?
It's better to ignore those people.
According to them if you ever summoned, used a straight sword, used a shield, used estus, used any armor at all, used a weapon that isn't your bare fists, or rolled at all then you're a shitter who didn't "really" beat Dark Souls.
I dunno I just equipped the Dragonslayer Shield and laughed in his face.
Eh, the homo twins were tougher IMO.
summoning i can agree, it trivializes the game and its for lazy people who cant be bothered to prepare for a boss properly
>+9 quality dark sword
You should switch to a rope and hang yourself.
i've basically mastered the first half and can beat it super quickly without getting hit but i keep getting fucked on the second half before i can learn his entire moveset.
Um, excuse me, have you played the game with any weapon +10, and then a straight sword +10?
THe straight swords do literally the same amount of damage, but use up less stamina and are faster.
It's not a meme bro
Get some yellow pills. Equip some lightning resin gear. Maybe the thunder stoneplate ring.
there is so much shit you can do to make this easier.
What's wrong with that? I ran a quality build and had a refined dark sword +10, though I mostly used the Black Knight Ultra Greatsword and Greataxe.
i played blind on pirated and got a dark sword and played with it ever since. Then i bought the game, opened /vg/ to play in fight clubs and i discovered that its fotm op piece of shit and switched to crescent moon sword. im s-sorry user
Dark Sword is the go-to shitter sword in PvP.
Look faggots, it basically boils down to this
If you used a straight sword at any part of the game, it was easy.
If you used any other weapon, it was decently difficult to borderline impossible at some parts.
>equipt Drang set or some other set with lightning resists
>equip thunder stoneplate ring
>equip a straight sword and the dragonslayer shield
>watch as the nameless king can't even put a dent in your hp bar
40/40 build with +10 weapons
BKGA does 700
Guts Sword does 600
Exile does 500
Dark Sword does 450
Whats uo with this game
Eh, I thought the Estoc was the go-to shitter sword in PvP. I wouldn't know since I'm a PvE fag.
Yes, it is a go-to for shitters, but I'm fairly sure it classifies as a rapier.
Greatshield and Low Armor
Lorian's Greatsword does something 650, 700+ with its buff. Pyromancy builds can get it over 1000. So there's that.
>second phase was fucking impossible
Not impossible, more like his timing on his swings on his second phase was kinda weird.
It had a lot of switch ups in the speed of his swings and such.
Oh, right. It's a thrusting sword.
is hornet ring worth for this fight? How noticable are viscerals against phase 2 with a hornet ring?
No, they literally don't. The only thing I find imbalanced are the disproportionate stamina costs but it's not really a glaring problem at all. I also don't have a problem with different weapon classes having the same sustained DPS over time.
People also conveniently forget that slower weapons have longer reach, which helped a shit load with NK phase 1.
Fuck off and think for yourself, and parroting what you read on Sup Forums as if anyone here knows shit about video games.
Bet you run dark sword, faggot.
It was fucking awesome. The music was great. He was difficult but not cheap at all. One of my favorite bosses of the series.
400 hours into the game.
Straight Swords are definitely OP
most people also talk about them in the context of pvp which makes them even worse.
You are wrong here hipster faggot.
I beat him on second try. The game practically gives the tactic against him (havels shield). Granted, I found this to be the easiest game in the series by far, no boss killed me more than five times
500 hours here and straight swords are definitely not OP. I win 90% of my invasions/duels poking faggots with murakumo laughing my ass off at how they can't get inside my range.
Lick my asshole, faggot.
You were clearly dropped as a child.
Its not stupid to use them and get carried through the game. You don't have to feel guilty about it. But being so fucking triggered now only proves everyone else right.
Imo as long as you at least tried every boss on your own a few times I have no qualms against that. But co op is just ez pez on an already ez game in the series. But I guess after playing all 5 games you just git gud at them
Knight or Pyromancer. Assassin if you want to start with an OP weapon and a useful utility spell.
I've seen a rumor that the giant won't fire on you if you're carrying a Young White Branch but I'm not sure I buy it. Either way, you can get to where the giant is by taking the other path through the area and talk to him and then he'll only fire at enemies, not you.
Nice ad hominem bro, I can just imagine your trembling hands slamming the keyboard as tears well up in your eyes. I'll definitely still be thinking about this thread while I'm fucking my girlfriend in about two hours.
I beat the game two handing curved greatswords without a shield btw. EZPZ
First phase, stay in front of the dragon at all times and only run under him when the King uses his lightning stake attack.
Second phase, every attack he does is delayed as fuck. Even in phase 1, the Nameless King's attacks are super delayed. Just mind that when fighting him and then he's no problem.
With that said, even if I have no problem dealing with him personally, cool as fuck boss fight.
Just started pvp after playing every souls game without ever doing pvp. Ran through this game as a breeze. Use dark sword and havels shield and enough carry weight so I can still roll. So far I won against 10 people and a draw against one, killed each other. Nobody just gets through fully upgraded havel. And then they try heavy attack and I fuck them up. I feel like I instantly went for the broken spec
I'm shit at rolling so it took me forever. Second best fight. It should have been the final boss not Gwyn 2.0.
People have beaten these games with guitar controllers and just fists at level 1
Nobody is saying that it is impossible to beat the game without straight swords.
You seem to be confused by the idea that something can be better than something else without the other thing being completely useless.
>use greatshield havel
>block every attack from him
>attsck him whenever he recovers from his slow as shit moves
Great boss yeah but I dont get why everyone calls this hard.
Abyss Watchers should have been the final boss.
>those cutscenes
>that red eyed abyss watcher
>that second phase when they combine
but they were also too easy.
Ludwig phase 1 is a shitload harder than NK.
I want her to sit on my face.
>His thunder attack from above leaves him open for 5 attacks
Everything is baby mode for sword shitters it seems
Honestly I see dark souls as a game with a little bit of everything, hard boss fights, exploring, character story arcs/quest, fashion simulator and pvp. For some people the game isn't about the hard boss fights, and thus summoning is a nice rewarding abilitiy for those people.
You're missing that user's point. Straight Swords have:
>low stamina cost per swing
>extremely good damage considering how fast they can be swung
>versatile movesets
>light weight
They have no weaknesses to speak of aside from maybe losing out on some range compared to other weapons, but as it stands, they completely out-do a majority of other weapons in the game.
That does not, however, mean that you can't beat the game if you don't use them-- I've beaten DaSIII with a Whip --but you cannot say that Straight Swords aren't overpowered, because they definitely are.
I don't think they need any crazy nerfs, though. I just think other weapons need to be brought up to par with them. That's all.
They are objectively better. That is the problem. Not that your cuck ass can beat a boss without them.
For PvP they just need to turn poise on.
I am still not sure if it actually does anything.
It doesn't, it's a useless stat. Shitters are going to say "but poise during swings lol" but they think hyperarmor = poise when that's just not the case. The WAs that grant poise isn't really poise, it's perseverance so you don't get stunlocked.
>Abyss Watchers
>just a bunch of WHF witchhunters that make you feel epic
>everything in this game is epic
>epic enviroments
>epic first boss that has a epic phase two
>epic phase twos and epicer bosses
>the epic final boss is epic you
Don't forget about Iron flesh.
But poise would just make straight swords more dominant. A good heavy weapon user will hyper armor exchange and come out on top. Poise will allow straight sword shitters to poise through attacks and continue R1 spam in exchanges.
Straight swords also tend to be light. It is easier for a light weapon users to wear heavy due to equipment load system.
Lastly poise will just make backstab fishing that much easier.
How many times does this need to be repeated before scrubs get it?
They should just remove the poise stat from the equipment screen, it does nothing.
Does poise on armor actually improve perseverance though?
I don't want to believe they made such a retarded mistake and haven't fixed it yet.
Poise in das1 allowed you to reach breakpoints and trade with slower weapons.
You are retarded if you think that poise wouldn't do wonders for slower weapons.
>force summon on penetrator boss fight in DeS
Fucking annoying. Even worse that he can easily 1v1 the boss himself.
The only problem with this fight is they clearly knew that fighting a giant mounted enemy was a stupid idea even if it is cool in concept because its stupid aerial fire breath attack only exists to keep you from standing underneath the mount where King can't hit you. They couldn't actually the design a fight that worked properly with the Dark Souls mechanics so they just gave up and made it a short phase with low HP instead of an entire fight.
Like yeah I guess it would make sense for him to perform an attack like that in real combat, but if he wanted to kill you he wouldn't ever fucking land either.
No, you could be naked and you'll still get the same results with perseverance/iron flesh.
I can swing a Dragonslayer Greataxe four times with my current stamina (31+RoFaP/Prisoner's), and do to a normal enemy about 2,000 damage. Maybe 2,400.
I can swing a longsword eight times, hitting about 400 damage each time (but usually more). That's around 3,200 damage. And because the stamina cost is so low, I can immediately roll out of danger. I can't do that with the axe.
The axe in question also does not have more reach than a longsword, and certainly not a Dark Sword. UGSs do, but they do even less damage than the axe.
>and trade with slower weapons.
I mean faster weapons.
This is so much worse than the durability bug in das2.
>Poise in das1 allowed you to reach breakpoints and trade with slower weapons.
Hyper armor allows you to trade as is if you are not incompetent. If all the whining is literally from scrubs that can't be bothered to learn spacing and timing than the answer is "git gud."
>You are retarded if you think that poise wouldn't do wonders for slower weapons.
It would not for every reason I specified earlier.
Then why was the claymore in das1 useful and not in das3?
I'm on my sixth character and have done everything in the game.
You are so completely wrong it isn't even funny.
Anyone that has used a heavy weapon or str build and thinks they are even need to try a faster boss like Pontiff and then try it again with a sword.
It is nearly 100 times easier with a fully upgraded sword than it is with a fully upgraded heavy weapon.
Everyone who has played the game long enough has called you out on your bullshit.
The only thing the heavy weapons are good at is stunlocking simple enemies in the game.
And having cooler weapon arts, of course.
Morne's and Dragonslayer's (both the axe and spear) are fucking great. Straight swords ain't got shit on that.
I main Lucerne and can consistently win out R1 exchanges with Longsword users. What is your excuse?
wut r u, casul?
I have seven characters right now.
Not using a single straight sword on anyone.
Beating shitters proves nothing. If two people on the same skill level fight and one of them uses a straight sword and the other one doesn't then the one with the straight sword will win.
The reason we beat straight sword shitters right now is because they never got gud.
Doesn't mean that the weapons are not OP.
Not really focusing on "winning" in this case and being confident that I can win R1 exchanges thanks to hyper armor though. It helps that Lucerne has pretty mediocre reach for a polearm as well, frequently forcing R1 exchange as I have the slower weapon. And yes I am ignoring parry fishing for the sake of focusing on weapon characteristics.
Again for me this isn't about the game being bad or anything being useless.
It is about how the game and balance could be better.
Try out havel and estoc and see how easy it is to win every fucking fight.
He was actually pretty easy to take down.
Does DS3 even have any memorable boss themes? DS2 at least had this