>Never, ever get PotG or votes despite 7k+ healing
F...for the good of the team...
>Never, ever get PotG or votes despite 7k+ healing
F...for the good of the team...
yeah that sure is a thing you're going through.
I always get 2-3 votes when I have a good Mercy round.
Sometimes, rarely, us Mercy mains get recognition
>I got play of the game as a mercy earlier today
I have never seen that happen before.
>playing hanzo
>shoot my ult
>pick off four of people that run out of it
>potg goes to the bastion sitting still shooting his gatling gun
Next time you Q, make sure to get a couple eliminations too.
>17500 healing, pulled off 5 healing ults, 17 elims as Zenyatta
>it's o-ok I just picked it because nobody went support
Mercy is Love. Mercy is Life.
>Never, ever get PotG or votes despite 7k+ healing
>attention whoring
And this is what makes you a shit healer. You do it because you like and or even love it, not because recognition. No one forces you, go play another class and let gregor do his job.