Fuck this blue haired piece of shit

Fuck this blue haired piece of shit.

Resistant to every element, resistant to every status affinities, resistant to debuffs and buffing your own group calls down a 4k damage attack on whoever gets buffed.

How the fuck are you supposed to beat her with the recommended level?
Fucking impossible.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop playing bad rpgs for secondaries.



I don't remember her being difficult.
I also don't remember the team I had to beat her, so I can't help.

With all the fan games that have been made for 2hu has a rhythm game been made?


Drop that shit and start playing Genius of Sappheiros.

Of course. It's years old.


GoS is garbage.


>LoT 2

Is attack still as useless like in the first one?
That was a load of horseshit.

Wriggle's sitting right there nigga. Use him.

>Reimu has shit evasion
>Marisa doesn't have an elemental affinity with fire
>Blue eyes

It's super secondary, yup.

>i got beat up by alice

KitsuneMarisa >Marisa

Impressive defence. Would be a shame if someone could just ignore it.

It's been too long for me to remember exactly how I handled that fight. I think I mostly relied on characters with defense-piercing attacks because no one else could actually deal any damage.

It might also be one of the battles where I had Mokou sit on the frontline and eat a ton of fatal hits. I found that to be pretty effective against most bosses that favor single-target attacks.

Alice was no trouble.
The game is extremely typical and boring JRPG "just use attack moves and heal when necessary" with every support, debuff and status being worthless as they never work and just waste your time, or have negligible effect.
>But that's just in the beginning! It gets good 50 hours in!
I'm not digging through shit for days under some promise that it gets less shit later.

Use defence piercing attacks.

>dat art
>focas lens
Hold on. Hemo did Rhythm Carnival?

He did.

And all that without drawing a single dogdick.
Isn't it scary how much he changed since then?

why are jap artists so bad? all those faces at the bottom are the same, you just change hairstyles, you cant tell the men from the women. or is that the appeal?

>He did.
Is /vp/ aware of this?

They tried to make it less useless, as there are now skills that augment a character's basic attack.

I've never invested in those skills, though, so I don't know whether or not basic attacks are ever worth using.

Attacks are based on your main damage stat now, so high magic characters can also attack.
It's much more usable in 2 than 1. It actually does damage now, though it's still relegated to random battles only. At least now characters other than Flandre and Remilia can do some damage.

Nah. Hemo is a nice guy. Goburin on the other hand.

To be fair, he's only drawn 1 dog dick, unless he just took previous ones off his pixiv.

Bestiality is bestiality, no matter if there's a dog dick in it or not.

You seem to be awfully fixed on that one picture user. Mind to tell us why?

Those are girls

>you cant tell the men from the women
There are no male touhous, so there's that.



What are you trying to imply?
I must admit that I stopped following touou like 2 years ago so I don't know if any new male characters have been added to the main games.
But I seriously doubt it.

What you see here is a male 2hu character.

Never appeared in the canon games from what I recall.

>HM isn't canon
I wish.

Why? Then we would miss out on Kokoro.

I've decided to actually give Labyrinth a try. Is it fine to start with the second game, and is Hard Mode bullshit?

>hey I never played this game lets turn on the hard mode

I admire your attitude, but normal mode will already fuck you in the ass big times.

And yeah, 1 and 2 don't really work onto each other, they are seperate games.

/jp/ a shit

Fair enough. Time to see what this game is all about, then.

Put Rinnosuke and Keine in front.

If you like 2, 1 is also a great game.
Far worse art and less polished, but better story and more challenging, in a good way.

Like this?

Hard mode isn't much different from normal.

You probably won't be raising your library levels much above your party's current levels much, and aside from maybe a couple bosses, beating them at the boss's level isn't hard. Hell, you can even overlevel, and then lower levels at the hakurei shrine, and you'll still be strong from the other bonuses you get from leveling.


The further left a character is, the more likely he's being hit. So tanky characters go on the left, damage dealer / heals on the right.

And don't forget you can leave the dungeon at any given time, no need to return to the staircase / entrance.

Oh you will, especially for bullshit fights such as Hina, Iku and Tenshi on 9f.

I absolutely loved the first LoT, while I sort of dropped the second game at the Tenshi bossfight.

I really liked the varied ost and atmosphere of each floor in 1, also I've never played a game like it before so the high difficulty was enjoyable.

In 2 the floors are packed in 3 and I get the feeling that the difficulty got lowered, besides I didn't get the sense of achievement from getting around the controls of the game this time.


I'll give Hard a shot if this mode ends up being too easy, but I kind of doubt that.

That's better than the edit I'm using, give charagraph

Bosses can be difficult in this game, but if you have the correct team/strats, it's fine, really.

Aya helps for 30% wind resistance

>Tenshi 9F
I pretty much soloed her with Hina. You need Hexer's Conversion (from hexer subclass), curse reversal, and a first aid kit, some nature resistance, and then you will heal more damage than Tenshi deals, so long as you are debuffing her. You'll also get some mana regen from that as well. Pic related is Hina few floors higher than when I fought Tenshi, but it's a similar setup for her.

You'll probably want one other person to do damage though. Reisen works well, since she has her grand patriot buff (or whatever it's called), so I make Hina debuff for a bit, then send Reisen in for one turn, buff, do damage, and then put her on the back line. Then repeat. If you don't have Reisen, well anyone could work, just make sure you give them a nature resistance item.


Sure, it'll take me a little bit to upload the dxa though. What's your edit look like?

Age of Ethanols?

Forgot that someone uploaded a video of this strat.

It's actually something I got from an user awhile back, but that one looks a bit better to me.

>buffing anyone against tenshi

4k damage on the next turn. No idea how you survived that. Not even my fully augmented Wriggle survives any of that bullshit with 188 NTR resistance.

>Age of Ethanols

Woops, it ate my image.

Also wait, you edited the dxa itself? You could've just put edited pngs in the charagraph folder.

Ah, well if you know how to deal with the DXA files it'll probably just be quicker to upload the images here.
I wonder if I did that? I don't remember if doing it, if I did.

>Boss needs a specific strategy/team comp (And a shit ton of luck) to be able to win.
Did they fixed this in labyrinth of touhou 2 or is still as bs?

Stop memeing, faggot. Hemo's been doing nice art for years before your dog dick


That empty folder? I had no idea that did anything.

Hina debuffs Tenshi to 50%, and also debuffs herself by 50% (which acts as a buff to herself by 100%). So that's already effectively 1/4 damage that you're taking. Not to mention the extra defense from a Green Dream (ntr +100)

Last one.

I have a feeling that you are indeed the same eyecolor user.
In any case, much obliged.

Yeah, like the first game that folder is for replacing character art. I think you have to name them the number of their roster though, like 02_L.png etc for Marisa.

>Satori can't read Hinas thoughts because of the misfortune, misery and evil emotions she accumulated in her body


There's nothing wrong with requiring a specific strategy/team comp to win. Sure, having to give new characters library levels and skills is time consuming, but I found it fun.

There's also one last thing that I'm wondering about, if you don't mind me asking.

You wouldn't happen to play PoFV would you?

Maybe I do.

Iku is deadly with attack.

Feel like playing a scrub then?

ULiL PS4 is being streamed right now.
New character confirmed as Reisen.

Sorry user, not at the moment. Maybe tomorrow?

We already know the ULiL PS4 thing in Reitaisai is a Reimu+Marisa prototype. You're not fooling anyone.

Tomorrow perhaps

>ULiL PS4 is being streamed right now

Do I have to subscribe to PSN first to see that?


Why isn't there a touhou theme park yet?

Just repeating what I was told.
I'll keep an eye on the stream, in case something happens.

I still don't understand what you're trying to say.

Came to remind you that's there is no character better than Utsuho -- let me repeat, THERE'S NO OTHER TOUHOU BETTER THAN UTSUHO.

Literally perfect.

Nah, it's Lunasa. Shut up. Go "leak" your bullshit somewhere else.


>posting photoshoped pictures
Come on, at least TRY to hide the pixels!

Hey, I could be wrong. I was just told that the screen shot was taken from the stream that's going on right now, and I'm watching to see if that's true.

Link to the nico stream is here, by the way.

I already told you two times. Either master baiter or legitimaly stupid.

Then I missed it both times.

Can you repeat it once more?


That's a funny way to spell "Sumireko".

>Need to register
>foreign IP detected

Yeah, fuck the chinks.

Nah. Feel free to use archive anytime.

>From the US of A

Way to suck at registering.

Double confirmed.

Cute boy.


Now spill the fucking beans.


>Caring about a playable character in an unplayable expansion

>unplayable expansion