Do you guise even care about E3 anymore?
Do you guise even care about E3 anymore?
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yes, I always do
it's great entertainment and fun to watch with bros
kinda boring when they're too serious about it and announce games though
it's just a stakeholder show
makes for great awkward comedy, though
Not really. I just kind of left Sup Forums for the last two for a few weeks.
I hope there's something as bad as Konami's 2010 presentation this year.
Sure do
I didn't until they said Persona 5 news was coming. Now I care about the Persona 5 news.
I don't care about fake announcements anymore at El because that's what the Internet is for.
I just watch E3 for the cringe train wreck comedy presenters and the corporate Doucette bags who get on stage with a open collared shirt and hair cuts that belong on someone 20 years younger than them.
Also to play a drinking game of how many marketing "buzz words" they use in their presentations.
I'm always interested in E3 just to see the trainwrecks.
Yes, since i'm not a Nintendo fan