Why there so many different SABERS?
Why there so many different SABERS?
dragon tits doesnt even look like a saber though
For porn
Time is convoluted.
wheres my BLACKED porn
The one, true Saber.
plz gib me saber wallpaper plz ill luv u rong tim
Because fucking Type-Moon can't into stories.
That's why they keep rehashing Fate/Night and Tsukihime
>big breasted cute shut in girls are my fetish
>they don't exist in real life
should I just end myself?
>The Lady of the Lake chose a king who couldn't even swim
She can walk on water, swimming is an entirely different thing all together
they exist but are big breasted and fat
Cheaper then making interesting stories...I mean have you actually read the Fate stuff? It's just a clusterfuck of awful and nonsense.
I mean. The chick(i think you can call it a chick)was concieved when merlin made sabre into a dickgirl and she fucked and knocked up her half sister.
This is 100% canon.
Here is what you do when you want to get into the fate universe.
Watch the recent Fate UBW and just assume that the universe does not exist outside of that. You will be a lot happier.
Is Jeanne a saber?
We should discuss about Grand Servants instead. And Fate/Grand Order
Saber a cute! Cute!
Yes, you can call it a chick, you smarmy ass, just because Mordred gets into a hissyfit when called a girl doesn't mean she isn't.
You'll end up with more takers if it was rider or the mage girl..what's her face.
Sabre is kind of overplayed.
I wish they would rehash Tsukihime, it means we'd get more of it.
is there a saber who isnt a used up whore?
They're real, but you'll probably never meet one since you know...they're shut-ins.
Was fathered by a dickgirl and hates being called or treated like a chick..so...there's a 99% chance it has a dick.
So...no. I will continue to be confused and also skeeved out.
It seems like the breasts of the woman you have posted OP are very large. E cup at the very least.
Jannu Alter is whore though
Okay first off stop with the ellipse, second, Mordred doesn't have a dick, and third "skeeved out"? Are you a fucking mall rat?
Why do they put nipples on the top of the breasts? Nipples that are low are infinitely better. The implication of weight is god tier
no thanks
>they're real
somehow I doubt this
Jeanne Alter is a weird bullshit with bullshit coating character
sounds like every character in the series
Nope, she's a Ruler. Whatever that is
what is the point of all these sabers
isnt there a baseball saber now
I want to impregnate a small-breasted Saber
>isnt there a baseball saber now
>somehow I doubt this
Why? It's not hard to believe a cute girl with big tits is such a giant autist, or so incredibly shy, that they're a complete hikki and don't interact with the outside world.
Saber a boring.
"saber" is a character class, there are several different Heroic Spirits that fit into the class.
There are also several versions of the same Heroic Spirit, because it's a series of VNs with branching stories and there are different versions of the same character in differing timelines.
For real though the artist is just a huge gay who can't even follow written character descriptions and draws his waifu instead.
>"saber" is a character class, there are several different Heroic Spirits that fit into the class.
We both know what OP meant. Even Gawain is literally just rule 63 Arturia
probably because they will more than likely be fat
reality just sucks like that
Literal bottom tier waifu.
My best mate is dating one right now.
She's not fat or anything either.
The only thing is they are annoyingly cutesy with each other, and she is a bit sensitive to criticism (not defensive to it, just says sorry all the time if you say anything negative about her).
worms detected
delete this
101J according to her profile
What are you doing here Sion.
Saber is for homos. Real men know Astolfo is the best servant.
>Low test
Wait what does test even mean?
God UBWfags are disgusting. T
fuck me man
Testosterone. Frankly I've never understood how it connects to what women you find attractive, if anything if you're low test then nothing should be giving you a boner.
Wait a minute, that pool....
This is Attila the Hun, the mightiest warlord of all and the general that scorched Europe beneath her heels.
She would also very much like it if you called her by her pet name and not Attila, and maybe took her out to do cute things that don't involve destruction, since she never got a chance to do them in life.
It's the other way around user, vanilla Jeanne wants the dragondick while Jeanne Alter is pure as fuck.
> she
Atilla was a guy
>nipples in a ridiculously high position
Just make the fucking shirt lower retard artist
Reminder that Fate/Grand Order and its canon storyline are all that matters anymore in Fate. Also quartz.
I'm sorry user, but this is very clearly a girl.
A cute, reserved girl that may or may not be an alien, and more importantly would appreciate it if you would call her Altera instead.
I see.
>trying to debate genders in Nasuverse
Oh you poor simple idiot
Pic related is Jack the Ripper
My history boner is going nuts right now.
Damn you nips.
FGO makes me worry for the Tsukihime remake.
Insane Gudako is the best thing that came out of F/GO. Also those comics.
To be fair, pic related is ALSO Jack the Ripper. Except not really, because he's a formless concept that can become literally anyone at any time, because no one knows who Jack the Ripper really was.
I'm not sure I understand the premise for this show.
So there's some heroes or whatever that are definitively more powerful than others but there's also varying strength and shit based on the persons magic?
Also, the Deen anime is fucking shit. SABER! SABER! Saber? Saber!?
> not fat or anything
> gets basically zero exercise
> somehow has wide childbirtthing hips and huge tits without being a fugly landwhale
I don't believe it
>So there's some heroes or whatever that are definitively more powerful than others but there's also varying strength and shit based on the persons magic?
The heroes summoned need magic from the people that summoned them to survive, and if the summoner cannot provide enough they get nerfed. That's why under Shirou Saber was nerfed to shit, and had trouble using all her abilities.
But yes, some heroes are objectively stronger than others.
How in fucks name did you realize that?
Just a reminder to everyone that Lancelot is the strongest Servant in Fate. Gil struggled against him and in new FGO story he didn't even die against main chars, unlike that Gil fag.
This is Lu Bu, after attaining the level of Super Saiyan 3.
I'll still pursue him.