What ever happend to this promising game?
Cyberpunk 2077
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Shameless Self-Bump
Valve bought the rights. Now its demo ships with Episode 3
The game didn't exist. From what I can discern the team that would've been working on it was actually assigned to dlc for the witcher 3, then they dropped the guy who made cyberpunk? Additionally they totally haven't re-released the pen and paper cp2020 like they said they would.
>announce game
>2-6 years before a release date
when will this shit stop
I thought the "2077" part was just the title, I didn't know it was the release date.
so its going to be a year or two
They told in an interview that they will not talk about cyberpunk till it will be ready for premiere. Just like Bethesda do with Fallout 4
Well Fallout 4 was never like publicly announced until it was ready to be released
One of the things i did like about how they handled that game is that shortly after they announced it, it was out
>tfw cyberpunk 2077 will be released, your hardware wont be good enough for it
announcement was to attract developers to the studio
I guarantee a gtx 1070 will run 40fps + with minimum settings
>falling for the novideo meme
what engine are they using anyways?
updated Witcher 3 engine at least
hope they get better hair tech this time
i hope they dont go with jewworks againaaa
thye learned some lessons in w3 about what pisses off the vocal minorities and factor that into their decision making
They forgot they had to make TW3 and spend a year post launch making 2 expansion.
I wouldn't expect the game until fall 2017 at the very earliest but knowing CDPR and their OCD I'd guess spring or fall 2018.
Rock music has no place in Cyberpunk. I hope this or similar songs never make it into the game.
>Rock music has no place in Cyberpunk
>literally a class called rockerboy
its hard to make a guess about release date, they could delay it over and over because they made it so large and have to spend ages polishing everything
in any case they need LOTS of music, having 3 different composers wouldnt be suprising
>promising game
We never even saw any gameplay
Do you understand that "rocking out" has nothing to do with rock music?
people thought w3 and its expansions were best thing ever so obviously the next cdpr game is by default promising.
>cyberpunk setting
'nuff said
cyberpunk is a meme genre
no, team was split most ppl were working on dlc but part of team started base work for cyberpunk, to be fair they said that cyberpunk will be released late 2017 in best case scenario while more realistic is 2018-2019. There was short interview with them in polish magazine few weeks ago and they said the game is coming together nicely but it will take time as it is huge compared to witcher 3.
Seeing how they handled the sound side of TW3 I'm confident the CP2077 music will be amazing if not groundbreaking.
>made in the 80s
>rock music has nothing to do with it
nobody is saying Bryan Adams is writing the soundtrack, but you're retarded if you think there's no rock music in Cyberpunk
> information technology and cybernetics, juxtaposed with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order
its not easy genre to digest for very young people
80s wasn't at all about rock. At best it would've been metal. But even then the gutter culture should have no relevance to 2077. Advance in technology is only best accompanied with electronic synth music. Eletric guitar music are outdated and not good for building a future landscape.
yea, and "punk" is literally a form of rock, where the whole -punk thing comes from
What if they get Marty Friedmann on board with his insane japaneese metal sensibilities?
it's being developed, so CDPR can deliver on their promise, release: when it's ready
You see that girl you can see on a poster on the background?
She's Alt Cunningham., Johnny Silverhand's girlfriend one of the most iconic rockerboy in the world.
CDPR is done with the Witcher franchise and they are putting almost everything into Cyberpunk. Should probably be coming out in 2018.
the release window is 2017-2021, but they will release one more game in that window, so Cyberpunk + something unannounced (I'm thinking online gwent)
It's based on Cyberpunk 2020.
2077 is the releae date.
>tfw Poland has like 30 awesome metal bands including Behemoth, Vader, Riverside, Acid Drinkers, KAT, Decapitated, Sceptic, UnSun etc.
>tfw they will provide the music
>Seeing how they handled the sound side of TW3
Yeah, by making the OST worse than the one in TW1.
>post-TW3 CDPR
You should be extremely cautious if anything.
I thought it wasn't tied into the Witcher series? Whatever it is I am expecting it to be a small game.
>where the whole -punk thing comes from
>Of uncertain origin. Possibly from the application of the sense punk (“rotten wood dust used as tinder”) (see below) to anything worthless (that sense being attested since 1869), and then to any undesirable person (since 1908). The word is alternatively sometimes suggested to derive from Spanish pu(n)to (“prostitute”); this is supported by the sense development (it originally meant "prostitute", then "bottom, catamite"), but is phonologically unstraightforward.
>Marty Friedmann
LITERALLY WHO? He'll be dead by 2077.
Rock is a mistake in a cyberpunk setting. It's about the rebelion, rock music isn't supposed to be it but somehow it is. Rock in a cyberpunk setting doesn't fare well at all.
>Yeah, by making the OST worse than the one in TW1.
It's arguable, but I'd say it's still better than W2 ost.
>Cyberpunk, a game announced a long time ago
>people hype it up
>one trailer that barely does anything else than announcing the game still exists
>no trace of gameplay yet
i can pretty much tell when this game comes out the buzzword for it is going to be "underwhelming"
Not denying that, TW2's OST wasn't memorable at all.
>It's about the rebelion, rock music isn't supposed to be it but somehow it is. Rock in a cyberpunk setting doesn't fare well at all.
Make it a crazy speed/thrash metal
>in cyberpunk
Doesn't get any more retarded than this.
It would be if that's the only music in there.
It would be stupid to not include metal music as well.
I obviously want some amazing electronic music, acid house and whatnot, maybe something totally new.
CDPR said, that they want graphics in the game on the same level as in the trailer, that's their target
Not to mention that they keep hyping it up. Constantly..
Addendum: pls no Kavinsky or other neo80's music, it's going to get out of fashion pretty quick
They literally say that about every fucking game, to get graphics that good you would need a fucking powerhouse of a PC just to get a stable framerate
They literally have no idea where to go with this shitty game idea and they are buying all the time they can
>those links
Jesus chirst, those titles have to be a fucking joke
That shit would it pretty well desu
Like some said, a lot of hings can fit.
>TW3 music
>enter battle
What's wrong? That's a great song.
>They literally have no idea where to go with this shitty game idea
What? They sold the idea of a game to Pondsmith so they must have something solid going.
I bet it's going to be based on Silverhand's and Alt's story as some other user said.
Cyberpunk is scheduled for this year, Q4, but everyone in the company pretty much knows it's going to get pushed back.
also proof: JP2JMD
They've been pretty busy with TW3. I'm not worried.
What's that even supposed to be?
Looks like a Polish meme to me
John Paul II Fucked Little Children
I wouldn't believe this guy
Didn't they recently say they were just finishing up the dev tools, as in they haven't even started working on the game yet...
I just hope it's not bland.
Cyberpunk should be over the top insane, but most cyberpunk stuff we've seen over the years is pretty constricted.
They're reworking the dev tools, but the good chunk of the game is already done. They're just tweaking some stuff.
Also, probably some kind of multiplayer, insiders say the main inspiration is Dark Souls.
>insiders say the main inspiration is Dark Souls
They said similar things about TW2, that doesn't have to imply multiplayer. In fact, multiplayer probably isn't the first thing most people think of when it comes to Dark Souls.