>Doom 4 is an "arena shooter" while having movement speed and aerial control on par with halo
It's like holding an Olympic swim meet in a kiddie pool.
Case in point: youtube.com
>Doom 4 is an "arena shooter" while having movement speed and aerial control on par with halo
It's like holding an Olympic swim meet in a kiddie pool.
Case in point: youtube.com
Other urls found in this thread:
>caring about multiplayer in doom
kys m8
i'm pretty sure it was never referred to as an "arena shooter" by anyone involved in making it
for bonus points, tell me what an arena shooter is, without using the term to identify any games that never used the term themselves
>NOT caring about multiplayer in doom
someone didnt have a 14k modem back in the early 90's.
Go back to Quake Live, weebshit.
Don't forget map control, casual as shit mantling system instead of simply being able to jump up to the platform, mega-casual demon powerup which makes for free kills, 30 fps, et cetera
also not being able to hold all the weapons at once and instead having a shit eating casual loadout system, which induces randomness into the equation which is what made halo 4 and 5 pieces of shit too
L I T E R A L L Y W H O?
>fatter and still has smaller tits
feel bad for her tbqh. shit genetics
sauce me on that pic M. Night Famalan
thats what she gets for being a hispaniard
you're right, but we already talked about it a hundred times
now play reflex or ut4 or warsow with me
i need to not be alone in my skill-based movement-based FPS love
How can chestlets even compete?
spanish girls have nice tits though
By bringing attention to their selves in other ways. Seen here is the pout, baiting you into feeling for this lower grade of human being.
i want to pityfuck that washboard
literally would only date the one in the middle, the ugly sluts
>huge disgusting fat chick
>has the smallest tits
only want middle
Breast envy is top tier
also, one on the left is actively covering her belly fat. fucking disgraceful.
>30 fps
God I hate arenafags with a passion. There is a reason faggots A FUCKING REASON why your shitty shooter genre is dead. It is a relic of the past. Not everything needs to be stupid fast like these shooters. Every attempt at revivng this shit genre fails because the only arenafags left are a very fringe amount of shitposters on the internet that don't even play these shooters anyways. I'm starting to think the true fanbase for arena fanboys is actually much less than we even know.
Good taste gentleman
you serious nigga ?
Yes, I'm looking forward to it but if it's locked to 30fps I'm not buying that shit.
>30 fps
so play it on pc fagface
literally dead because babbys like you cant git gud kys
could you imagine being this bad and unaware
bless you child
pats head
ugly skanks
>girl in the back is 7/10 with perfect tits
>girl in the front is 5/10 with sagging cowtits
atleast she's not fat
>>girl in the back is 7/10 with perfect tits
what are you smoking
>being this salt
You can have the one in back ill take the one in front
>People prefer an arena shooter that takes skill instead of jump around and spray and pray.
kiss too
>easy, medium, hard
Arena shooters have everyone start with the same gun and everything else weapons/armor are picked up of the map. Absolutely nothing carries over from over round to the next. By definition Halo 1-3 are arena shooters. Movement techniques and speed are not a requirement.
Loadouts are enough to stop a game from being an arena shooter.
wew lad you are talking about human beans you know, not cheap objects HUH ...
source on all these big chested but otherwise normal looking girls
Fuck you stupid faggots. Arena shooters died because nobody gives two fucks about them. Considering the responses you three gave I would bet you guys don't even play them yourselves and only shitpost about them.
Go play the new unreal or just stfu.
>source on all these big chested but otherwise normal looking girls
Fatness is the source of their tits.
Sure chestlet
top kek lad
ugh that face
but cowtits are my kyptonite
anyone got sauce?
Jesus fucking Christ size comparison is my fetish. Why do you have to do this to me?
Don't underestimate how shit a gamepad can make a game look.
>girl in the back is 7/10 with perfect tits
>game is meant to be played
jesus christ i dont want another goyworks game
>one day left in my 3 month NoFap
>find this thread
Oh god I hope this shit actually gets fucking support and someone makes a new OS to fit this shit in. I am tired of the DirectX monopoly and I sure as fuck don't want to "upgrade" to Windows 10.
pls post more fat tits pls, off topic tits are my fetish
>breast envy
I thought I was weird for liking this
Top taste brah
its you being a loudmouth faggot, not us
If Quake three is an olympic swimming pool then these guys are masters at bombing.
Literally all this is are people circling a map to maximise item pickup, jumping to maximise avoidance and firing rockets if an enemy is nearby (or to boost away). It's not fun, and it has a low skill cap.
What part of that youtube video makes you think any of that was 'perfuctly timed'? It's not. Early gen FPS's have LESS features for players to account for, LESS objectives, and by extension a LOWER skill cap. Once you've reached that skill cap it's basically up to RNG whether you win or not.
The only people who find this stuff impressive are people who play for fun. Breaking a game like that is decidedly not fun. It's rote memorisation combined with twitch reflexes that vary so little from person to person as to make no difference. In fact, that's EXACTLY the reason rocket launchers are used. As soon as the enemy is on the screen, you fire and hope for the best. Notice how they don't actually aim? Do you HONESTLY think they're predicting enemy movements in such a short amount of time? If you believe that, you believe Quake players transcend the natural latency of the fucking human brain.
I know all this because I do play games professionally, I make money off it, and 90% of the time it's decidedly less fun to break a game for the sole purposes of winning.
When games come along that actually make trying to win and trying to have fun mutually inclusive whiny casuals impressed by ten year old games like to project their insecurities by saying the game they've finally mastered but nobody plays anymore is actually "more hardcore".
dear lord, is there more of Ms Cowtits Semendemon?
Here you go, son.
just google "fat camwhore"
The original Halo games were also arena shooters.
The original Halo games actually have far more in common with the older Arena shooters than Doom (2016) does.
>no fap
Who even does this?
God damn I have this bitch added on snapchat and it's the biggest fucking waste of time ever. Never does anything even remotely sexual, just her pimping her twitch channel and occasionally walking down the street with a camera pointed at her tits for like 3 seconds then pan up to her face for 7 seconds. Fucking shit.
No, thank you. Don't want to watch your camshow.
I have never seen shittier taste than this
not sure if envious female or baiting
People with prostatitis.
>I know all this because I do play games professionally, I make money off it, and 90% of the time it's decidedly less fun to break a game for the sole purposes of winning.
prove it
why are big tits so fucking good?
They just are
What does having breasts feel like?
Because they're the breast
shitty pun i know
They suggest health and sexual maturity in a female.
Also, they look (and are) plush and fun to touch.
video actually made me feel ill.
100% shopped
I'm mostly looking forward to the single player and using Snapmap to attempt to recreate Doom 64 levels.
I've played the closed alpha, the closed beta, and open beta. And it still blows. They should of at least had more boxes besides TDM and mobile KOTH.
If a woman's tits are anything over twice the size of a fellas fist.
They better be real
They better be fucking pert
Or at the very least supported well by a great physique
Or they're a fucking blight on humanity
>adding professional whores on snapchat
Not even once. If you are looking for porn, you are much better off getting names off various social media platforms.
calm down, you pathetic virgin.
New Doom looks good. Have it preordered. Will gladly purchase all dlc to.
Sure, ms. Ham.
She's not even a professional whore though. Also, Hitomi shows her tits all the fucking time on Snapchat. Himiwako is just an attentionwhore.
Because they indicate fertility , nutrition , higher chance for a healthy baby and they are what you suckled on when you were a baby.
Our society has brainwashed us through different media to be obsessed with breasts. Many tribes have their women walk around bare breasted and the bosom is not even sexual. I am actually curious if these tribal men play with the tits when they fuck.
Also #2:
They are soft, cuddly , warm fun to suck and fun to clasp with your hands.
I also like the weight of them hitting my face.
They also jiggle around and in general are smooth and round.
They are perfect.
because they look like big jiggly asses, from an evolutionary standpoint
people started fucking face up instead of doggy so tits grew as a feminine quality you can see while you're on top
one can conclude that objectively speaking, tits are a mere imitation ass. from a logical standpoint ass> tits . you can't fuck tits anyway, not like a good ass that pushes back.
>the thread with the least shitposting in it on Sup Forums isn't even about video games
Stop projecting desert dick.
Most women don't exercise at all
Anything over twice as large as a fist is going to look like fucking knee pads, and they'll be doing the aunt Jemima saggy-pad shuffle in no time.
>speedrunning whore tries to half laugh
I still don't understand how all of a sudden the girl also has cowtits in that other scene.
>this is what niggers believe
Only low IQ people obsess over ass
reminder not to listen to weeaboo niggers
>applying the nigger meme
>to a man of science
I've had sex with more women than you ever will and contact with women on a daily basis.
You don't know what you're talking about, pathetic virgin. Go back to wanking to cartoons of 7 year olds.